
Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

author:Wisdom Peacock 54
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Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Behind the bustling ancient city, there are some little-known groups and phenomena, among which the title "turtle slave" is one of them. Not only do they rarely leave traces in the historical records, but they are even lower than prostitutes in terms of social status, and they spend their lives in the shadow of not being able to raise their heads. So, where is the "turtle slave" sacred? Why did you end up in such a situation?

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

The Appearance of the Turtle Slave

The ancient brothel of Qinglou is like a unique landscape, attracting the attention of countless literati and scholars, dignitaries and dignitaries. It is a place for men to have fun, and it is also a corner for women at the bottom of society to struggle for their livelihoods. However, in this seemingly glamorous world, there is also a group of obscure figures, who are known as "turtle slaves".

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

The term "turtle slave" originated in ancient China and specifically referred to men who worked as odd laborers in brothels. They are different from prostitutes, although they are also in the same place, prostitutes can still gain a certain amount of social recognition and respect for their appearance and talent, while turtle slaves can only work behind the scenes in obscurity, and their work is heavy and trivial, including cleaning, serving tea and water, maintaining order, etc.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

In ancient times, the brothel was a place for men to have fun, and it was also a place for women at the bottom of the society to survive. Although the prostitutes have a bad fate, they are skilled and able to attract customers with their talents and appearances, and earn a certain income and respect. Turtle slaves, on the other hand, are often from poor backgrounds and have no skills, so they can only rely on selling their labor to make a living in the green building. They had a very low social status and were often seen as inferior, even inferior to prostitutes.

The word "turtle slave" seems to be a bit of banter and ridicule at first glance, but there is a heavy history hidden behind it. The name "turtle slaves" originated from one of their special duties - to deliver the prostitutes in the green house to the guests' houses.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Turtle slave, as the name suggests, is like a heavy turtle shell. Whenever a guest needed a prostitute to come to the door, the turtle slave would carry the beautiful woman in the green house to the threshold of the rich house. The turtle slaves tied the white towel on their shoulders, used their shoulders as a sedan chair, and walked slowly. Their gait is steady, like that of a thousand-year-old turtle. For this reason, they were nicknamed "turtle slaves".

This task seems simple, but in fact it is full of hardships and helplessness. They need to carefully escort prostitutes to unfamiliar mansions, facing every possible danger and uncertainty. In the process, they not only have to protect the safety of the prostitutes, but also endure inner torment and pain. After all, as a man, carrying a delicate and soft woman, how can you not be moved for a long time!

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Not only that, but in the process of escorting prostitutes, the turtle slaves endured the guidance and ridicule of the people around them, which can be said to be very pitiful.

Most of the turtle slaves were born poor and helpless, so they could only sell their labor to make a living, and seek a glimmer of life in the complex rivers and lakes of Qinglou. Their social status was as insignificant as dust, and even often overlooked, even the prostitutes on their shoulders seemed to be above them.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

However, even in such a situation, they still pay silently and bear the unknown hardships. Although they are in the Fengyue place, the prostitutes can still win a place with their appearance and talent, but they can only silently dedicate themselves behind the scenes and become the unsung "heroes" in the story of Fengyue.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Some turtle slaves will not even marry ropes in their lives, of course, there are also cases where they fall in love with prostitutes for a long time and give birth to children, but even if they give birth to children, the child has no good future, if it is a boy, it is estimated that it is also the life of a turtle slave, if it is a daughter, or become a prostitute, or do your best to send the child out to make a living.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

From today's point of view, the term "turtle slave" may have a certain derogatory and discriminatory connotation. But we should be aware of the suffering and helplessness endured by these turtle slaves in the context of ancient society. Although they came from poor backgrounds and had low status, they also had their own dreams and pursuits. They make a living, give and contribute in their own way. Their stories deserve to be remembered and reflected.

