
2024-2030 China dimethyl ether industry market monitoring and investment prospect research report

author:Beijing Boyan Zhishang Information Consulting Co., Ltd., 2010

2024-2030 China dimethyl ether industry market monitoring and investment prospect research report

2024-2030 China dimethyl ether industry market monitoring and investment prospect research report

Report No.: 1760292

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  Diphenylmethane is an important fine chemical product with a wide range of application prospects. It is mainly used in the manufacture of polyester fibers, dyes, coatings, solvents, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyamide (PA), polyurethane (PU) and other synthetic materials, which are widely used in textile industry, coating industry, dye industry, plastic products industry, automobile manufacturing industry and other industries.

  The market status of China's phenylene ether industry

  The production capacity of China's benzenedimethyl ether industry has grown steadily, and the national benzenedimethyl ether production capacity is about 1 million tons, accounting for more than 50% of the global production capacity. Since 2014, the production capacity of China's benzediemethyl ether industry has continued to grow, mainly due to the increase in new production capacity. With the commissioning of these new production capacities, the capacity structure of China's benzene ether industry is changing, from the original production capacity structure dominated by synthetic fibers to the production capacity structure dominated by plastics, coatings and dyes.

  According to the data of China Chemical Information Network, in 2020, the sales volume of benzenedimethyl ether products in China reached 83,500 tons, an increase of 20.8% from 2016, indicating that the market demand of China's benzedimethyl ether industry is strong and the development prospects of the industry are very broad.

  Competitive landscape of the benzenequine industry

  There are three main types of competition pattern in China's benzenediemethyl ether industry: one is the competition pattern of enterprises in the industry, the other is the competition pattern between enterprises in the industry and external enterprises, and the third is the competition pattern between enterprises in the industry and enterprises outside the industry.

  The competition pattern of enterprises in the industry, due to the rapid development of China's benzenediemethyl ether industry, the number of enterprises is large, and the competition is fierce, and the main forms of competition between enterprises are price competition, technology competition and service competition.

  The competition pattern between enterprises in the industry and external enterprises, due to the rapid development of China's benzenedimethyl ether industry, external enterprises are gradually paying attention to the industry, and have invested in the game, and the competition is fierce.

  The competition pattern between enterprises in the industry and enterprises outside the industry, enterprises outside the industry are mainly supported by technical advantages, attract consumers at low prices, and gain market share with low prices and high-quality products, so as to gain advantages in the competition and ensure their competitive position in the industry.

  China's benzenediemethyl ether industry market is developing rapidly, production capacity continues to grow, market demand is strong, the competition pattern is complex, enterprises inside and outside the industry have increased investment, in order to better meet market demand, expand industry space, and achieve industry development and economic growth.

The "2024-2030 China Dimethyl Ether Industry Market Monitoring and Investment Prospect Research Report" released by Boyan Consulting consists of eight chapters. Firstly, the market development environment of the dimethyl ether industry and the overall operation situation of dimethyl ether were introduced, and then the current situation of the market operation of the dimethyl ether industry was analyzed, and then the competition pattern of the dimethyl ether market was introduced. Subsequently, the report analyzes the business status of key enterprises in dimethyl ether, and finally analyzes the development trend and investment forecast of dimethyl ether industry. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the dimethyl ether industry or want to invest in the dimethyl ether industry, this report is an indispensable and important tool for you.

The data of this research report mainly use national statistical data, General Administration of Customs, questionnaire survey data, and data collected by the Ministry of Commerce. Among them, the macroeconomic data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics, some industry statistics mainly come from the National Bureau of Statistics and market research data, the enterprise data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics large-scale enterprise statistical database and stock exchanges, etc., and the price data mainly comes from various market monitoring databases.

Table of contents of the text

Chapter 1 Chemical Raw Materials Industry Analysis

Section 1 Introduction to Chemical Raw Materials

1. Definition of basic chemical raw materials

Second, the main chemical raw material products

3. Introduction to five basic organic chemical raw materials

Section 2 Analysis of the Development of Chemical Raw Materials Industry in Mainland China

1. Review of the development of the chemical raw materials industry in 2024

2. The price of imported organic chemical raw materials in 2024

3. Brief situation of some domestic inorganic chemical raw materials market in 2024

4. Forecast and analysis of China's basic chemical raw material manufacturing industry

Section 3 Data analysis of basic chemical raw material manufacturing industry from 2019 to 2024

1. Data analysis of basic chemical raw material manufacturing industry in 2024

2. Data analysis of the basic chemical raw material manufacturing industry in 2024

Chapter 2 Dimethyl Ether Industry Analysis

Section 1 Introduction to dimethyl ether

1. Properties of dimethyl ether

Second, the use of dimethyl ether

3. Development of dimethyl ether

Section 2 Development of dimethyl ether industry

First, the development process of the dimethyl ether industry in China

Second, dimethyl ether has become the new favorite of alternative energy

3. The expansion of the mainland dimethyl ether industry will accelerate in 2024

4. Development status of the dimethyl ether industry in mainland China in 2024

Section 3 Dimethyl ether project construction dynamics

Section 4 Challenges and strategies for the development of the dimethyl ether industry

