
How to correctly judge cerebral infarction?

author:Pharmacist Pei popularizes science medicine

Cerebral infarction is becoming more and more common in daily life, and our understanding of cerebral infarction also needs to be highly improved.

How to correctly judge cerebral infarction?

Observe symptoms:

dizziness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, aphasia, and even coma, etc.;

Cranial nerve symptoms: eyes turned to one side, facial paralysis, choking on drinking water or difficulty swallowing;

Somatic symptoms: hemiplegia of one limb, decreased sensation on one side, unsteady gait, stool irregularities.

Look at a face: observe whether the face is symmetrical, whether there are crooked corners of the mouth;

Check both arms: raise both arms flat to see if there is unilateral weakness;

Listening language: whether there is slurred language and difficulty in expression;

Abnormalities in any of these should raise suspicion of stroke.

How to correctly judge cerebral infarction?

Daily dietary precautions:

Develop good lifestyle habits:

Adhere to moderate exercise, such as: playing ball, swimming, walking, brisk walking, slow walking, etc., to enhance physical fitness and promote blood circulation;

Reasonable diet: low-salt and low-fat diet, less fatty meat, action offal, fried food and other high-oil, high-fat diet, salt intake of about 6 grams;

Quit smoking and alcohol: repeated stimulation of nicotine and alcohol will soften blood vessels and increase fragility, so they should be avoided as much as possible;

Control of risk factors:

How to correctly judge cerebral infarction?

High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia are all high-risk factors for cerebral infarction.