"The Reason for the Low Status of Turtle Slaves"

In ancient societies, turtle slaves, as a special group, generally had a low status, which contained complex historical, cultural and social reasons.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

First of all, from the historical background, the emergence of the turtle slave profession is closely related to the economic structure of ancient society. In ancient times, the entertainment industry, especially the Qinglou culture, was prevalent, and the turtle slave, as a service worker in the Qinglou, had a certain derogatory connotation.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

They are often seen as practitioners in vulgar, unethical professions, and therefore naturally have a low social status. In addition, because the Qinglou culture was often suppressed and restricted by the government in ancient society, the turtle slaves, as part of this industry, were also more vulnerable to social discrimination and rejection.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Secondly, from the perspective of cultural concepts, the discrimination against turtle slaves in ancient society also reflected the cultural values of the time. In ancient times, Confucianism was dominant, emphasizing moral ethics and etiquette norms. As practitioners engaged in vulgar industries, the behavior and behavior of turtle slaves often contradicted the moral standards advocated by Confucianism.

As a result, they are regarded as morally corrupt and of inferior character, and it is naturally difficult for them to gain social recognition and respect. In addition, there was also a widespread concept of "male superiority and inferiority of women" in ancient society, and turtle slaves, as men who served women, were also more vulnerable to male discrimination and exclusion.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Moreover, from the perspective of social system, the hierarchy of ancient society is also one of the important reasons for the low status of turtle slaves. In ancient societies, people were divided into different classes, such as nobles, scholars, peasants, craftsmen, etc. As a low-level person engaged in the service industry, the social status of the turtle slave is naturally at a lower level. They are often not well educated, lack knowledge and skills, and can only work in low-end service jobs. This professional nature makes it difficult for them to change their destiny and to gain social recognition and respect.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

In addition, the legal system of ancient society also had an impact on the status of turtle slaves. In ancient times, the law often punished and suppressed practitioners who engaged in vulgar professions. As part of this industry, turtle slaves are often the target of legal crackdowns. They often face various legal risks and punishments, which make their living environment more difficult and their social status even lower.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Finally, from the perspective of personal factors, the quality and ability of the turtle slave itself also had an impact on his status. Since most of the turtle slaves come from the bottom of society, they often lack good education and training opportunities, and it is difficult to improve their quality and ability. This makes them often poor performers at work and struggle to meet the needs of their guests. This manifestation, in turn, further deepens the discrimination and exclusion of them in society.

To sum up, the reasons for the low status of turtle slaves in ancient times include historical background, cultural concepts, social systems, legal systems, and personal factors. These factors intertwined and influenced each other, which together led to the low status of turtle slaves in ancient society.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

However, we should also note that turtle slaves were also an integral part of society despite their low status in ancient society. Through their hard work, they provided necessary services to the ancient society and made their own contribution to the prosperity and development of the society. Therefore, we should treat the turtle slave group with an objective and fair attitude, and respect their labor and dedication.


In the long river of history, the group of "turtle slaves" has long disappeared. But their stories and fates leave us with profound revelations. First of all, we should respect everyone's career and choices. No matter what kind of profession you are engaged in, as long as you earn a living through legal means, you should be respected and recognized by society.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

Second, we should abandon feudal ideas and concepts. In modern society, equality between men and women has become a universal consensus, and we should abandon the feudal idea of male superiority and inferiority of women, so that everyone can equally enjoy the rights and dignity of society. Finally, we should pay attention to the living conditions of the underprivileged groups. Although they live on the margins of society, they are also part of society, and we should pay attention to their life and emotional needs, and provide them with more help and support.

Do you know what a "turtle slave" is? Why is it lower than the status of a prostitute, and it can't hold its head up for the rest of its life!

In short, although the group of "turtle slaves" has long been the dust of history, their stories and fates are always worthy of our memory and reflection. In modern society, we should respect everyone's occupation and choice, abandon feudal ideas and concepts, and pay attention to the living conditions of the groups at the bottom of society. Only in this way can we jointly build a more harmonious, equal and beautiful society. #头条创作挑战赛#