
Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

author:Cosmetics Finance Online CBO

As early as in the Book of Poetry, there is "hands like soft wattles, skin like clotted fat" to describe beauty, reflecting the aesthetic way of Chinese and the pursuit of whitening in skin color.

China's whitening culture has a long history and has evolved with the times. In the current functional skin care market, cosmetics with whitening effect are one of the most demanded beauty categories by consumers. According to data from Zhiyan Consulting, the sales of whitening lotions and creams increased by 322% year-on-year last year, and the number of goods with goods increased by 646%, especially in the summer from June to August.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Huang Bingnan, chairman of Fujian Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics Co., Ltd

On June 26, the Pien Tze Huang Chinese Ingredients High-quality Development Conference and the 6th Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics Whitening Conference (hereinafter referred to as the "Whitening Conference") were held in Shanghai. "Whitening" became a hot topic of the day, and the guests at the meeting talked about the trend and talked about the future, and brought a feast of ideas to the industry with classic cases, product effect presentation, scientific research results and so on.

At the meeting, Huang Bingnan, chairman of Fujian Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics Co., Ltd., delivered a speech, saying that scientific research and innovation are the key to creating a strong vitality of the brand, and the characteristic scientific research of Chinese ingredients is the key to driving Chinese brands to establish independent influence and competitiveness.

"In the future, Pien Tze Huang cosmetics will take Chinese ingredient whitening as the core, build the three pillars of culture, R&D and consumption, continuously amplify the cognitive advantages of Chinese cosmetics whitening, promote the high-quality development of Chinese ingredient scientific research, enhance the comprehensive strength of Chinese cosmetics with scientific and technological strength and cultural strength, and lead China's scientific and technological beauty." In Huang Bingnan's view, it is the mission of Pian Tsai Cosmetics to inherit the brand culture and Chinese whitening culture of nearly 500 years, start from Chinese traditional culture, explore Chinese whitening skin care methods that are more suitable for Chinese, and spread the beauty of the East.

In the past year, Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics has improved and upgraded its super products, covering innovative scientific research, appearance and image, and content promotion. From the most classic domestic small porcelain bottle pearl cream, to the Snow Skin Flawless Whitening Series launched in 2016, and then to the Queen's brand whitening and freckle removal cream launched in 2020, its whitening products have undergone years of iterative upgrading and development, and currently holds 33 whitening special products.


The "White Paper" was released, and Pien Tze Huang cosmetics defined Chinese-style healthy whitening

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Chi Huiyan, Executive Director and Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

With people's pursuit of beauty and increasing concern about skin health, the demand for whitening continues to grow, but in many whitening products, the safety, effectiveness and science of ingredients have always been the focus of consumers' attention. Chinese whitening ingredients, with their natural and mild characteristics, are more and more favored by young consumers, so how to establish the correct whitening formula in the market is particularly important.

At the whitening conference, the release of the "2024 Chinese Ingredient Healthy Whitening White Paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper") is undoubtedly the highlight of the day, and this report contains the professional precipitation of the beauty industry in the field of healthy whitening of Chinese ingredients for many years.

"Chinese ingredients" are easy to understand, which refers to the research of Chinese resources with specific effects, such as Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, pearl, licorice, angelica, dendrobium, notoginseng and other natural ingredients that have been proven by history. However, what is "healthy whitening"?

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

As the main authors of the "White Paper", the R&D team of Chi Huiyan, Executive Director and Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology of Xiyuan Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and the R&D team of Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics have put forward several criteria for "healthy whiteness" based on the research on Asian women's skin. The teams of both sides believe that the ideal "healthy white" characteristics should meet the requirements of "fair skin, not easy to redden, no melaninization, uniform skin color, shiny, moderate oil and moisture", etc.

In terms of Chinese ingredient whitening, its core is "internal conditioning and external nourishment", and the "whole" maintenance of the skin is carried out through the characteristics of "multi-component, multi-channel, and multi-target" of Chinese ingredients to achieve a comprehensive whitening effect. Combining bioinformatics and basic research methods, the two teams repeatedly verified the whitening of a variety of Chinese ingredients, and finally developed a new Chinese whitening solution. This solution not only effectively inhibits the production of melanin, but also promotes the improvement of skin texture, increases skin elasticity, and gives the skin a natural radiant glow.

