
Dog Days Schedule 2024: Your Survival Challenge Schedule

author:Thinking about the media

Dog Days Schedule 2024: Your Survival Challenge Schedule

Dear readers, are you ready for the test of 2024? That's right, I'm talking about the upcoming dog days! The 40 days of the year, which are claimed to be the most susceptible to illness, are coming, and it's more ferocious than you think. According to statistics, the number of hospital visits during the dog days skyrocketed by 50% compared to usual! But don't panic, today we will decipher this "roasted" season together, and see how both men, women and children should survive this "devil's period" safely.

Dog Days Schedule 2024: Your Survival Challenge Schedule

Dog Days Schedule 2024: Your Survival Challenge Schedule

First, let's take a look at the "dog days" in 2024:

Dog Days Schedule 2024: Your Survival Challenge Schedule

- First Days: July 16 - July 25 (10 days)

- Mid-volt: July 26 – August 14 (20 days)

- Last Days: August 15 - August 24 (10 days)

That's right, a full 40 days! It's not a vacation, it's a long game. You think it's just a calendar? No, this is your Survival Challenge schedule!

Why are dog days so scary?

1. Triple pinching: high temperature, high humidity, high pressure

Imagine you're standing in a giant steamer. Above is a large transparent lid in the scorching sun (subtropical high pressure), and below is a large boiler on the surface that is heating up (surface temperature accumulation), surrounded by water vapor (high humidity) that will leave you breathless. This is the "Triple Deluxe Package" for you on dog days!

### 2. Hot and cold: A hidden health killer

But, friends, the real danger does not come from the heat, but from the cold evil that hides in the shadows! Yes, you heard it right. In this season when everyone is crazy about the pursuit of coolness, excessive greed for coolness is the biggest health hazard.

A unisex dog day survival guide

1. Subvert common sense: protect yourself from the cold in summer!

- Avoid staying in an air-conditioned room for long periods of time and turn up the air-conditioning temperature to 26-28°C.

- Do not blow directly into the fan or air conditioner outlet.

- Do not open the window cracks when sleeping to prevent "false evil and thieves".

2. The Food Revolution: The "Three Character Classics" of Dog Days

Meat: Eat mutton in ambush

That's right, lamb! It warms and dispels cold and helps the body defend against potential cold evils. When you have a splitting headache after blowing the air conditioner all night, a bowl of hot lamb soup could be your savior!

Dog Days Schedule 2024: Your Survival Challenge Schedule

Melon: Remember the "Three Melons" alliance

- Bitter melon: A little expert in clearing away heat and relieving heat.

- Loofah: Dispels wind and dissolves phlegm, especially suitable for coughing.

- Winter melon: clears away heat and dissolves phlegm, and can also help lose weight.

Water: Room temperature is king

Put down your icy drink in your hand! Room temperature water is true love. Take 3 slices of vinegar and ginger every morning, which can not only dispel cold but also appetize.

3. Exercise wisely: A new option for morning exercise

Dog days are best for morning exercises. When the sun first comes out, the air is fresh and the temperature is moderate. It is recommended to choose low-intensity exercises such as tai chi and yoga to exercise the body without excessive energy consumption.

Special reminder: high-risk groups should be extra careful

- Older adults: Reduce the risk of heat stroke and avoid strenuous exercise.

- Pregnant women: Stay hydrated and avoid going out for long periods of time.

- Patients with chronic diseases: take your medications regularly and monitor your physical condition closely.

40 days to determine your health throughout the year

Friends, these 40 days are not only a struggle against the heat, but also an opportunity to rediscover your own body. Remember, protection from the cold is more important than protection from heatstroke, room temperature is healthier than cold, and moderate exercise is more beneficial than lying lazily.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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