
Start with a good egg

author:The leisure time of the post-80s

Recently, I still play a lot, and I need to master some key skills and strategies to start the game:

  1. Positioning and main attack: After finishing the cards, you must first position according to your own card strength. If the card is very strong, you can choose to do the main attack and strive for the upstream; If the hand is weak, you can choose to make an assist.
  2. Hand Strategy: Minimize the number of hands by focusing on reducing the number of rounds. For example, if you have 3 3-of-a kind and 1 pair, consider taking a single card out of one of the 3-of-a kind to form two three-of-twos.
  3. First single card: The first single card at the beginning may imply a king in the hand or a strong hand. This way of playing can help you test your opponent's hand strength and provide a basis for your subsequent playing strategy.
  4. Counting Cards and Observation: The Egg Hunter is also a Poker Master. Playing cards is the foundation of playing eggs, and having a good ability to play cards can give you more control over the game. Memorizing the big cards played by your opponents, such as the big and small kings, the main cards, etc., can help you better develop your playing strategy.
  5. Cooperate with teammates: In the opening stage, it is necessary to guess the hand type of the opponent by playing cards and pressing cards, so as to better cooperate with each other. Understand the hand type of the opponent in order to better cooperate with each other, in the process of the game, especially in the opening stage, must be through the cards, press cards to guess the opponent's card type.
  6. Avoid playing too early: When the hand strength is weak, avoid playing too early to avoid misleading your teammates. The right thing to do is to choose the right time to play according to the actual situation.
  7. Reserve Bombs: Bombs are meant to be blown up, not hidden. Don't always save the bomb for last, shoot when it's time to shoot.
  8. Concentrate on dealing with one: If one has already made three bombs, it can often be concluded that his card strength is weak, and at this time it should be concentrated on dealing with another.
Start with a good egg
Start with a good egg
Start with a good egg

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