
In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

author:Mr. Fat's Water Treatment Diary

This article was first published on the official account on January 30, 2024: "Mr. Fat's Water Treatment Diary", if you want to learn more interesting and informative water treatment knowledge in advance, welcome to search and pay attention (this number only drains and does not reply, if you want to communicate further, please move to the official account)!

In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

Early this morning, I just went to the office seat and sat down, and before I had time to drink a saliva, Xiao Wang from the laboratory came over in a hurry and said to me excitedly:

"Fat brother, I found a big job for our laboratory for 10 million!"

I looked at Xiao Wang suspiciously, thinking to myself that with you, a rookie who has just joined the company for less than two years, and you don't have any prominent background, where can you find a job?

Xiao Wang may have seen through my thoughts, and complained to me very dissatisfied:

"Fat brother, don't look at people in the cracks, you look at people flat, as the so-called shrimp has a shrimp road, crabs have a crab road, I also have my own way to find a job!"

I nodded, thinking that what Xiao Wang said was right, so let him explain in detail what the project was.

Seeing that I was a little serious, Xiao Wang immediately changed his smug face and talked endlessly.

But I only listened to half of what he said, and I probably understood what was going on, and I thought it was no wonder that this so-called "big job" of 10 million could fall on the head of a stupid white sweet person like Xiao Wang.

It turned out that in order to learn and communicate, Xiao Wang usually added a lot of water treatment exchange groups, and also met a lot of peers from all over the world, and they exchanged ideas in the group when they had nothing to do, so they could also get some project information.

But for this kind of information,I've always scoffed,Ignore it,After all, everyone is a peer,If you really want to have a project, no one will selflessly share information in the public group.,Those who come out.,99% of them are rushing to prostitute your technical solutions.。 Don't talk about giving you a mouthful of soup to drink, it's good if you didn't take the opportunity to move your pot away when the time comes.

When making money, he still thinks about selflessly giving it to others, that is Lei Feng, and today's society has long been extinct.

But Xiao Wang has not been beaten by society, where does he understand this?

So after seeing that someone in the group shared information about a difficult wastewater treatment project, he contacted people in a hurry to ask about the specific situation.

Although I already have a rough idea of the plot in my heart, I think it's nothing anyway, so it's better to let Xiao Wang talk about what kind of difficult wastewater treatment project it is.

Xiao Wang asked me tentatively:

"Fat brother, I don't know if you've heard of the blue charcoal wastewater?"

When I heard that it was this kind of wastewater, I felt a pang in my heart, and I really didn't insult the word "high difficulty".

I nodded and motioned for Xiao Wang to continue.

Xiao Wang said to himself again:

"The man said that he was a coal chemical company in Yulin, Shaanxi, and that there was a coke wastewater that needed to be treated, with an initial investment of 1,000w and an operating cost of less than 40 yuan per ton of water, and asked me if I could do it."

I asked Xiao Wang how he replied.

Xiao Wang looked very excited, and said:

"With such a big job and high-concentration wastewater, I definitely didn't dare to make a decision directly, so I asked him to send a water sample, saying that I had to do a small test to determine if I could do it."

I smiled and said:

"Okay, it doesn't take much effort to do the experiment, you can just give it a try!"

With that, I got up and wanted to fetch water.

Xiao Wang saw my lack of interest, and couldn't help but be anxious:

"Fat brother, don't go, can we take this job?"

I didn't even look back, I just waved my hand and said:

"With just a few of us, it's definitely not fun, this kind of water can't be touched by environmental engineering majors alone!"

After all, this is the first big job that Xiao Wang found alone, so why don't you give up because of my words? So he took three steps and made two steps to catch up, ran to me and continued to ask:

"Fat brother, don't sell it, we have done a lot of difficult industrial wastewater treatment projects before, why can't we do this blue charcoal wastewater? Besides, if we can't do environmental engineering, who else can? ”

I knew that I couldn't blow Xiao Wang's confidence too much, after all, this was the project he found, and there were too many things to say, so it was easy for him to think that I was jealous of me, so I said:

"It's okay, you just ask him to send a water sample, and then the water sample arrives, and you do the experiment yourself, you know why I said that."

Xiao Wang nodded, and finally stopped pestering me.

A week later, Yulin sent a few buckets of water samples, I asked Xiao Wang to open one of the buckets, and in an instant, a strong phenol smell came to my face, I was choked, and I felt that the Tianling lid was about to be lifted.

