
"Sing the red melody and write a new chapter of the times" - Chunlei community carried out the theme activity of "July 1st" Party Founding Day

author:Anshun Economic Development Zone released

Recently, the Chunlei Community Service Center carried out the theme activities of "Singing the Red Melody and Writing a New Chapter of the Times" and "July 1st" Party Founding Day in the Qingsong Community Cultural Activity Room.

"Sing the red melody and write a new chapter of the times" - Chunlei community carried out the theme activity of "July 1st" Party Founding Day

During the event, the party members of the Chunlei Community Service Center reviewed the oath of joining the party, and then, the community literature and art lovers took the stage one after another, and songs such as "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" aroused everyone's memories of revolutionary history, and also inspired everyone's love and longing for the new era.

"Sing the red melody and write a new chapter of the times" - Chunlei community carried out the theme activity of "July 1st" Party Founding Day

The event not only presented a wonderful performance, but also organized a knowledge quiz session to celebrate the "July 1st" party building, and the audience actively participated in the atmosphere and was warm.

"Sing the red melody and write a new chapter of the times" - Chunlei community carried out the theme activity of "July 1st" Party Founding Day

Everyone said that the activities not only reviewed the glorious history of the party, but also strengthened their belief in following the party, and they will continue to carry forward the party's fine traditions and style, and contribute to the prosperity and development of the community. (Reporter: Zhao Caijun)

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