
The "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" was released, and 8 industries that will be popular in the future will be officially supported



Recently, a piece of news about the "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" has spread.

The country is based on the "three rural", and the key to the current rural development is naturally cultivation, and it is a good chair, which is more favored by the country.

Therefore, this document naturally attracts everyone's expectations and discussions, and what are the contents of this rural construction plan?

What popular industries have been promised?

Among the many issues, the development of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in recent years can be described as "hot", which is very popular with rural agricultural product producers, and more and more people have joined it.

Experts said that only after the Chinese New Year can we try a variety of Chinese and foreign flavors of watermelon, which is enough to see the power of his medicine.

Everything related to the people's clothing, food, housing and transportation is a matter of the country's concern for the people's livelihood, so it is also a popular industry in the future.

The industry that will be popular in the future.

In the "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" issued by the state, it is proposed that in order to make the pace of rural revitalization bigger and faster, "8 major projects" will be carried out, one of which is the cold chain logistics of agricultural products.

This plan is not only to promote the current journey of rural revitalization, but also to create more employment opportunities for everyone.

As a new thing, the cold chain logistics of agricultural products is a new thing, and more and more people are participating in it with the support of the state.

It is based on cryopreservation technology, through transportation, storage and other links, to help agricultural products as soon as possible.

The time to market for agricultural products has been significantly shortened, farmers have sold them at higher prices, consumers have bought fresher agricultural products, and economic development and rural revitalization have the best of both worlds.

This emerging industry has been strongly supported in the national plan, and the future development prospects are promising, so more and more farmers have joined the field of cold chain logistics of agricultural products.

As a result of this new craft, the incomes of rural people are getting higher and higher.

However, in order to allow villagers to better participate in this industry, the state has also launched a special policy, that is, to promote the "one village, one product" plan, which means that rural e-commerce will use more of each village's characteristic products to do live streaming in the future.

In this way, the villagers can sell their village's unique products through the e-commerce platform, which can not only drive the development of the entire village, but also allow their village's products to be more widely publicized.

With the support of the state, the future development of rural e-commerce will definitely get better and better.

In addition, the state also mentioned in the rural construction program that it will continue to promote the smooth construction of rural roads.

As an important part of the mainland, the countryside has vast and beautiful scenery and simple and enthusiastic folk customs, and is considered by more and more urban people to be a good place for vacation, leisure, and retirement.

The "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" was released, and 8 industries that will be popular in the future will be officially supported

At the same time, it has gradually become a famous scenery check-in resort, and with the vigorous development of rural tourism, more and more urban people flock to rural tourism destinations, in these lively villages, more and more air pollution is more and more polluted, the most direct is that agricultural products are becoming less and less fresh, affecting the development of local enterprises, but also affecting the livelihood of local farmers.

Therefore, the cold chain logistics of agricultural products came into being, which solves the problem of the difficulty of preserving seasonal fruits and vegetables, so that people who do not leave the village can also eat the delicious food of the world, and can also let the agricultural products of the vast countryside go out of the mountains and go to all parts of the country and even the world.

In fact, this also indirectly promotes rural revitalization and farmers' income increase measures, which not only need the support of agricultural product cold chain logistics technology, but also need to improve the logistics channels of agricultural products.

For example, cold cars, storage facilities, standardized operation processes, etc., only when these are complete can the technology of cold chain logistics of agricultural products be truly implemented in rural areas and be well known to everyone.

With the continuous and widespread application of cold chain logistics technology for agricultural products, the prospects of this industry will be better and better, and it will definitely become a popular industry in the future.

But from another point of view, the application of this technology will also bring certain challenges, such as higher technical requirements, the input cost of agricultural machinery and tools will also increase, so in the development of agricultural products cold chain logistics technology, farmers should do what they can, do not blindly follow the trend.

The "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" was released, and 8 industries that will be popular in the future will be officially supported

The state cares about the livelihood of the people.

In addition to the cold chain logistics of agricultural products, the state also mentioned seven other projects in the "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan", including the construction of rural roads.

In the mainland, although there are many highways with excellent hardware, it is undeniable that there are still many places that did not even have roads before, and can only rely on dirt roads between the mountains to ensure the transportation of agricultural and sideline products, and this kind of primitive transportation is bound to be a huge drawback for the development of rural economy.

But nowadays, the state is spending money where it is necessary, hoping to improve the transportation situation in rural areas, not only to make the lives of rural people more convenient, but also to develop the rural economy.

This is why the country is implementing agricultural cold chain logistics technology at the same time, but also to put the rural road construction project in the first place.

Although the country will also save money in the process of building rural roads, there are still many remote places in the country compared to roads in other countries.

I believe that as long as the country is strong, the nostalgia of farmers will become lighter and lighter, the feelings of urban people will become heavier and heavier, and rural revitalization will definitely become a reality.

In addition, the state is not only concerned about the logistics of agricultural products, but also more concerned about the living environment of the villagers, and it will also strengthen the governance of the living environment.

