
Unintentional actions lead to catastrophe: a father-daughter frolicking accident triggers a safety warning

author:Thinking about the media

Unintentional actions lead to catastrophe: a father-daughter frolicking accident triggers a safety warning

A seemingly ordinary parent-child frolic unexpectedly escalated into a thrilling scene. When a man was playing with his daughter, he was accidentally strangled by his daughter in the form of "naked strangle", causing him to lose consciousness instantly, and both father and daughter fell to the ground with the back of their heads on the ground. This incident not only made the family deeply afraid, but also aroused widespread attention and discussion on the Internet.

Unintentional actions lead to catastrophe: a father-daughter frolicking accident triggers a safety warning

It is reported that on the day of the incident, his daughter suddenly hugged his neck from behind and tried to be coquettish. However, because the man was busy with other things, he did not hold his daughter with his hand in time, causing the daughter to inadvertently strangle his carotid artery. Just seconds later, the man lost consciousness and fell backwards, falling heavily to the ground with his daughter. Fortunately, since the back hit the ground first, it acted as a cushion and avoided more serious consequences.

Unintentional actions lead to catastrophe: a father-daughter frolicking accident triggers a safety warning

After falling to the ground, the man fell into a coma for a while, and his body convulsed from time to time. The daughter was also frightened by this sudden change and forgot to cry. It wasn't until the father woke up that the daughter came to her senses, hugged her father and cried. This scene not only panicked the family members present, but also worried netizens on the other side of the network.

Unintentional actions lead to catastrophe: a father-daughter frolicking accident triggers a safety warning

Subsequently, the man immediately took his daughter to the hospital for a check-up. After careful examination by doctors, it was confirmed that neither father nor daughter had suffered serious injuries. This is undoubtedly good news, but it is also a wake-up call for all parents.

"Rear-naked choke" is a commonly used technique in judo, mixed martial arts, and other sports that subdue opponents by restricting blood flow to the brain by strangling their carotid arteries. However, in parent-child play, this seemingly innocuous action can have serious consequences. Especially in the process of children's gradual strength, parents should be more vigilant to avoid similar accidents.

Unintentional actions lead to catastrophe: a father-daughter frolicking accident triggers a safety warning

In fact, this incident is not an isolated case. On the Internet, many netizens also shared their own experiences or those around them who were injured due to similar actions. Some parents fainted because of their children's "naked stranding", and some sprained their waists because of their children's "bear hugs". These seemingly inconspicuous small actions often hide great dangers.

In the process of playing with children, parents should not only pay attention to the fun of interaction, but also pay attention to the safety of children. For some dangerous actions of children, parents should stop and educate in time. At the same time, parents should also improve their own safety awareness to avoid accidents caused by negligence.

Source: Comprehensive Sichuan Observation News Night Shift and other media reports

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity, etc

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