
What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

author:Listen to it for the first time by entertainment
What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Today's topic: What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early morning?

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

The feature film begins

A netizen shared his experience of not being able to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

She said that she especially wanted to get up at four o'clock in the morning to steam steamed buns, so she got up at four o'clock and started kneading dough.

Seeing the experience of this netizen, many netizens began to show up to say.

It turns out that people do so many unexpected things when they can't sleep.

I really didn't expect everyone's mental state to be so "good".

I can see that you are indeed angry, but you are still very sensible and know to wash before eating.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

You and a netizen can't sleep in the middle of the night and get up and run at night

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Hahaha, we are almost the same, when I can't sleep at night, I carry a small schoolbag, feed all the stray cats and dogs in the community, and then go home satisfied.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

One thing to say, your rock sugar orange looks particularly delicious.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Good guy, you're a little too local to use local materials, why don't you start to follow things on the road!

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Maybe your mom and dad didn't expect you to start making breakfast so early.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Good guy, you're a little too scary, and it seems that everyone's pressure is quite high.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

For the first time, I knew that strawberries also need to be seeded, so why don't you cultivate this seed and see if it can germinate?

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

What I haven't learned in 21 years, I learned it in one night when I couldn't sleep.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Let's eat, it's time for breakfast, and it's time for lunch later.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Hahaha, don't let the boss see this comment, it's embarrassing to see it.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Hide it quickly, disguise it tomorrow, and pretend you don't know.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

I finally understood what it meant that the golden nest and the silver nest were not as good as their own "kennel".

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

My bean, is everyone so stressed?

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Let's just say you can still put it back, can't you? How do you sleep at night?

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Sure enough, my mother who loves you the most is still the one who calls you in the middle of the night, and she teaches you how to make cakes.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

I guess no one is like you, your operation is too niche.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking


What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

After looking around, it's still yours who are the most "explosive".

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Indeed, I am inexplicably happy, and maybe this can be regarded as a way to release stress.

What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking
What do contemporary young people do when they don't sleep in the early hours of the morning? I still don't know what I was thinking

Looking at the experiences of netizens, I instantly felt that everyone's pressure was so great.

These seemingly outrageous operations are exactly the way to release your own pressure.

I also hope that everyone can pay more attention to their mental state and choose a way to vent that does not hurt themselves.

Pay attention to your mental health, and if you need counseling, don't hold it alone.

Well, thank you for reading, those who have money will hold a money field, and those who have no money will hold a personal field, don't forget to like and follow

See you in the comments section!

The content of the above pictures comes from the enthusiastic sharing of netizens, and its authenticity is not guaranteed.