
Bodyguard? Membrane small two? How to choose a domestic invisible car clothing brand?

author:Laughing haha radar

Although the new species of invisible car clothing has entered the Chinese market in just about 10 years, the installation rate of new invisible car clothing is rapidly increasing year by year, especially for new energy vehicle owners, the placement of invisible car clothing has become the first thing for many car owners after they like to mention new cars. After all, the role of invisible car clothing in protecting against scratches, slowing down the aging of car paint, isolating corrosion, and improving brightness and grade is obvious to all. For the sake of environmental protection, new energy vehicles often use water-based paints that are slightly inferior in thickness, strength and brightness, and the demand for invisible car clothing protective buffs is more urgent.

Bodyguard? Membrane small two? How to choose a domestic invisible car clothing brand?

A few years ago, the invisible car clothing market was completely the world of imported brands, because of the high monopoly price, car clothing products have almost become a special product of more than 500,000 luxury cars. In recent years, the survival of the fittest and the survival of domestic car clothing, catching up, now some excellent domestic car clothing brands have faintly presented the momentum and signs of overtaking in corners, and the localization of invisible car clothing and the popularization of people have become an irreversible trend. According to the editor's in-depth research, among them, the two brands with the most dominant atmosphere and kingly style of domestic car clothing are bodyguards and membrane Xiaoer.

Bodyguard? Membrane small two? How to choose a domestic invisible car clothing brand?

Bodyguard (BOP) is the first to lay out the invisible car clothing market in China, and can be regarded as the pioneer and big brother among domestic invisible car clothing brands. Its clothing is made of aliphatic TPU material, which has good wear resistance and corrosion resistance, stable production process and product quality, and the quality is not inferior to first-line imported brands, and some indicators are even better than imported brands. It mainly takes the dealer distribution route, has more offline stores, and has relatively complete after-sales service. Compared with first-line imported brands such as XPel, Weigu, and Dragon Film, its price is moderate and the cost performance is still good.

Bodyguard? Membrane small two? How to choose a domestic invisible car clothing brand?

Film Xiaoer is a domestic car clothing brand that has sprung up in recent years, and the invisible car clothing of Film Xiaoer also uses imported aliphatic TPU substrate and the world's top 500 imported glue, and has the only invisible car clothing industry chain factory in China, with high quality and low price, only nearly half of the price of imported car clothing of the same quality, with its ultimate cost performance, it has won the sales champion of Tmall domestic car clothing brand for four consecutive years. This is largely due to the "Internet factory direct sales model" created by its innovation, which does not serve as an agent and distributor in the middle layer to share profits at a higher price and directly benefit consumers to the greatest extent. Relying on the network of more than 600 flagship stores across the country, Membrane Xiaoer provides users with "transparent, standard and professional" construction services, which are being favored by more and more car enthusiasts.

Both brands are the leaders of domestic car clothing, and they are both the pride of domestic products that break the monopoly of foreign technology and products. However, taking into account factors such as sales model, cost performance, price segment coverage, etc., combined with the current economic environment and the consumption concept of pursuing more cost-effective, under the premise that the brand strategy is not greatly adjusted, the film Xiaoer is more cost-effective, and compared with other brands, the film Xiaoer will also be a more suitable choice.

In any case, we hope that the domestic car clothing will become more and more high-quality, and give our riders more and better choices at more favorable prices.

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