
The carpenter was preparing for a big wedding, and when he returned at night, he was blocked by a black snake, and the black snake: Marry me to live

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

In our Gada, there is a carpenter named Li Musheng, whose craftsmanship is absolutely amazing, and he is also sincere. Although the family is not wealthy, they are skillful and live a very nourishing life. No, seeing that she was about to marry the little cui girl from the neighboring village, the people in the village said that they were a match made in heaven. One night, Li Musheng was busy all day, humming a little song and walking back. The sky was overcast and the mountain wind was swishing, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace. Suddenly, a black snake crossed the road, the snake was as thick as the mouth of a bowl, its eyes were full of cold light, and it spat out a letter and made a "hissing" sound. Li Musheng's heart tightened, but he quickly stabilized his mind. In our northeast, snakes are frequent visitors, and he learned a little bit of snake catching skills from his grandfather since he was a child. He took a deep breath and pulled out his woodcutter from his waist, ready to fight the black snake. But the black snake suddenly spoke: "Li Musheng, if you marry Xiaocui, you will be asking for hardship." Li Musheng was startled, thinking to himself, why is this snake still talking? He rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had misheard, but the black snake repeated again: "Marry me, you can live, or you will be finished." Li Musheng was completely stunned, why did this snake persuade him? He steadied himself and asked, "What the hell are you?" Why are you in my way? The black snake slowly raised its head, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "I am a snake immortal who has been cultivating in the mountains for many years, and I saw that you had this calamity in your life today, so I came to tell you." The Xiaocui you married is not an ordinary person, she is a monster, if you marry her, your life will be gone. Li Musheng muttered in his heart, Xiaocui, he has seen it since he was a child, gentle and virtuous, how can it be a monster? He shook his head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Xiaocui, I watched grow up, how could she be a monster?" The black snake sighed: "If you don't believe me, come with me, I naturally have a way to let you understand." With that, the black snake writhed and swam deeper into the mountains. Li Musheng hesitated for a moment, but curiosity eventually overcame fear. He gritted his teeth and followed. The two of them walked one after the other, shuttling through the mountains and forests. The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the mountain wind was getting colder and colder, but Li Musheng didn't feel it at all. He had only one thought in his heart: he had to see it clearly. I don't know how long it took for them to come to a deep valley. There is an ancient temple in the valley, the door of the temple is closed, and there is a strange atmosphere around it. The black snake stopped and said to Li Musheng, "You go in and take a look, and you will naturally understand." Although Li Musheng felt a little hairy in his heart, he still mustered up the courage and pushed open the temple door. The door was dark, except for a few oil lamps flickering there, emitting a faint glow. He stepped in, his eyes shooting around like a searchlight. At that moment, a string of women's laughter drilled into his ears. The laughter was as crisp as a silver bell, and it sounded very pleasant, but it was a little unspeakably evil. He followed the laughter all the way, and saw a