
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

author:Stone Forest Fusion Media
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Whenever the summer rainy season comes, it's the season for the Stone Forest people to eat mushrooms again! A wave of rain and a wave of sun, a round "small umbrella" broke out of the ground, that is, when the wild mushroom grows, this is a gluttonous feast, once a year, as scheduled.

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Boletus mushrooms (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Cyancephalic mushroom (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

White porcini mushroom (photo by Wang Limei)

Eating wild mushrooms is a dangerous tip-of-the-tongue adventure and must be done with caution. Do not pick, sell, buy, or eat wild mushrooms that you are not familiar with. When processing, it must be fried and cooked thoroughly, not eaten cold, mixed with many varieties, not eaten the remaining wild mushrooms, and it is not advisable to drink alcohol when eating wild mushrooms. Tourists should go to regular restaurants that specialize in cooking wild mushrooms to eat wild mushrooms, and go to professional wild mushroom trading markets to buy fresh wild mushrooms.

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "Little Yellow Feet" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "Red Feet" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "Aeruginomycetes" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "comb fungus" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "Little Flower Foot" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "bubble fungus" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "Huang Laitou" (photo by Wang Limei)

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Common name "white milk syrup" (photo by Wang Limei)

In order to effectively protect everyone's health and life safety

The general public is reminded to be cautious when consuming wild mushrooms

Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?
Have you ever eaten these wild mushrooms in the stone forest?

Source: Stone Forest Scenic Area Administration

Simao District Rong Media Center

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yikun

Review: Daniel Zhang

Executive Producer: Daniel Zhang

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