The "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" was released, and 8 industries that will be popular in the future will be officially supported

Especially in recent years, many places have begun to pay attention to the construction of these infrastructure, so I believe that in the near future, the living environment of farmers will definitely be improved.

The "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" was released, and 8 industries that will be popular in the future will be officially supported

Another point is that the state is not only concerned about environmental governance in cities, but also about environmental governance in rural areas, which includes not only rural sewage treatment, but also rural toilet renovation, garbage disposal, and even those privately built cowsheds, pigsties, etc., must be cleaned up.

This initiative is not only to improve the environmental quality of rural areas, but more importantly, to make the rural ecology harmonious and pave the way for future agricultural development.

Although these projects proposed by the state are very good, we must pay attention to quality and sustainability when implementing these projects.

For example, in the process of rural road construction, we must choose environmentally friendly materials, and we cannot choose those materials with greater environmental pollution because they are cheap.

Today's society is developing so fast, more and more people are participating in rural construction, and many problems will be encountered in the process.

In many places, there is a shortage of manpower, and everyone hopes to be able to complete the progress, so there will be a phenomenon of advancement, similar to the construction of half of the road to start traffic, or electricity, but this will make resources waste, to the life of the villagers to bring trouble, so in the process of promoting rural construction, we must pay attention to sustainability, can not be for the immediate interests and put aside the future development.

The implementation of specific rural construction projects must not only rely on the government's own efforts, but also pay attention to the participation of social capital.

The "Rural Construction Action Implementation Plan" was released, and 8 industries that will be popular in the future will be officially supported

Although social capital can also obtain certain benefits from participating in rural construction, from another point of view, this is not only a business, but also a responsibility, so we must have public welfare in mind, and our responsibility is to do our best to help the vigorous development of the rural revitalization plan.

In the process, we must always keep in mind the government's determination, that is, to promote both rural economic development and rural environmental protection, and to achieve a win-win situation through cooperation in the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

Only in this way can we see the rippling farmland, the fresh and elegant pastoral scenery, and the charming countryside integrated with many poetic plants in the days to come.

I think this is the "beautiful countryside" in the rural revitalization plan.

Construction of digital villages.

In addition to these projects, the state has also made it clear that it will strengthen the construction of digital villages and further improve the level of rural informatization.

Especially in the context of the continuous development of Internet technology, rural areas must not fall behind the pace of development, and only by strengthening the construction of digital villages can rural work truly realize informatization.

First of all, with the support of the state, more villages are equipped with communication network infrastructure, and villagers can learn a lot of information through mobile phones, computers and other devices, so that rural information is no longer blocked.

This is undoubtedly good news for agriculture, which can better help farmers understand the weather, agricultural affairs, agricultural product prices and other information, help farmers better plan agricultural production, and increase farmers' income.

Second, with the development of digital technology, more and more rural areas are facing the problem of population outflow and aging, and digitalization can inject new impetus into rural areas.

Digitalization can also help rural areas develop new business formats such as e-commerce, provide farmers with more employment opportunities and income channels, and also help agricultural products move out of the mountains and into a broader market.

In addition, digitalization can also provide more support for agricultural production, such as through big data analysis, to help farmers understand soil fertility, plant growth, etc., and to help agricultural researchers research new varieties and technologies to improve the quality and yield of agricultural products.

Digitalization can also provide more public services to rural areas, such as telemedicine, online education and other services through digital technology, providing better health and education resources for rural residents.

From the beginning, digitalization has a full range of significance, from the source, digitalization can provide more support for rural agricultural production, from production to circulation to consumption, digitalization can provide more convenience for farmers, and provide guarantee for agricultural products to go out.

In terms of trends, digitalization is not only a technology, but also a kind of thinking and tool, from small-scale digitalization as a village to regional digitalization to national digitalization, we can create a digital village with a good ecological cycle.

From the perspective of the future, digital village is a continuous forward process, digital agriculture is just the beginning, and in the future, we will have more advanced technologies such as robots and drones.

Only by continuous exploration and innovation can we achieve a better and better digital village construction.

It is conceivable that the future digital village can not only inject new impetus into rural revitalization, but also add new wings to the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

Therefore, we should cherish the opportunity in front of us, promote the construction of digital villages, and bring a better life to hundreds of millions of farmers.

The direction of the country's rural construction has also gradually changed from "agriculture-led" to "agriculture-first", and is committed to promoting "urban-rural integration", which is also reflected in digital construction.

Agriculture is undoubtedly the lifeblood of rural areas, but rural areas are not only farming and breeding, but also the lives of farmers, so the construction of digital villages in the future is absolutely comprehensive and in-depth.

Despite the hard work and the limited salary, people mostly choose to stay in the city to work and live.

As a result, the number of elderly people left behind in rural areas has decreased, and children will gradually lose their rural imprint in the cities.

Although the countryside has historically relied on human labor, nowadays there is an opportunity

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