woman in white with her back to him in the first corner of the temple, muttering something to a buddy in black. The woman in white was none other than his daughter-in-law who was ready to welcome him into the door-Xiaocui! As for the black-clothed buddy, Li Musheng is the first time to see him. He chuckled in his heart, and quickly hid behind the pillar and observed it secretly. I saw that the black-clothed buddy took out a shiny bead from his arms and handed it to Xiao Cui. Xiao Cui took the bead and smiled greedily on her face. She opened her mouth and said, "This bead is really not bad, my cultivation speed has been improved." But why are you giving me this? The black-clothed buddy smiled: "You don't know, I got this bead from a master, with its help, the day when you will cultivate into a demon immortal is not far off." As for me, I have my own little abacus. As soon as Xiao Cui heard this, her face immediately changed: "You...... What the hell do you mean? The black-clothed buddy leaned into Xiaocui's ear and whispered a few words. Although Li Musheng couldn't hear what they were talking about, from Xiao Cui's frightened expression, he could feel that this black-clothed buddy was definitely not a good bird. At this moment, the black-clothed buddy suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction where Li Musheng was hiding. Li Musheng's heart tightened, and he quickly held his breath. Fortunately, the guy in black just glanced at it and turned back. Li Musheng breathed a sigh of relief, but the mystery in his heart grew bigger and bigger. He glanced at the woodcutter in his hand and decided that he had to figure it out. He slipped out quietly from behind the pillar and trotted all the way out of the temple. He ran as fast as he could, and he ran home as soon as he slipped through the smoke. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xiao Cui sitting at the table, looking at him with a concerned face. He pretended to be okay and asked, "Xiaocui, where are you tonight?" I've searched all over and I can't find you. Xiao Cui smiled slightly: "I...... I went to the temple to pray for blessings, and I hope our wedding will go smoothly. As soon as Li Musheng heard this, his heart began to beat the drum. He thought about the scene he saw in the temple just now, Xiao Cui's weird smile and the mystery of the black-clothed buddy, and he felt that this matter was not simple. He pretended that nothing had happened, but his heart was like turning over the river and the sea. It was late at night, the two were lying on the bed, and Li Musheng couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. He couldn't help but ask Xiao Cui: "Xiao Cui, do you know a guy in black?" He doesn't give me a good feeling. When Xiao Cui heard this, her face changed slightly, but she quickly returned to normal: "What black-clothed buddy?" Why haven't I seen it? Are you too tired today to see that something is wrong? Li Musheng saw that Xiaocui refused to tell the truth, and the guess in his heart became even firmer. He sighed softly and said softly, "Maybe I'm too sensitive, let's rest." Early the next morning, Li Musheng hurriedly found the Taoist priest in the village. After listening to his narration, the Taoist priest frowned and said with a solemn expression: "The man in black you mentioned is very likely to be an evil person. As for Xiao Cui, she is by no means an ordinary person. Hearing this, Li Musheng's heart sank, and he asked anxiously: "That... So what should I do? The Taoist priest pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "This matter needs our long-term consideration. Don't make a noise yet, let's watch and see if we can find a solution to the problem. "

