
Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

author:The little witch of the house

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I can hardly stay at home without turning on the air conditioner, especially at night, if I don't turn on the air conditioner, I can't sleep at all.

In order to sleep cooler at night, many friends will turn on the air conditioner to 26 degrees or lower to make the temperature at home cooler!

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

But you know what? If you turn on the air conditioner temperature too low, it will also cause the members of the family to get "air conditioning disease"!

Many friends don't know much about what "air conditioning disease" is, and think that it may be because the temperature difference at home is different from the temperature difference outside, which may lead to a cold, but "air conditioning disease" is just like this!

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading


Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

In order for family members to enjoy life more healthily, the temperature at home must not be turned on too low, and it is not only the temperature of the air conditioner that will cause family members to get "air conditioning disease".

If you don't notice some problems when using the air conditioner, it will still cause air conditioning disease, so don't take it seriously! When using the air conditioner, be sure to pay attention to the issues mentioned!

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

1. The indoor unit is not cleaned: If it is not cleaned all year round, a large amount of dust accumulated during the change of seasons will be blown out with the air conditioner turned on, directly inhaled into the lungs, and infect the respiratory tract.

2. The filter screen is not updated: the functional filter cannot be replaced regularly, which will cause secondary pollution, and bacteria will also blow out and infect the respiratory tract.

3. The temperature is very low: In summer, the temperature is turned very low in order to cool down, and the human body is attacked by low cold air and is prone to cold and cold, especially the elderly, babies and other people with sensitive physique.

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

As long as you do the above three points, you can use the air conditioner with peace of mind, and you no longer have to worry about getting "air conditioning disease" in the hot summer, which will make your family uncomfortable.

But not only pay attention to these three points, but also in the use of air conditioning, it is best to pay attention to some in order to enjoy the cool air conditioning at home comfortably!

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

1. Avoid blowing the air conditioner when sweating profusely

Many people often blow on the air conditioner when they are sweating profusely, trying to cool down their bodies quickly, but they don't know that this hurts the body the most. When exposed to cold air, the pores will suddenly close, and the cold will stagnate in the body, which is easy to cause summer dampness and cold.

When we are sweating profusely, we can first take a wet towel to wipe off the sweat on the body, give the body a transitional cooling process, and then blow the air conditioner, so that the body temperature difference is too large and cause summer diseases.

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

2. Drink plenty of water

Experts say that due to the loss of body water caused by air conditioning, the throat and nasal cavity are more likely to dry, so it is necessary to drink more boiled water to replenish the lack of water and vitamins in the body, and accelerate the metabolism in the body.

Drinking 6-8 cups of plain water every day can effectively remove heat from the body and prevent heat stroke.

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

3. Drink a cup of brown sugar ginger tea

Ginger has three major effects: sweating and detoxifying, warming the stomach and relieving nausea, and detoxifying. Drinking a cup of brown sugar ginger tea every day can help prevent air-conditioning sickness.

For people who already have symptoms of air-conditioning sickness such as headaches and back pain, drinking more brown sugar ginger tea can also help treat these symptoms. Especially for female friends who love beauty, drinking more brown sugar ginger tea can nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and blood, and make themselves more beautiful.

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

4. Eat more tomato soup

Tomatoes can quench thirst, strengthen the stomach and eliminate appetite, and the malic acid and citric acid in them help digestion and absorption. Tomatoes are rich in "lycopen", which has the effect of inhibiting bacteria.

For people who stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, it can not only quench thirst, but also effectively relieve symptoms such as indigestion and loss of appetite. You can add a little rock sugar to the tomato soup, which is delicious and delicious.

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

Only by doing the above four points in daily life can we better enjoy the air conditioning design! And it can also prevent "air conditioning disease".

Especially for families with elderly or children at home, they must learn it quickly, so that the children and the elderly can stay in the air-conditioned room and enjoy the air-conditioning at ease.

Turn on the air conditioner when you sleep at night, remember not to turn on 26 degrees, this temperature is the most suitable, and tell your parents after reading

Summary at the end of the article:

I advise you not to enjoy the so-called "thick quilt blowing air conditioner" when you sleep at night, and appropriately adjust the temperature of the air conditioner to make us better enjoy the cool air conditioning environment.

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