"The white paper will promote the standardization and application of Chinese-style whitening ingredients and improve the overall level of the industry. For consumers, the white paper will help them have a more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and advantages of Chinese whitening ingredients and choose the right whitening products for them. It is believed that promoting the research and application of ingredients through white papers will promote the development and progress of skin science. Chi Huiyan said.


Guests gathered to discuss the high-quality development of Chinese ingredients

On the day of the event, not only experts and scholars from the traditional Chinese medicine industry and beauty industry, but also beauty experts and Pien Tze Huang cosmetics distributors gathered together to witness the whitening power of Chinese ingredients.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Li Xiwen, researcher and director of the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Li Xiwen, a researcher and director of the Institute of Chinese Medicine of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, said that the development of "Chinese ingredients" is a reflection of cultural self-confidence and scientific and technological self-confidence. Taking Pueraria lobata and Daqingye as examples, Li Xiwen introduced the principle and process of developing healthy whitening products based on the non-medicinal parts of Chinese herbal medicine. He hopes that one day in cosmetics stores around the world, you can see the whitening cosmetics developed by Chinese herbal medicine, so that the world can accept China's Chinese concept of healthy whitening.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Zheng Yafeng, Director of the Project Supervision Division of the Monitoring and Statistics Center of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Zheng Yafeng, Director of the Project Supervision Division of the Monitoring and Statistics Center of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, talked about the cultural and historical origins of traditional Chinese medicine health whitening and beauty. He said that traditional Chinese medicine is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, and with the rapid progress of science and technology, we can not only draw inspiration from tradition, but also reveal the mystery of traditional Chinese medicine whitening ingredients through modern scientific means, and develop safer and more effective whitening products.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Li Xiangri, Director of the Center for Quality Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and member of the National Pharmacopoeia Commission

Li Xiangri, director of the Chinese Medicine Quality Evaluation Center of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and member of the State Pharmacopoeia Commission, said that he was very happy to see that traditional Chinese medicine is not only used in clinical practice, but also in the field of health and beauty. It is hoped that under the leadership of a company like Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics, Chinese skin care can be inherited and developed, and it can go wider on the Chinese stage and the international stage.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Kim Mu, the national head of Xiaohongshu Commerce's Chinese beauty brand industry

Kim Mu, the national head of Xiaohongshu's commercial Chinese beauty brand industry, said that from the data of the Xiaohongshu platform, we can see the real demand for "whitening" in the market. Data shows that the number of readings related to "whitening" exceeded 30 billion times in the past year, a year-on-year increase of 177%. Judging from the recognition of more and more young people with Chinese ingredients, their value for whitening is first of all to recognize the product power, that is to say, the real and effective function, as well as safe natural ingredients, can become the first choice of consumers.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Xie Agui, deputy general manager of Fujian Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics Co., Ltd

In the past three years, Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics has completed more than 170 product clinical tests, more than 180 product consumer research tests, and a total of more than 10,000 skin studies. Xie Agui, deputy general manager of Fujian Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics Co., Ltd., said when talking about the application and research of Chinese cosmetics that in the future, Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics will increase investment in research and development, especially in terms of formula, process, safety and efficacy, and fully maintain the innovation of products. We will continue to deepen the efficacy research and application of Chinese ingredients, build a moat for brand innovation and development, and empower the competitiveness of Chinese cosmetics products.

Chinese people's health whitening has a Chinese-style "new solution"

● Zhao Yue, deputy general manager of Pien Tze Huang (Shanghai) Biotechnology R&D Co., Ltd

"The value and significance of whitening is to help Chinese female consumers gain a deeper understanding of their skin tone and skin characteristics by disseminating scientific whitening concepts, and establish a correct whitening concept, so as to find whitening methods and whitening products that are more suitable for them." Zhao Yue, deputy general manager of Pien Tze Huang (Shanghai) Biotechnology R&D Co., Ltd., hopes to promote the formulation of standards for Chinese ingredients, promote the development of the industry, take root downward, make the foundation better, grow upward, develop more ingredients, and give consumers the most urgent solutions for whitening needs.

Since the whitening effect needs to be "special", the threshold for whitening skin care products has been significantly increased, and the cost of entry has also increased. Today, the whitening track has long been a red sea, and Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics, which has 33 whitening products, continues to take the route of healthy whitening with Chinese ingredients and opens up a unique path. Driven by product innovation and technological upgrading, Pien Tze Huang Cosmetics is bringing more high-quality and high-performance skin care products to consumers, embracing market changes with a more open attitude, and leading the national cosmetics industry to a new stage of development.