I frowned, sure enough, it was authentic blue charcoal wastewater, and judging by the appearance and smell, the index of this water must not be low.

In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

▲The appearance of the wastewater sample sent by the owner

In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

▲The appearance of the blue charcoal water poured out after opening the packaging barrel (the phenolic taste is very strong)

Xiao Wang was also choked by the smell of this wastewater, and he pinched his nose and said:

"Fat brother, the smell of this water is so pungent, it seems that it must not be biochemical!"

I smiled slightly and didn't answer him, thinking that if the pretreatment of this water is not in place, it will not only be bad for biochemistry, but if you put a batch, you will have to die a batch, which is simply a slaughter of activated sludge.

Immediately after that, I used the excuse of exercising Xiao Wang to let him come up with the experimental plan for this small test, and all the subsequent experiments were carried out according to his plan, and I was only responsible for starting out.

Xiao Wang didn't refuse, after all, it was a project he found himself, and he also wanted to prove that my opinion was wrong, so he was very motivated, and quickly listed the plan and showed it to me.

I took a look and saw that Xiao Wang's plan was reasonable, first testing the conventional indicators such as COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, pH, TDS, and BOD5 of the water sample.


Then according to the water quality indicators, the small-scale test plan is determined, and the specific process flow is as follows: adjust pH + flocculation precipitation and degreasing + Fenton advanced oxidation + biochemistry + ozone deep oxidation.

However, soon, the cruel result hammered Xiao Wang hard.

First of all, flocculation, Xiao Wang did 5 gradient dosing experiments in a row, the maximum dosage of PAC was 2%, and a lot of flocs were produced, but the final precipitation of the supernatant was still not optimistic, and the COD removal rate was almost non-existent.

In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

▲ Appearance after flocculation treatment

However, flocculation was originally just an appetizer, and Xiao Wang didn't expect it to have much effect, and still confidently carried out the follow-up Fenton pretreatment experiment.

Considering that the phenolic taste in the raw water of blue charcoal is particularly strong, the inhibition of microorganisms in the biochemical process must be particularly strong, so Xiao Wang in the design of the Fenton experiment when the dosage of the agent is not small, the highest batch of dosage, 30% concentration of H2O2 even reached 10%, according to the ratio of H2O2:COD=1:1, the maximum amount of COD can be removed as high as 30,000mg/L.

Seeing Xiao Wang's operation as fierce as a tiger for a while, I couldn't help but laugh dumbly, and said teasingly:

"Even if you can succeed in this experiment, do you think the owner will agree?"

Xiao Wang didn't feel anything wrong at all, and replied without thinking:

"Let's see the effect first!"

I had no choice but to let him continue to toss.

The results came out quickly, after a large dose of Fenton's oxidation treatment, the color of the blue charcoal effluent was indeed reduced a lot, and the COD could even be 500mg/L, but the cost was also extremely heavy, and the effluent TDS soared from 10g/L to 19g/L, almost doubling.

In addition, it is a large amount of iron sludge, if this is treated according to hazardous waste, converted into tons of water treatment costs, the cost is definitely not lost to the cost of medicine.

In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

▲The appearance of the effluent after Fenton treatment (basically clear and transparent)

In the face of this result, Xiao Wang was speechless, after all, the cost is there, don't say that the processing fee of 40 yuan/t is multiplied by 10 times, I am afraid that I can't beat it.

"Fat brother, you can help, try electrocatalytic technology!"

Xiao Wang still does not give up, feeling that the root cause of Fenton's high cost is iron clay, and if it is replaced by a technology that does not produce hazardous waste, it may be fine.

"What I told you before is in vain, electrocatalysis is not suitable for pretreatment of biochemical processes!"

In the face of Xiao Wang's request, I was speechless.

However, in order to better educate him, although he was extremely reluctant (mainly because the electrode plate was contaminated with such a high concentration of wastewater, and the follow-up cleaning was very troublesome), he still found an electrocatalytic small test device and demonstrated it to him in person.

After I loaded the water, connected the DC power supply, and electrolyzed it for about 10 minutes, the actual phenomenon made Xiao Wang stunned.

I saw that the original burgundy blue charcoal raw water, under the blessing of electrocatalytic oxidation, fluffed up like toast, and finally the reddish-brown foam even overflowed the outer edge of the reactor and flowed all over the table.

