
Yan Baochang: The Enemy Makes a Tragedy, Compatriots Are Tortured -- Suiyuan Province's "April 3rd Tragedy" (4)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The Enemy Makes a Tragedy and Compatriots Are Tortured -- Suiyuan Province's "43 Tragedy" (4)


Yan Baochang: The Enemy Makes a Tragedy, Compatriots Are Tortured -- Suiyuan Province's "April 3rd Tragedy" (4)
Yan Baochang: The Enemy Makes a Tragedy, Compatriots Are Tortured -- Suiyuan Province's "April 3rd Tragedy" (4)
Yan Baochang: The Enemy Makes a Tragedy, Compatriots Are Tortured -- Suiyuan Province's "April 3rd Tragedy" (4)

As soon as we were arrested, more than 90 of us were detained in three places, one was the Xincheng Police Station, the other was the Old City Police Station (south of the current Xingsheng Street Dongkou Road), and the other was the Japanese Gendarmerie (the current west section of Zhongshan West Road - the former Dongshuncheng Street Road North). At first, the enemy interrogated us in three separate places. The so-called "interrogation" is to use the cruel and inhumane criminal law to force us to confess to the crime of "anti-Mongolian and anti-Japanese".

The so-called "anti-Mongolian" refers to the pseudo-"Mongolian-Xinjiang United Autonomous Government" that opposes the "King of Germany." Those arrested were all patriotic youths who hated Japanese imperialism, and it was a fact that they were "anti-Mongolian and anti-Japanese," but no one admitted their guilt in front of the enemy. So, the enemy frightened us with a fight to the death, and later really killed our comrades.

Within a few days of being imprisoned, I heard that Yan Yong had been beaten to death. Then the bad news ensued, one day saying that someone had been killed, and the next day that someone had been killed.

The torture of the Japanese was ineffective, and the force involved in the three detentions was too great, which was very nerve-wracking. So, in a courtyard south of Guandi Temple Street in Xincheng, an agency was set up specifically for this case, called the "Search Headquarters". There were several teams under the search headquarters to interrogate us separately. Each group has Japanese devils, and it is also equipped with translators and thugs.

The enemy began to say that we had anti-Mongolian words and deeds, and then they said that we were the "Suimeng Anti-Japanese Salvation Association," and then they said that we were the Communist Party. In order to induce confessions, extract confessions, and extract confessions, the devils and traitors made up a set of lies to force us to admit it.

Whatever the enemy says, we are all "Houhe City Committee of the Communist Party of China", and Yan Jijiao, Bai Guohua, and Li Shuji are the secretaries of the municipal party committee; He said that the municipal party committee has an organization department and a propaganda department, said that I was an officer of the propaganda department, and the minister was Sha Wenliang, and said that there were three districts, namely the Xincheng district, the old city district, and the station district, and so on. This was originally a nonsense arranged by devils, so no one admitted it.

On the morning of July 12, we were taken to the New Town Police Station and put in a cell. There are houses and houses, each with only a small window. In a small room with an area of only a few square meters, more than a dozen people were being held, and it was so crowded that it was difficult to even help. We live an inhuman life in prison.

Within a few days of being in prison, I fell ill with typhoid fever. The illness was slightly better, and as soon as he was able to walk, he was taken out of the hall. It was already cold, it was snowing, and the ground was frozen. The devils asked me to stand in the cold courtyard and confess my "crime", and when I said that I was not guilty, they stripped me of my clothes, tied my hands, tied me to the handle of the pressurized well, and let the agents pour cold water on me. It was early winter, the weather outside the fortress was already below zero, and I had just recovered from my illness, so I was so tormented by the enemy that I trembled at first, but gradually I could not support it and fell down. When the enemy saw that I had fallen, they untied me and dragged me into the house.

"Do you confess? Otherwise, I'll keep you warm!" A devil shook a red-hot stove hook in his hand, and as he spoke, he burned my head and hands, and said, "You were cold just now, this time let you warm up." "I was in excruciating pain and full of anger. Seeing my miserable situation, these devils laughed wildly.

What is even more cruel is that the enemy not only destroys our flesh, but also our spirits. During one interrogation, the devil took my brother and me with him at the same time. He first hung me on a ladder and told my brother to kneel beside him, so that he could admit that he was a Communist Party member and a member of the organizing committee of the Xincheng District Branch. There is no such thing, how can my brother admit it? So the enemy tortured me and poured cold water on me. The younger brother couldn't bear to look at it, and lowered his head angrily. A devil stepped forward and lifted his head vigorously, and he had to let him see it. These demons are truly cruel to the extreme.

