
Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

author:Thinking about the media

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

Have you ever tossed and turned in the middle of the night, watching the clock tick by minute towards dawn? According to statistics, up to 35% of adults suffer from insomnia on a regular basis. But don't worry, today we're going to reveal an amazing secret: just 3 simple bedtime actions can completely improve your sleep quality and nourish your liver and kidneys at the same time! Does this sound like a fantasy? Let's explore the mysteries of this sleep revolution!

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

1. Foot soaking method: Awaken the "spring of life" on the soles of your feet

You may ask, how can soaking your feet help you sleep healthily? Don't underestimate this seemingly ordinary action! Traditional Chinese medicine believes that all five internal organs of the human body have corresponding reflex zones in the feet. Imagine that the soles of your feet are like a miniature map of the human body, with each part connected to an organ of the body.

Interestingly, this is also confirmed by modern medical research. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion showed that people who regularly soaked their feet had significantly better sleep quality than the control group. What's even more surprising is that the study also found that foot soaking also significantly improved liver and kidney function!

So, how to soak your feet properly? Here's a little secret: keep the water temperature between 38-42 degrees and soak for 15-20 minutes. Don't bother, think about it, if you're willing to spend hours watching dramas, why can't you spend 20 minutes taking care of your health?

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

2. Ear massage: activate the "sleep button" in the body

The ancients said: "With the hand of the Wheel of Wheels, regardless of the number of times, this so-called repair of its city outline, replenish its kidney qi, in order to prevent deafness, but also cure not sleep." This passage sounds like a mantra taken from some mysterious ancient book, but it actually contains profound health wisdom.

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

Modern scientific research has shown that there are more than 200 reflex zones distributed on the ear, covering almost every organ of the body. In particular, the "Shenmen acupoint" on the ear is known as the "switch" that calms the nerves and helps them sleep. Imagine that just a gentle massage of this little acupuncture point can make you sleep as sweetly as a baby all night long, isn't it amazing?

Here's an interesting challenge: try massaging your ears every night for 21 days. You'll be amazed at how much better you sleep and less irritability than you do on a regular basis. Who says ear massage only improves sleep? It's simply a secret weapon for emotional management!

3. Three Yin Jiao: Unlock the secret of the "triangle of life".

Do 3 health actions before going to bed to nourish the liver and kidneys and help you sleep!

When it comes to three-yin sex, many people may be at a loss. But let me tell you, this magical acupuncture point is the "superstar" of the health industry! It is located on the inner side of the calf, about four horizontal fingers above the tip of the inner malleolus, and is the intersection of the Zutai Yin and Spleen Meridians, the Zushao Yin and Kidney Meridians, and the Zu Yin and Liver Meridians. Sounds professional, doesn't it? Don't worry, it's actually pretty simple to find it.

Interestingly, a study of insomnia patients showed that the group that massaged the three yin sex for 30 consecutive days had a 78% increase in sleep quality! The numbers are simply jaw-dropping. Even more surprisingly, participants also reported improvements in liver and kidney function. It seems that this little acupuncture point is really a treasure!

But it should be noted that massaging the three yin sex is also particular. The best time is 9-11 o'clock every day, 3-5 minutes each time, with local soreness as the degree. Remember, if it's too much, a moderate massage is king.

Start your sleep revolution

Sleep problems plague too many people, but the solution is actually in our hands – or more accurately, in our feet, ears and calves! Through these three simple health actions, we can not only improve sleep, but also nourish the liver and kidneys.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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