In the next 10 years, the invincible profession in the field of water treatment is not necessarily environmental engineering!

▲Appearance of coke wastewater after electrocatalytic oxidation treatment for 10 min

I looked at Xiao Wang helplessly and said:

"Today's hygiene, you clean up!"

Xiao Wang had never seen this phenomenon before, so he asked me why this happened.

"The coke wastewater not only contains a large number of phenolic organic compounds, but also a wide variety of organic compounds with foaming functions, coupled with the extremely fine small bubbles generated in the process of electrocatalytic energization, a large number of such foams will naturally be produced."

"This problem is easy to solve, just add some defoamer, but through electrocatalytic oxidation of the effluent, B/C will basically not increase."

As soon as Xiao Wang heard me say this, he seemed to grasp the life-saving straw again, found a defoamer dropwise and added it to the raw water, saying that he had to finish the experiment.

In the end, of course, no miracle happened, and the color of the electrocatalytic water was much lighter, but with the strong pungent smell of phenolic smell mixed with chlorine smell, if you want to say that microorganisms can adapt, then you are hell.

Xiao Wang sat down dejectedly, and after a long time he raised his head again, looked at me with hope in his eyes, and said:

"Fat brother, since high-level oxidation is not good, what about evaporation?"

I laughed angrily and rejected his proposal directly:

"Please, 40 yuan per ton of water treatment fee, you still dare to use evaporation? Not to mention the energy consumption in the evaporation process, the last remaining kettle residues, 40 yuan can't be beaten, your idea is completely wrong! ”

At this time, Xiao Wang finally gave up, and then he understood why so many people in the group didn't take this seemingly fat job, it turned out that experienced people knew that this was a hot potato.

"Then fat brother, how to solve this kind of water?"

I let out a long sigh and said to Xiao Wang:

"To be honest, this kind of coke wastewater is not something that our environmental engineering major can solve!"

When Xiao Wang saw that I had talked about this topic again, the strength to not admit defeat came up again, and he retorted with a stalk and said:

"Wastewater treatment is the main job of environmental engineering majors, why is it not as good as people?"

I sneered and asked Xiao Wang:

"When it comes to making fungicides, are you better than biology? In terms of making catalysts and membranes, etc., are you better than the material major? In terms of making all kinds of chemical agents, are you better than the chemical major? When it comes to smart water, are you better than learning a computer? ”

Xiao Wang just wanted to refute me, but he didn't say a word after opening his mouth for a long time, after all, what I said was the truth.

"It's like this kind of coke wastewater, if it is handed over to our environmental engineering professionals to come up with a plan, it will definitely be your set, first pretreatment, then biochemical treatment, and then advanced treatment process."

"This is like a war between two countries, our commander's idea is not to accept any surrender, kill all the enemies, leave no one behind, and in the end, even if you win, it will be a miserable victory, and the kind of killing the enemy for 1,000 and losing 800 will cost you very much."

"But what if you think about it differently? Why can't we first recycle the organic matter in the raw water, which not only reduces the organic load of the follow-up process, but also sells the recovered phenols as products and subsidizes part of the operating costs, only in this way, the ton water treatment cost of this coke wastewater has the opportunity to reach the level of 50 yuan! ”

After listening to me, Xiao Wang's eyes lit up and he felt that it made a lot of sense, so he asked me if I had done similar projects before, and how did I do it?

I smiled bitterly and said:

"I have indeed done the blue charcoal wastewater treatment project, but I am by no means alone, the final process is to first break the emulsion and remove the oil, then extract and dephenol, and then carry out a low dose of Fenton pre-oxidation and then enter the subsequent biochemical unit."

"And I am responsible for the traditional process part, for the demulsification and oil removal and extraction and dephenolization of the formula, are developed by the chemical colleagues in the team, I don't know in detail, so strictly speaking, if you want me to do this kind of coke wastewater alone, I really can't do it."

"And the project you are looking for, Party A wants to invest 1000w, 40 yuan of water running costs, as far as I know, even if it is multi-professional cooperation, it is currently unattainable, this person has set a goal that you can hardly reach, obviously to set a set of process solutions!"

After listening to me, Xiao Wang finally gave up.

I saw that the light in Xiao Wang's eyes disappeared again, and I was afraid that my remarks just now would hit him too hard, so I hurriedly comforted him and said:

"But you don't have to be presumptuous, our environmental engineering major, although it is true that we can't beat those interdisciplinary people at a specific point, but we have a huge advantage, which they can't compare."

