
Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

author:Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical

In the hot summer, due to the hot weather, humid air, and the easy breeding and multiplication of pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, many children are prone to various common diseases. These diseases can not only affect the physical health of children, but also cause great distress and worry to parents. Therefore, it is especially important to protect the physical health of your child during the summer months.

Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

This article will introduce the prevention and treatment measures for common summer diseases in children and what parents should pay attention to, so as to help parents better understand how to protect their children's healthy growth in summer.

01. Diarrhea

In summer, bacteria and viruses breed quickly, and the tableware and food that children come into contact with are easily contaminated by bacteria, which can cause diarrhea in babies if they are not careful. Because the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet mature, gastric acid and various digestive enzymes secreted less than adults, which is not conducive to the digestion of food, easy to cause indigestion, leading to diarrhea; Some babies lack lactase in the intestinal mucosal cells, which cannot break down the lactose in food, which can also lead to diarrhea. At the same time, unclean diet, pathogenic bacterial infection, allergy to certain substances, parasitic infection, adverse reactions to antibiotics, etc., are easy to cause diarrhea symptoms in babies.

Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

If the breastfed baby has golden loose stools 5~6 times a day and even has milk flaps, but the baby breastfeeds well, no fever and vomiting, oliguria or lack of energy, no treatment. If the number of bowel movements is more than seven or eight times a day, and the interval between each time is very short, the stool has become egg drop soup, or mucus pus and bloody stool, and the baby's weight has been reduced, and there are symptoms of fever at the same time, then it is severe diarrhea. At this time, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to avoid more serious conditions for the baby.

How can I prevent my baby from having diarrhea?

Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

02. Heat stroke

Heat stroke is a physical illness in the summer heat that is common in children. In hot weather, the human body is prone to water loss and body temperature rise. Heat stroke can occur if your child is overactive in a hot environment or if they are exposed to high temperatures for a long time without timely rest and proper hydration.

Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

In order to prevent heat stroke, parents need to pay attention to the following: avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures and avoid heat indoors as much as possible; If you need to go out, it is recommended to do it during the time when the temperature is low in the morning and evening, and avoid going out between 12 noon and 3 pm; Pay attention to hydration, give your child plenty of water and juice and other beverages every day, and avoid drinking too many caffeine and sugar drinks; Wear clothes that are easy and breathable, and avoid clothing that is too tight or too heavy.

Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

If the child has symptoms of heat stroke, such as headache, dry mouth, thirst, poor sweating, flushing, etc., parents should move the child to a cool place in time, give him appropriate rest and hydration, and should seek medical attention in time.

03. Cold

In the hot summer, children are more likely to catch colds and coughs. In summer, the outdoor temperature is very high, and the indoor air conditioner is basically turned on, and the child is sweating profusely when he plays outside, and suddenly enters the air-conditioned room, which is easy to cause a cold when it is hot and cold.

Prevention and treatment of common summer diseases in children

In order to be comfortable for a while, many parents turn on the temperature of the air conditioner very low, and then cover their children with quilts to keep warm, which is a very incorrect way. Cold air enters the body through the respiratory tract, and the quilt can only play a role in keeping warm, but cannot prevent cold air from entering the child's body.

Expert advice,

If the baby has a cold in summer, pay attention to let the baby rest more in bed during nursing, and often ventilate the bedroom to ensure that the indoor air in the room is fresh and the room temperature is appropriate. At the same time, it is necessary to replenish more water, infants and young children are prone to "dehydration symptoms" when they have a cold, try to give the child more water. If the baby has a cold and has a recurrent high fever and cough, it must seek medical attention in time and should not be taken lightly.

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