
Yuyang District Taxation Bureau: Smart taxation improves efficiency, convenient tax handling and excellent services

author:Shaanxi Science and Technology Newspaper Shaanxi Observation

Taxation is an important part of national fiscal revenue and plays a basic, pillar and guarantee role in the national governance system. In recent years, the Yuyang District Taxation Bureau has thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, performed the function of "gathering wealth for the country and collecting taxes for the people", and laid a solid foundation for the high-quality economic and social development of Yuyang.

Yuyang District Taxation Bureau: Smart taxation improves efficiency, convenient tax handling and excellent services

On June 24, the reporter walked into the Yuyang District Taxation Bureau and saw that "Internet +", artificial intelligence and other "science and technology" elements can be seen everywhere, self-service tax terminals are neatly arranged, and several taxpayers are passing intelligent tax guidance, face brushing, and self-service stamping...... Tax declaration, invoice management and other services can be easily completed, which greatly improves work efficiency. "Now it is really more and more convenient to handle taxes, most of the business can be handled directly in the self-service tax terminal, which saves a lot of time and improves the efficiency a lot. Yang Wenjing, who came to handle taxes, told reporters.

The Yuyang District Taxation Bureau has given full play to the function of the smart tax service department, and has strived to build a self-service tax pattern of "electronic tax processing, self-service tax processing, and entity tax processing", and has successively set up 2 24-hour self-service tax service areas and 9 self-service tax terminal service points, realizing more than 96% of the tax-related business 'non-contact' handling, which can effectively reduce the number of window tax handlers by 75% and increase tax efficiency by 40% throughout the year.

Yuyang District Taxation Bureau: Smart taxation improves efficiency, convenient tax handling and excellent services

"We also strive to create a 'ten-minute tax service circle', creating community tax service stations, mobile tax service stations, rural tax service stations, etc., and gradually extending the service tentacles to the network, streets, and communities, so that tax and fee business can be done at will and at any time has become the norm." Meng Huijing, deputy director of the First Taxation Branch of the Yuyang District Taxation Bureau, said.

At the same time, the Yuyang District Taxation Bureau continues to innovate publicity methods, enrich publicity carriers, and solidly carry out activities such as "Efficient Doing One Thing", "Spring Breeze Action to Facilitate Taxation for the People" and "I Do Practical Things for the Masses", focusing on the urgent and difficult problems of taxpayers and payers, implementing various reform measures, and continuously improving the experience of taxpayers.

"We normalize the implementation of the 'tax housekeeper' system, according to the different characteristics of key industries, key enterprises and key projects, carry out one-to-one, face-to-face "butler" publicity services, improve the accuracy and pertinence of policy guidance, and escort the development of enterprises. Meng Huijing introduced.

Yuyang District Taxation Bureau: Smart taxation improves efficiency, convenient tax handling and excellent services

Taxation is linked to the national economy and people's livelihood, and the smart tax reform of the Yuyang District Taxation Bureau has not only improved the efficiency and service quality of tax processing, but also injected a strong impetus into economic and social development. With the launch of the "Tax Preferential Delivery" service for the energy and chemical industry and the launch of the tax preferential policy into the community, the Yuyang District Taxation Bureau has efficiently counseled community residents to handle social security and medical insurance, individual income tax settlement and other businesses through measures such as sending policies and services, and accurately serving market entities such as small and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, retired soldiers and college graduates starting their own businesses, so that the spring breeze of convenient taxation can benefit more enterprises and individuals, and open up the "last mile" of implementing various preferential tax policies.

"In the next step, we will continue to focus on deepening the 'three years' activities, expand the measures of tax stewardship and tax benefits to facilitate the people, optimize the 'ten-minute tax service circle', implement various preferential tax policies with higher quality, stricter standards and more practical measures, and contribute to the high-quality development of the local economy and society." Liu Shenghua, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the District Taxation Bureau, said.

Author: Zhou Xiang, reporter Cao Yi

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