
Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

author:Thinking about the media

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

You may think that health is about drinking goji berry water, eating health supplements, or running for an hour every day. But have you ever heard of a heart that can be made with a slap on your arm? Or stretch to release stress on your liver? Today, we're going to reveal five deceptively simple but surprisingly effective health practices that will not only keep your internal organs excited from sleep, but also easy to practice in your daily life. You ready? Let's start this five-organ carnival journey together!

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

Tiptoe Battle: Awaken the sleeping kidney power

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

Imagine you're standing in line at the supermarket to check out and suddenly start standing on tiptoe. The person next to you may look at you in strange eyes, but you are in the middle of a secret operation related to kidney health!

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

According to the China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 100 times a day on tiptoe exercise can significantly improve kidney function. This number may seem exaggerated, but in fact, long-term observation has found that people who adhere to this habit do have significant improvements in kidney function.

So why does tiptoeing have such a miraculous effect on the kidneys? Traditional Chinese medicine theory holds that the springs on the soles of our feet are directly connected to the kidney meridians. By tiptoeing, we can stimulate this important acupuncture point, thereby activating the entire kidney meridian and promoting kidney function.

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

But be aware that more tiptoe is not always better. A friend of mine who suffers from high blood pressure heard about the benefits of tiptoeing and tiptoed 500 times a day. As a result, within a week, his ankle was swollen like a small balloon. So, moderation is key!

Flap your arms: Let your heart dance

You may ask, how can a slap of the arm have anything to do with heart health? Don't worry, let's uncover this seemingly incredible health secret.

In TCM theory, there are two important meridians on the inside of the arm: the heart meridian and the pericardial meridian. These two meridians are like highways connecting the heart, and by tapping our arms, we can give the heart a gentle but effective stimulation, like giving the heart a gentle massage.

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

I have a friend who is a typical office white-collar worker who is sedentary for a long time and often feels chest tightness and shortness of breath. At my suggestion, he started slapping his arms for 5 minutes a day. Miraculously, after only two weeks, he felt so much breathing that he was no longer out of breath when he climbed the stairs.

However, keep in mind that slapping your arm isn't as hard as possible. Imagine you're gently patting a baby, with gentle and rhythmic force. Pushing too hard can backfire and cause muscle soreness.

Stretch your back: Free captive liver cells

Now, let's talk about one of the most overlooked wellness movements: stretching. You may be thinking, isn't stretching just a natural action to wake up? How can it still become a health regimen?

In fact, stretching is more than just a simple stretch, it has an incredible impact on our liver health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver likes to be smooth, and the modern lifestyle of maintaining a posture for a long time, especially sitting or lying down for a long time, can easily lead to liver qi stagnation.

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

Imagine your liver cells are imprisoned in a small space, unable to move. Stretching your waist is like opening the door to a cage and setting these cells free. Every time you stretch, you're helping your liver stretch and promote blood circulation in your liver.

Interestingly, in a study of office workers, it was found that employees who stretched regularly every day not only improved liver function indicators, but also increased their productivity by 15%. So, the next time you're stretching in the office and your boss looks at you in strange eyes, you can proudly tell him: I'm making me more productive!

Massage the abdomen: Awaken the sleeping digestive system

Five "earth-shattering" health care actions will make your five organs cheer!

When it comes to massaging the abdomen, many people's first instinct is probably to lose weight. However, this simple action is actually a powerful spleen and stomach maintenance method.

Our abdomen is home to vital organs such as the spleen, stomach, and liver, and is like the "central processing unit" of the human body. By massaging the abdomen, we can stimulate the meridians associated with these organs, promote digestion and enhance metabolism.

I have a food blogger friend who often needs to taste various foods because of his work, which leads to frequent digestive problems. After adopting the habit of abdominal massage 10 minutes before bedtime every day, she not only relieved her indigestion problems, but also unexpectedly found that her appetite became more moderate and she no longer had the urge to overeat.

However, it is important to note that abdominal massage is not always better if you push harder. Imagine you're gently rubbing a delicate flower, gently and consistently. Massage in a clockwise direction promotes digestion, while counterclockwise helps with bowel movements.

Take a deep breath: Let the lobes of your lungs revel

In this age of masks, our lungs always seem to be in a "semi-closed" state. However, with the right approach to deep breathing, we can create a private oxygen bar at home and let the lobes of our lungs binge.

Many people may think that breathing is not just inhaling and exhaling? Still need to learn? In fact, most people's daily breathing is shallow, fast chest breathing, which uses only a fraction of the capacity of the lungs.

In contrast, abdominal breathing makes full use of the capacity of the lungs and increases oxygen intake. One study showed that people who breathed 30 minutes a day increased their lung capacity by an average of 20 percent, and were also effective in relieving stress and anxiety.

Try this: sit upright or lie flat with one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Inhale slowly and feel your belly bulge, then exhale slowly and feel your belly fall. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but with the practice, you will find that your breathing becomes more natural and deep.

The five organs are raised, and the rivers and lakes are proud

Through these five seemingly simple but amazing small actions, we can easily achieve the maintenance of the five organs in our daily life. From flapping our arms to taking deep breaths, every movement is like a precious gift to our body.

Wellness is no longer an unattainable dream, but a habit that can be integrated into life. Imagine tiptoeing in line, massaging your abdomen while watching TV, and stretching between work, all of which add up to the best investment in your health.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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