
Don't take yourself too seriously? Keep these four points in mind

author:Lao Li loves to share

In addition to shocking us, can you take some inspiration from two recent events?

Don't take yourself too seriously? Keep these four points in mind

The first thing happened on the Beijing subway, there was an old man who had to ask someone to let the little girl give him a seat, his attitude was extremely arrogant, he said a lot of ugly things, and he also did something to the little girl, which was unanimously condemned by everyone.

The second thing is a community in a city in the south, two people because of parking problems and a security guard had a quarrel, the security guard of the previous class, because the two of these cars were parked indiscriminately, the security guard locked the car, the security guard just took over, the two people came to find it, and the security guard had a quarrel, and also started to beat the security guard, the security guard saw that it was wrong, ran to the security room to hide, the two did not let go, took a stone to the security room to smash, the security guard was angry, took a knife and rushed out, and cut at the two people, and hacked two people to death.

The old man and the two people in these two things are taking themselves too seriously, you are an old man, do people have to give up their seats to you? Your attitude is so arrogant, you are an old man, do you have the appearance of an old man? Does this kind of person deserve the respect of others? Is it worth giving up your seat? Those two people, you are the owners, you may be richer than the security guard, are you superior? Should you hit someone's security guard? Should you bully other security guards?

Therefore, no matter how rich you are, no matter how high your status is, no matter how old you are, no matter how capable you are, etc., don't take yourself too seriously, and pay attention to the following four points:

First, don't be self-centered

Don't just think about your own interests, always be self-centered, if my interests are not satisfied, I will not be satisfied, I will look for other people's affairs, the old man will not think about it, is the little girl in the body also uncomfortable? Are people not noticing you? You have such a big temper, you have to let people give you a seat, that couple, you just think that your car is locked by others, your own interests have been violated, you haven't thought about it, is your car parked according to the regulations? This security guard has just taken over, and he doesn't know what's going on, so how can he just open the lock for you? They don't just care about themselves, they don't care about others.

Second, everyone should be respected

Everyone is equal, everyone's human dignity should be respected, don't because you are higher than others, you are older than others, you are richer than others, you should bully others, hurt others, the respect of people and people is mutual, you don't respect others, why should others respect you? Especially those who are disadvantaged, those who are at the bottom of the society must respect them even more, so that we can show that we are cultivated, only in this way, no matter where we go, people will respect us.

Third, you must be low-key

You have to be a low-key person at any time, you are better than others, it may also be your luck and opportunities, not how big your ability is, don't be so arrogant, don't think you're amazing, as the old saying goes, the sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe, just like the two people in front, you are so arrogant to beat other people's security guards, what is the final result? Disaster awaits you.

Fourth, self-respect can be respected by others

In real life, some people are disrespectful to the old, not benevolent for the rich, as an old man, you must first have the appearance of an old man, others may respect you, the richer you are, the more developed you are, the more you must pay attention to your own cultivation and morality, the more you must treat others well, others will naturally respect you.

Don't take yourself too seriously? Keep these four points in mind

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I am Lao Li, and I share with you every day how to use traditional culture to protect the happiness of your family and life.

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Don't take yourself too seriously? Keep these four points in mind