Xiao Wang immediately came to life again, stared at me with burning eyes and asked:

"Which one?"

I laughed and said:

"After all, we are the most rooted profession in the field of water treatment, although we may not be able to compare with those outsiders in a specific technical field, but we are still the people who know the pain points and needs of water treatment the most, and they can't compare to us in terms of resource integration, or technology integration!"

"Just like the chemical engineers I worked with when I was working on coke wastewater before, although they have deep attainments in pharmaceutical research and development, which of today's difficult industrial wastewater can be solved by using chemicals alone?"

"Many such projects from pretreatment to secondary treatment to advanced treatment, as many as a dozen or even dozens of process units are not uncommon, at this time it is necessary to cooperate closely with various professions, and those who understand medicine do not understand biochemistry, those who understand biochemistry do not understand catalysis, those who understand catalysis do not understand membranes, and those who understand membranes do not understand process control......"

"When this big circle turns down, everyone is like a plate of loose sand, and no matter how strong the individual ability is, it is difficult to play a role."

"At this time, we need to play, an excellent environmental engineer, should definitely be the center of the whole team, know where to put whom, in order to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum cost."

I saw that Xiao Wang's eyes were bright again, and most of the haze in his heart must have been blown away.

I reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said in a serious tone:

"Therefore, in the future water treatment industry, our environmental engineering profession will face greater challenges, and if you want to fight your way out of this surrounded environment, you have to work hard to develop into compound talents."

"Not only do you have to understand the traditional water treatment knowledge, but also try to understand as much as possible about other professional knowledge related to water treatment, including but not limited to materials, chemical engineering, automatic control, computers, etc., so young man, come on and work hard!"

Xiao Wang nodded firmly, I was very pleased, it seemed that he listened to my words.

This is the end of today's story.

Why does the fat brother want to say such a thing, mainly because the vast majority of people in the mixed water treatment circle only understand the mainstream biochemical process, and know little about other types of technologies, or even reject them, thinking that those are all strange and ingenious, not worth mentioning.

This is really not Fat Brother himself's nonsense, because since Fat Brother made an official account, he has found a rule, the articles that everyone loves to read are all related to biochemical processes, and the rest of the types of technical posts are rarely cared for, and the reading volume is very bleak.

This is definitely not a good phenomenon, with the continuous development of various professional technologies, if we are still conservative, then once there is a technological outbreak in the field of environmental protection water treatment, the traditional activated sludge process has lost its hegemony, our outcome will definitely be very miserable.

He said:

"The activated sludge process is so perfect, how can it be knocked down?"

I have always scoffed at this statement, activated sludge does have many advantages, but it is definitely not perfect, especially in the context of today's dual carbon strategy, the activated sludge process with ultra-high carbon emissions itself will really face the risk of being eliminated at any time.

So the fat brother advises you:

"If you want to occupy a place in the field of water treatment in the future, you still have to keep learning!"

Alright, that's all for today's diary.

Finally, thank you very much for your attention to Fat Brother's water treatment diary, if you have time, let's continue to talk about water treatment next time.


I am Mr. Fat, focusing on the research and development of sewage treatment technology for more than 10 years, I will share my personal experience, experience and some interesting case stories about water treatment technology on this official account from time to time, welcome everyone to pay attention and share.

In addition, a single flower is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in spring, Mr. Fat also wants us to learn more useful knowledge about water treatment, and contribute to the lucid waters and green mountains.

Therefore, I designed a systematic course for everyone to learn, and the course name is "Practical Training Course on the Principles and Design of Common Biochemical and Physical Technologies for Environmental Protection Wastewater Treatment". There are 62 lectures in total, and the table of contents is long, so I won't paste them separately.

In addition to the course, I have also collected a large number of electronic materials about environmental protection water treatment technology, including course courseware, various process calculation books, small software for process design, dynamic display of process principles, various literature, etc., which will be sent to you.

In addition, I have also set up an exclusive student exchange group for registered students, if you encounter any problems in real work, including aerobic biochemical process, advanced catalytic oxidation process, evaporative desalination, double membrane water reuse, etc., you can ask me questions in the group, but if I understand, I must tell you.

The above services, a full set of 300 yuan, expensive depends on how you look at it, I won't say much, interested partners can add my green bubble friends private chat consultation: shuichuliqingong, that is, "water treatment Qin Gong" pinyin.

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