In the following days, Li Musheng and the Taoist priest closely monitored Xiaocui's every move. They noticed that whenever night fell, Cui would leave quietly, and every time she returned, she always had an unusual aura on her. The Taoist priest told Li Musheng that Xiao Cui was indeed controlled by evil forces, and that the man in black was the mastermind behind all this. After learning the truth, Li Musheng felt very painful, he couldn't accept that the wife he was about to marry was actually a monster. But he also understands that this matter cannot be given up on this matter. He must find a way to save Cui and get the man in black to the punishment he deserves.

So, Li Musheng and the Taoist priest began to discuss countermeasures. They decide to secretly follow Cui as she leaves again, in the hope of finding the hiding place of the man in black. Finally, one night, Xiaocui left quietly again. Li Musheng and the Taoist priest cautiously followed her until they came to a gloomy ancient temple. Hidden in the shadows, they witnessed the conversation between Xiao Cui and the man in black in the temple. Suddenly, the man in black took out a bead from his arms and handed it to Xiao Cui. As soon as Li Musheng saw the bead, he immediately recognized that it was the one he had seen in the temple before. The Taoist priest whispered to Li Musheng: "That bead is an evil thing, and it is it that controls Xiao Cui. We must try to reclaim the beads in order to save Tsui. Li Musheng nodded, took a deep breath, and plucked up his courage. He suddenly rushed out and shouted, "Stop! You evil people, don't want to hurt Xiao Cui! The man in black was startled by this sudden interruption, and when he turned his head to see that it was Li Musheng and the Taoist priest, he was immediately furious: "You two guys who don't know the height of the sky dare to sabotage my plan!" With that, he launched an attack on Li Musheng and the Taoist priest. Seeing this, the Taoist priest quickly took out the magic weapon and started a fierce battle with the man in black. And Li Musheng took the opportunity to rush to Xiao Cui, trying to recapture the bead. Xiao Cui saw Li Musheng rushing over, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. She wanted to escape, but it was too late. Li Musheng grabbed her hand and snatched the beads hard. At this moment, the Taoist priest suddenly shouted loudly: "Li Musheng, quickly throw the beads into the incense burner!" Li Musheng immediately followed the instructions of the Taoist priest and threw the beads into the incense burner. With a flash of fire in the furnace, the bead instantly turned to ashes. Under the light of the fire, the man in black let out a terrible scream, and then turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated into the air. Xiao Cui witnessed this scene, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. Her gaze wandered between Li Musheng and the Taoist priest, and she suddenly fell to her knees and said in a choked voice, "Thank you for saving me." I...... I had been controlled by the man in black for a long time, and I had been longing to be free from his restraints. But ......" Li Musheng saw that Xiaocui had regained consciousness, and he was both surprised and happy in his heart. He gently helped Xiaocui to get up and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's all over." We will always be there for you. Xiao Cui nodded tearfully, and her gratitude was overflowing. She stared at Li Musheng and asked softly, "Brother Musheng, are you ...... Will you still marry me? Li Musheng clasped her hand and replied firmly: "Of course I do!" You have always been the love of my heart, whether you are a human or a demon, I will marry you. So, Li Musheng and Xiaocui's wedding was held as scheduled, and the whole village sent them sincere blessings. The story of that strange ancient temple and the man in black gradually faded into people's memories with the passage of time. Only Li Musheng and Xiaocui know what a thrilling past they have experienced together. This experience also made them cherish each other's love and happiness even more.

The carpenter was preparing for a big wedding, and when he returned at night, he was blocked by a black snake, and the black snake: Marry me to live

The Taoist priest was not a vegetarian either, and finally found a way to crack it. He took out a charm from his bosom, recited a few incantations, and then "snapped" and pasted the charm on the body of the man in black. The spell lit up, and the golden light shone brightly, surrounding the man in black. The screams of the man in black were chilling to hear, and he struggled to break free from the spell, but it was too late. The golden light grew brighter and brighter, and finally swallowed the man in black. With a loud "boom", the man in black turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated into the air.

Seeing this, the villagers all blossomed one by one, thanked the Taoist priest one after another, and also praised Li Musheng and Xiaocui for their bravery and wisdom. Li Musheng and Xiao Cui looked at each other and smiled, they knew that this time they were completely free from the entanglement of the man in black. The wedding went on again, and they completed their wedding with everyone's cheers. They held hands and walked together towards a happy future.

But you know, their lives didn't end there. They know that there are still many unknown dangers and evils in this world. But they also believe that as long as they are shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, nothing can stop them from moving forward. Time is like flowing water, passing quietly, and the lives of Li Musheng and Xiaocui are getting sweeter and sweeter. Not only did they build a happy family, but they also became a role model for the people of the village to look up to. They have proved with practical actions that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges they encounter, as long as they have love, courage and wisdom in their hearts, they will be able to overcome everything.

The carpenter was preparing for a big wedding, and when he returned at night, he was blocked by a black snake, and the black snake: Marry me to live

As for the legend of the man in black, it has gradually been forgotten by people as time passes. Only Li Musheng and Xiaocui knew what kind of thrilling past they had experienced. But that past did not become a burden for them, but became their motivation to move forward. Now, in the dead of night, Li Musheng and Xiaocui will sit in the courtyard, looking at the starry sky, reminiscing about the past. They know that the past is the most precious treasure of their lives. They will also cherish their current life and strive to make every day better and happier.

This is the story of Li Musheng and Xiaocui. With love and courage, they wrote a legendary life journey, and it has become the most beautiful legend in our village. And this legend will be passed down forever, inspiring future generations to move forward bravely and pursue happiness.