
People who sweat a lot in summer and don't want to drink just plain water are recommended to drink more of these two "teas"

author:Dr. Cong talks about health

On this hot summer day, a cold drink can always make people feel refreshed. However, for some middle-aged and elderly friends, simple boiled water or soft drinks can no longer meet their dual needs for taste and health. I have a friend named Uncle Wang, who is a retired teacher who is very health-conscious. Whenever summer comes, he always takes great pains to adapt to the changing seasons. One summer, when I happened to visit his home, I saw two cups of tea on the coffee table—one green and refreshing, the other golden and fragrant. He told me that the two teas were the result of his research in recent years and were specially formulated to cope with the summer heat. Uncle Wang likes to share his research results with his friends because he is convinced that a good cup of tea can not only quench thirst, but also bring unexpected benefits to the body.

People who sweat a lot in summer and don't want to drink just plain water are recommended to drink more of these two "teas"

It is recommended to drink more of these two "teas"

Sweating a lot in the summer makes your body need more hydration, but for those who don't want to drink plain water alone, it's a good idea to opt for something more nutritious and healthy. Based on Uncle Wang's years of research and personal experience, he recommended two teas that can not only quench thirst, but also help the body better adapt to the high summer temperatures.

green tea

Green tea, known as the "best of Chinese teas" since ancient times, is not only loved for its unique fresh aroma and refreshing taste, but also for its rich nutrients and health benefits. Uncle Wang introduced me to the process of making green tea and how to choose high-quality green tea leaves. He said that green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can effectively scavenge free radicals in the body, help delay aging and boost immunity. In addition, studies have also shown that drinking green tea in moderation can regulate body temperature and help the body stay comfortable in high temperature environments.

Green tea is not only widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, but also modern scientific research continues to confirm its health benefits. Uncle Wang shared some of the latest research data and case studies that prove the positive effects of green tea on improving skin quality, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and improving brain function. He advises drinking several cups of moderately steeped green tea every day to not only enjoy its refreshing taste, but also to reap the double benefits of health.

Chrysanthemum tea

Another tea strongly recommended by Uncle Wang is chrysanthemum tea. He said that chrysanthemums are not only a beautiful flower, but also have excellent medicinal properties. In summer, especially in the hot summer, chrysanthemum tea is regarded as one of the best choices to relieve the heat. Making chrysanthemum tea is not complicated, just brew the clean chrysanthemum flowers in boiling water and let them soak for a while before drinking. Uncle Wang reminded that it is best to choose chrysanthemums without additives to ensure that there are no redundant ingredients when drinking.

Chrysanthemum tea is loved by many people for its unique fragrance and soothing taste. According to Uncle Wang's introduction, chrysanthemum tea has a good heat-clearing and detoxification effect, which can effectively alleviate dizziness, dry mouth and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by high temperatures. In addition, chrysanthemum has also been shown to be beneficial for liver health, which can help improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia. Therefore, whether as an everyday drink or a good remedy for the summer heat, chrysanthemum tea is a recommended choice.

How to drink these two types of tea

How to drink green tea and precautions

Green tea is an ideal choice for cooling off in summer because of its light and refreshing taste. The right way to drink it will not only enhance its health effects, but also better enjoy the aroma and taste of the tea.

1. Brewing method

The brewing method of green tea affects the taste of the tea and the release of nutrients. First of all, choose high-quality green tea leaves, such as Longjing, Biluochun, etc., about 3 grams, and brew them with warm water at about 80°C. The brewing time is controlled at 1-3 minutes, too long will make the tea too bitter. The brewed tea is clear in color and fragrant, which can both quench your thirst and enjoy the pure flavor of tea.

People who sweat a lot in summer and don't want to drink just plain water are recommended to drink more of these two "teas"

2. When to drink

The best time to drink it is in the morning after waking up and in the afternoon during afternoon tea. Green tea in the morning helps to clear the mind and improve the body's metabolic vitality; Afternoon tea can eliminate fatigue after a day's work and improve work efficiency.

3. Frequency and amount of drinking

It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups a day, each cup is about 150ml, and avoid excessive drinking so as not to affect sleep quality and gastrointestinal health. Green tea contains ingredients such as caffeine, which can cause problems such as insomnia when consumed at night, so it is recommended not to drink it after the evening.

4. Precautions

To fully retain the nutrients of green tea, avoid adding sugar or milk during the brewing process, which may reduce the antioxidant effects of the tea. In addition, the caffeine and tea polyphenols in green tea are more irritating to the stomach and intestines, and those with gastric ulcers or gastrointestinal discomfort should drink in moderation or avoid drinking on an empty stomach for a long time.

The best way to drink chrysanthemum tea and precautions

Chrysanthemum tea is one of the ideal summer drinks in summer, as it not only clears away heat and detoxifies, but also soothes the mood. The right brewing method and the right drinking time can make the most of it.

1. Brewing method

Choose a clean glass or tea set, about 5-8 grams of dried chrysanthemums each time, and brew with warm water at around 90°C. The brewing time is generally 5-10 minutes, too long will make the tea too bitter, it is recommended to adjust it according to personal taste. After brewing, chrysanthemum tea is golden in color, fragrant in aroma, and refreshing and pleasant in taste.

2. When to drink

Chrysanthemum tea is suitable for drinking in the afternoon or evening to help relax the body and mind and improve sleep quality. Especially in the summer afternoon when the temperature is high, a cup of cool chrysanthemum tea not only quenches your thirst, but also effectively relieves the fatigue of the day.

People who sweat a lot in summer and don't want to drink just plain water are recommended to drink more of these two "teas"

3. Frequency and amount of drinking

It is advisable to drink 1-2 times a day, about 200 ml each time, and it can be increased or decreased according to personal taste and body reaction. Excessive consumption of chrysanthemum tea may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, especially for people who are prone to allergies, and care should be taken to avoid excessive consumption.

4. Precautions

In order to ensure the health benefits of chrysanthemum tea, it is recommended to choose dried chrysanthemums that are natural and additive-free, and pay attention to storing them in a cool and dry place to prevent moisture and mildew. In addition, avoid adding too much sugar or honey during the brewing process, so as not to reduce the medicinal value and efficacy of the chrysanthemum itself.

With the right brewing method and the right time to drink it, green tea and chrysanthemum tea can bring us health and comfort in summer. Different tea options can meet different health needs and help us better cope with summer heat and physical discomfort.

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