
Yan Baochang: Iron Hoof Sets Foot in Qingcheng, Fengzhou is Full of Disasters - Suiyuan Province's "43 Tragedy" (2)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

Yan Baochang: Iron Hoof Sets Foot in Qingcheng, Fengzhou is Full of Disasters - Suiyuan Province's "43 Tragedy" (2)


Yan Baochang: Iron Hoof Sets Foot in Qingcheng, Fengzhou is Full of Disasters - Suiyuan Province's "43 Tragedy" (2)
Yan Baochang: Iron Hoof Sets Foot in Qingcheng, Fengzhou is Full of Disasters - Suiyuan Province's "43 Tragedy" (2)
Yan Baochang: Iron Hoof Sets Foot in Qingcheng, Fengzhou is Full of Disasters - Suiyuan Province's "43 Tragedy" (2)

October 14, 1937. The iron hooves of the Japanese invaders stepped into Hohhot, bringing great disasters to the people of Hohhot. It is said that when the Japanese army passed through the Daihei River, the river was stuck in the mud and the tanks could not pass. The Japanese invaders actually shot and killed the Chinese people in a tragic manner. At that time, the tank was full of flesh and blood, and it was terrible to see. When the Japanese invaders passed by the sheep cover in the suburbs, they shot and buried some young and middle-aged people in the village; They also gang-raped women in broad daylight, which is really a blood debt, and it is difficult to write about it.

After entering the city, the Japanese invaders intensified their oppression of the Chinese. Chinese people entering and leaving the city gates were searched in their pockets, illegally interrogated, and punched and kicked at every turn. Some devil soldiers in the city entered when they saw the door, and when they met the girl and daughter-in-law, they teased and bullied.

Our family, like many Chinese, lives the life of slaves. In less than a year from 40 to 41, my father, my eldest mother, and my sister-in-law died of illness and had no money for medical treatment. The deep hatred of the nation has carved a deep mark in my young heart.