1. Obstacles to the development of dimethyl ether in the field of substitution

Second, the dilemma faced by the development of the mainland dimethyl ether industry

3. Problems faced by mainland dimethyl ether enterprises

4. Suggestions for the development of dimethyl ether industry

5. Measures for the development of the dimethyl ether industry

6. The development of the dimethyl ether industry urgently needs to develop downstream application fields

Section 5 Prospects for the development of China's dimethyl ether industry

First, the development of dimethyl ether is in China's long-term interests

Second, the future development prospects of the dimethyl ether industry are bright

3. Outlook of China's dimethyl ether market

Chapter 3 Analysis of Dimethyl Ether Production Technology

Section 1 Research and development status of dimethyl ether

1. Analysis of the main process technology of dimethyl ether

2. Overview of the development of dimethyl ether in foreign countries

3. The current status of dimethyl ether industrial technology research and development at home and abroad

Section 2 Dimethyl ether production process

1. Traditional two-step production process

Second, the one-step production process

3. Methanol gas phase method

Fourth, methanol liquid phase method

5. Advanced methanol gas phase method

Section 3 Biomass Synthetic Fuel Dimethyl Ether Technology

1. Research progress of biomass gasification technology

2. Preparation technology of biomass-based syngas

3. Process route and equipment composition of biomass synthesis dimethyl ether

Section 4 Overview of technological innovation in dimethyl ether

1. Solid-phase catalytic methanol dehydration to produce dimethyl ether

2. Breakthroughs have been made in the key technologies of dimethyl ether catalysts

3. Dimethyl ether technology of cationic liquid catalytic reaction

Fourth, catalytic distillation to dimethyl ether technology

Chapter 4 Analysis of the application field of dimethyl ether

Section 1 Feasibility analysis of dimethyl ether application

1. Feasibility study of dimethyl ether as an energy alternative

2. Detailed explanation of the feasibility of dimethyl ether as city gas

3. Feasibility analysis of dimethyl ether as foam polyurethane foaming agent

Section 2 Technical and economic analysis of dimethyl ether substitution for diesel

1. Background introduction of dimethyl ether instead of diesel

2. Technical and economic analysis of dimethyl ether instead of diesel

3. Development countermeasures for dimethyl ether to replace diesel

Section 3 Overview of dimethanol substitution of petroleum

1. Dimethyl ether has taken a key step to replace oil

Second, the process of dimethyl ether oil substitution is accelerating

3. Dimethyl ether instead of oil faces two major bottlenecks

Section 4 Application Analysis of Dimethyl Ether in the Automotive Field

1. Overview of the development of dimethyl ether automobile industry at home and abroad

Second, the development of dimethyl ether automobiles

3. China vigorously promotes the application of dimethyl ether buses

Fourth, the development of the field of dimethyl ether for vehicles in Linyi, Shandong

Section 5 Application of dimethyl ether in R600a refrigerator

1. Dimethyl ether as a refrigerator refrigerant is more superior than R600a

2. Comparison of thermal properties of dimethyl ether and R600a

3. Dimethyl ether is used in the experimental research of R600a refrigerator

Chapter 5 Development of dimethyl ether raw material industry

Section 1 Coal Industry

1. Brief description of the economic operation of the coal industry in 2024

Second, the mainland coal-to-dimethyl ether has entered the industrialization stage

3. Analysis of the advantages and trends of coal-to-dimethyl ether

4. Analysis of the integration situation of China's coal industry from 2024 to 2030

5. Outlook for mainland coal market demand from 2024 to 2030

Section 2 Natural Gas Industry

1. Overview of the development of China's natural gas industry

2. Favorable conditions for the development of China's natural gas industry

3. The development of China's natural gas industry in 2024

Fourth, the cost analysis of natural gas to dimethyl ether

5. Analysis of the development situation of natural gas exploration and development in China

Section 3 Biomass industry

1. The utilization of biomass energy in the world

Second, the EU launched the biomass dimethyl ether project

3. Analysis of the field of biomass energy utilization in mainland China

4. Economic analysis of biomass synthetic fuel dimethyl ether

Section 4 Methanol Industry

1. Supply and demand analysis of the international methanol industry

2. Overview of the development of the methanol market at home and abroad in 2024

3. Overview of the development of the methanol market at home and abroad in 2024

4. National standard for methanol for vehicle fuel

5. Breakthroughs have been made in the production of methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether in China

