
The pattern is lost! The owner of the Audi A6 who had scratched my car drove away


The owner of the Audi A6 who had scratched my car fled in a hurry. There are a series of trivial things behind this, and I want to complain to you here.

If I don't run around on weekends, I'm panicking all the time

I am a very fun person, but whenever I have free time or weekends and holidays, I am so excited that I can't do it, and I always want to take my family or ask my friends to go out, such as hiking, such as playing in the water, such as camping, or cooking hot pot outdoors, eating, and setting up a barbecue. In the process of shopping, it is not important whether you suffer or enjoy, the important thing is not to stay at home.

So, as long as I'm not working, I spend most of my time shopping or going shopping.

Although I have come from the countryside since I was a child, I still have a deep rural complex, so I often hope to drive a car to climb mountains and wade through water, to smell the smell of the earth, to blow the wind in the mountains, and to get close to nature.

The pattern is lost! The owner of the Audi A6 who had scratched my car drove away

Walking back on the road of the past, I was suddenly scared

This past weekend, I was no exception. Driving my small broken car, and overloaded with 5 people, 50 kilometers away, there are many cedar trees, surrounded by mountains, there is a very open water source, it is a good place for camping and barbecue.

I went there about three years ago, and I had to walk through a lot of villages, and then I had to climb a big mountain, and I had to circle in another ravine for about a long time, and then I climbed up the hill and got into the ravine.

When I went there, I didn't think the road was so steep, and I didn't think the road was so narrow. But this time I went to feel completely different, the slope is too steep, some of the bends are also particularly anxious, the key is that the overall width of the road is not enough, sometimes the car will be very dangerous, of course, it is also cramped.

I always felt that either the car was squeezed under the cliff, or the car was pushed against the wall in the road, and the whole person was scared, and there was no fun and good mood when I went out.

I didn't think it was the same road conditions before, but now I feel so bad when I walk again.

In order to climb the mountain there, plus the car has been overloaded, it has been a low-grade pass, and the car can smell the smell of burning, and later a check said that this kind of driving is particularly damaging to the car's gearbox.

When we were about to reach our destination, the engine and other parts of the car were in a high temperature, and the engine speed was increasing under the state of the car being fueled, but the car could not walk, and I was worried that we would not be left on the way. If we were to go back and we had to call a trailer, it would be unimaginable in terms of time and expense.

The pattern is lost! The owner of the Audi A6 who had scratched my car drove away

The Audi A6 that scratched me actually ran away, and there was really no pattern at all

On the way there, I walked to a narrow place where the road was narrow, and an Audi A6 drove on, of course, the speed was very fast, I was on the side of the road, and the tires were already very close to the ditch, so I didn't dare to stop, and I was ready to get out of the car to see.

It was at this time that the black Audi A6 forced its way through, and finally his rear hung on the back of my car with a bang, and the owner of the Audi A6 fled in a hurry.

By the time I got out of the car to check, the car was gone.

The pattern is lost! The owner of the Audi A6 who had scratched my car drove away

At the time, I also thought it was funny, what is this Audi A6 owner anxious about? Doesn't he need to take a good look?

My old car is broken, the rear bumper is off, and it can be stuck with your hand, and the torn leather can be sprayed from the spray paint, but his black paint hangs on my car. I'm thinking, Audi A6 is probably not cheap to repair the paint, I feel like the primer is hurting.

I think the person who can drive an Audi A6 is considered rich, so what can he do if he stops today? On such a narrow road, everyone is in trouble, how can I let him claim compensation?

I just think that his pattern is a little small, and he really can't run for this thing. I'm going to call a police officer and accuse him of a hit-and-run, which is probably not good for him.

Think about it or forget it.

This past weekend experience was not good, so I had my own opinion on going out into the mountains.

I decided not to drive into the mountains in the future. It's unsafe on the one hand, it's still unsafe on the other.

But no one can stop me from going out on the weekend, because I need to have a good weekend.

[I'm @年素纨, I'm glad we met, follow me! ] 】