
The Gushi County Tatecheng Sub-district Office held a theatrical performance of "Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace".

author:Line 1

  On the afternoon of June 27, the Tatecheng Sub-district Office held a theatrical performance of "Celebrating July 1st, Celebrating the Party's Grace" in the Qiaoba Neighborhood Center of the First Community to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The relevant persons in charge of the County Culture, Radio and Tourism Bureau and the Tatecheng Sub-district Office participated in the event.

The Gushi County Tatecheng Sub-district Office held a theatrical performance of "Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace".

  The purpose of this theatrical performance is to show the social prosperity and people's happy life under the leadership of the party through the form of literature and art, stimulate the majority of party members and the masses to love the party and patriotism, and review history and look forward to the future together.

The Gushi County Tatecheng Sub-district Office held a theatrical performance of "Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace".

  The performance attracted the active participation of many outstanding performance groups, covering songs, dances, sketches, recitations and other art forms, each program is closely related to the theme, showing the glorious history of the party and the beautiful picture of the people's happy life.

  Zhu Lili, director of the Public Service Office of the Tatecheng Sub-district Office, said: "For the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, our Wu Qijun Cultural Cooperative sent a colorful performance in a community neighborhood center, bringing spiritual and cultural life to the people in the jurisdiction and delivering the party's policy of benefiting the people to the doorstep of the masses. ”

  This performance aroused a strong resonance from the audience and was well received by the residents of the jurisdiction and all walks of life. Everyone said that by participating in this activity, they have more deeply felt the glorious course and great achievements of the party, and have also strengthened their determination and confidence to work hard for the cause of the party and the happiness of the people.

The Gushi County Tatecheng Sub-district Office held a theatrical performance of "Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace".

  Xu Xueping, a resident of the No. 1 Community of the Tatecheng Sub-district Office, said: "As a member of the community, we are fortunate to be able to gather together to celebrate the birthday of the party. ”

  Zhu Huanming, member of the Propaganda Committee and deputy director of the Party Working Committee of Tatecheng Street, said: "Next, Tatecheng Street will be based on the actual situation of the jurisdiction, continue to carry out literary and artistic programs into the community, into the school, into the organs, into the enterprise performance activities, through colorful and wonderful performances and displays, and strive to provide the public with a platform and visual feast to show talents, literature and art appreciation, send a spiritual and cultural feast, and constantly enrich the new needs and expectations of the majority of residents for spiritual and cultural life, and actively build a harmonious new community, and create a new trend of civilized homeland." ”

(This article comes from [Gushi County Rong Media Center], edited by [Kaisheng Rong Media], please indicate the original author to maintain the integrity of the article.) If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete. )

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