When we were in custody at the Xincheng Police Station, there was a traitor whose surname was Zhang, who had a fat head and big ears, and people called him "Zhang Fatzi" or "Fat Official". This fat man also had typhoid fever and wanted a blood transfusion. Upon checking, my brother's blood type was the same as his. So, a large amount of blood was drawn from my brother and transfused into the sinful shell of the fat man. However, the kind blood did not save the life of the "fat official", and he still died.

My brother's body was severely devastated as a result, and he suffered from pleurisy and pleurisy in prison, where he was not treated, and he had to go to court and be tortured, and his body was completely destroyed. My fingers were bent and deformed, and I had many scars on my head and hands. My elder brother, Yan Yanchang, died unjustly in prison at the age of twenty-four. That's what happened to the three of us.

Not only the three of our brothers were tortured, but also our compatriots who were arrested and imprisoned were tortured by the enemy. There was a Ma Duoshan, the principal of the Second Model Primary School in Houhe Teli City (the predecessor of the current Suhu Street Primary School), and he had to be taken out every day. The enemy whipped him with a whip and beat him with an iron rod. His head was broken and inflamed, and he had a sore, and maggots grew on it, and he crawled all over his head, and he was tortured to death.

He Linshu is the principal of the fifth provincial primary school, and he has shown himself strong in prison. When the enemy interrogated, he didn't say anything, and no matter how hard the enemy hit, he didn't snort. The devil called him out every day to beat him, and he didn't give him anything to eat after the fight. On the "39th" day, he was dragged out to beat, and after pouring cold water, his clothes were covered with a layer of ice. When the devils and traitors were tired of fighting, they pushed him to the ice beach and stood. The enemy rests enough and fights again. In this way, He Linshu was beaten to death by them.

There is also a Li Shiqi, a teacher at the Industrial Middle School, who also admits nothing. The enemy dragged him out and pressed him on a pole, poured him with cold water, beat him with a stick when he was finished, and hung him up again when he was done, and tortured him until he died. When he died, he took his wife and children to prison.

Five or six-year-olds saw Dad's body and cried and shouted, "Daddy, Daddy! "Pounce forward. The desolate and mournful cry pierced the hearts of every victim, and everyone was full of anger and tears.

The enemy not only tortured and interrogated the arrested female comrades, but also humiliated them in every way. During interrogations, inhuman enemies often stripped the lesbians naked, leaving them naked, and beaten and humiliated by the enemies for their amusement.

There was a Mongolian lesbian named Yunhua who was a teacher at Tumut Primary School. She was arrested pregnant and gave birth to a boy in prison. Thanks to the care of the fellow prisoners, the mother and son survived.

We were taken to the "search headquarters", and the enemy intensified their torture. The enemy interrogated us day and night, and during the interrogation the enemy's roars, the clashing of torture instruments, and the screams of the tortured...... Makes the surrounding inhabitants creepy and restless day and night. At that time, people called the "Search Headquarters" "Hadesden". Pedestrians would rather take a detour than pass near the "Hades Hall".

Our case dragged on for months. Many of them died tragically in prison. In the spring of 1944, we were all condemned to the Communist Party and sent to the "Houhe Prison."

Because this case involved a wide range of people and had a great impact, and because the views on this case were not completely unanimous within the Japanese invaders, coupled with the pressure of public opinion, the enemy gradually loosened his control over us "criminals." From April 1945, he could be released on bail. More than 30 of our more than 90 survivors were released on bail from April to July 45. I was released from prison in May 1945.

With bruises all over our bodies, we ended our captivity and left this hell on earth. However, the inhumane treatment in prison, the brutality and barbarism of the devils, the cruel torture, and the ...... of the friends who fell in a pool of blood, this sea of blood and hatred will forever be engraved in our hearts.

At that time, only five or six people, including Yan Jijiao, Zhang Jiren (who died of illness), Dong Suiping, Wang Dengkui, and Bi Yuzhen, were not released and were sent to Zhangjiakou. Later, our party liberated Zhangjiakou, and except for Zhang Jiren, who returned to his hometown, everyone else joined the revolutionary ranks on the spot.

Soon after we were released from prison, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally. (National Pillar, Changchun finishing)