Sixth, the development prospects of the mainland methanol market are promising

Chapter 6 Analysis of Dimethyl Ether Downstream Industry

Section 1 Development of downstream products of dimethyl ether

1. React with SO3 to synthesize dimethyl sulfate

2. Synthesis of alkyl halides

3. Synthesis of N,N-dimethylaniline

Fourth, it reacts with CO

5. Synthetic dimethyl carbonate

6. Synthetic ethylene

7. Synthesis of dimethyl sulfide

8. Other reactions

Section 2 Analysis of dimethyl carbonate industry

1. The development of dimethyl carbonate in mainland China is still in its infancy

2. Investment risk analysis of dimethyl carbonate industry

3. Analysis of investment opportunities in the dimethyl carbonate industry

4. Suggestions for the development of China's dimethyl carbonate industry

Fifth, China should break through the technical and market difficulties of dimethyl carbonate

Section 3 Analysis of the development of the ethylene industry

1. Overview of ethylene industry at home and abroad

2. Analysis of the development of China's ethylene industry

3. The potential crisis faced by the ethylene industry in China

4. Analysis of the development trend of the ethylene industry in mainland China in 2024

Section 4 Development of polycarbonate industry

1. Overview of polycarbonate industry at home and abroad

Second, the application field of polycarbonate

3. In 2024, the industrialization technology of polycarbonate in mainland China will break the monopoly of foreign countries

Fourth, the development of China's polycarbonate industry

Chapter VII dimethyl ether production enterprises

Section 1 Sichuan Lutianhua Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Section 2 Shandong Jiutai Chemical Technology Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Section 3 ENN Group Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Section 4 Tianmao Industrial Group Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Section 5 Shanxi Orchid Science and Technology Venture Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Section 6 China Coal Energy Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Section 7 Guizhou Chitianhua Co., Ltd

1. Company Profile

Second, the company's scientific research achievements

3. Business conditions

Chapter 8 2024-2030 China Dimethyl Ether Industry Development Prospect Forecast

Section 1 Review of investment in dimethyl ether industry

1. Statistics on the scale and growth rate of investment in the dimethyl ether industry

2. Analysis of the investment structure of the dimethyl ether industry

Section 2 Investment scale and growth forecast of China's dimethyl ether industry from 2024 to 2030

Section 3 Forecast of the development trend of China's dimethyl ether industry from 2024 to 2030

1. Analysis of the driving factors of the development of the dimethyl ether industry

2. Prediction of the development trend of the dimethyl ether industry

3. 2024-2030 China's dimethyl ether industry output forecast chart

4. 2024-2030 demand forecast map of China's dimethyl ether industry

5. 2024-2030 China dimethyl ether industry market size forecast chart

6. 2024-2030 price trend forecast chart of China's dimethyl ether industry

7. Global market share forecast of China's dimethyl ether industry from 2024 to 2030

Section 4 Investment status and suggestions of dimethyl ether industry

1. Analysis of investment projects in the dimethyl ether industry

2. Analysis of investment opportunities in the dimethyl ether industry

3. Investment risk warning for dimethyl ether industry

4. Suggestions on investment strategies for the dimethyl ether industry

Table of Contents of Charts

Chart: Application testing of dimethyl ether instead of gasoline in automobiles

Figure: Schematic diagram of the application field of dimethyl ether

Chart: Some manufacturers of dimethyl ether in mainland China

Chart: Traditional two-step production process for dimethyl ether

Figure: One-step production process of dimethyl ether

Chart: Effect of reaction coupling effect on CO conversion

Diagram: Syngas one-step flow block diagram

Diagram: Methanol gas phase flow block diagram

Diagram: Methanol liquid phase flow block diagram

Diagram: Block diagram of advanced methanol gas phase flow

Chart: Consumption of major raw and auxiliary materials by advanced methanol gas phase method

Chart: Comparison of advanced methanol gas phase method and advanced liquid phase method in China

Chart: Comparison of the four gasification methods

Chart: Comparison of several biomass gas chemical composition adjustment processes

Chart: Biomass synthesis dimethyl ether process route

Chart: Comparison of the properties of dimethyl ether with LPG and natural gas

Chart: Combustion properties of DME and LPG

Chart: Saturation vapor pressure of dimethyl ether and LPG at different temperatures

Chart: Comparison of combustion properties of dimethyl ether and diesel

Chart: Relationship between unit size, coal price, and full cost of methanol

Chart: Relationship between methanol price and dimethyl ether cost price

Chart: Comparison of the main thermal properties of R600A and dimethyl ether

Chart: Continent's energy mix in 2024

Chart: Methanol production capacity and share in various regions of the world in 2024

Chart: Distribution of world ethylene production capacity in 2024

See text for more charts......

2024-2030 China dimethyl ether industry market monitoring and investment prospect research report

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