
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

author:China Concrete and Cement Products Association

On June 28, the "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing. The theme of the conference is "Technology Innovation and Application of Precast Concrete", which is co-sponsored by the "Jianhua Engineering Award" Award Committee and China Concrete and Cement Products Association, undertaken by Beijing Jianhua Building Materials Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., and has been strongly supported by China Civil Engineering Society, China Railway Society, China Highway Society, China Hydraulic Society, China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Society, China Survey and Design Association and other societies (associations).

Jianhua Building Materials in 2013 funded the establishment of the "Jianhua Engineering Award", up to now, a total of more than 700 achievements to participate in the declaration, nearly 170 achievements awarded, these award-winning achievements in promoting the innovation and development of the industry, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, incentives and other aspects have played an important role in promoting.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

With the demand for high-quality development, higher requirements have been put forward for the innovation and development of concrete materials and engineering technology, and the development of concrete materials has entered a low-carbon and green development stage.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Tan Qinglian, former vice minister of the Ministry of Construction, Cai Qinghua, former vice minister of the Ministry of Railways, academician Lu Chunfang, former vice minister of the Ministry of Railways and chairman of the China Railway Society, Lai Ming, member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former full-time vice chairman of the Jiusan Society, and former deputy secretary-general of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, as well as Yang Xiumin, Gong Xiaonan, Nie Jianguo, Miao Changwen, Jiang Huancheng, Wang Jingquan, Zhou Xuhong, Xiao Xuwen, Du Yanliang, Hu Chunhong, He Manchao, Chen Zhengqing, Ren Huiqi, Zheng Jianlong, Wang Fuming, Zhang Jianmin, Yue Qingrui, Deng Mingjiang, Xu Jian, Lu Xilin, Ma Jun, Liu Jiaping, Zhang Zongliang, Du Xiuli, Liu Hanlong, Yin Yueping, Xing Feng, Li Xinggang, Zeng Bin and other 30 academicians attended the meeting.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Also attending the award ceremony were the relevant departments and bureaus of the Department of Civil Hydraulic and Architectural Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Water Resources, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, China Communications Construction Group Corporation, China Civil Engineering Society, China Highway and Transportation Society, China Hydraulic Society, China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Society, China Survey and Design Association, China Concrete and Cement Products Association, China Urban Rail Transit Association, some members of the award committee, national survey and design masters and "Jianhua Engineering Award" evaluation experts. There are nearly 500 leaders and experts from scientific research institutes, universities, survey, design, construction, production and other enterprises in construction, railway, transportation, water conservancy, electric power and other industries, as well as award-winning representatives who won the "Jianhua Engineering Award" from 2022 to 2024.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Wang Zhaojia, special vice president of China Concrete and Cement Products Association, presided over the award ceremony

Yang Xiumin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, first delivered a speech, saying that the development of prefabricated technology is inseparable from the scientific and technological innovation of precast concrete technology. The "Jianhua Engineering Award" established by Jianhua Building Materials Group, as a high-quality award for social science and technology awards, has had a beneficial impact on promoting the technological progress of the precast concrete industry, and also provides a platform for scientific and technological personnel engaged in the concrete and cement products industry to display their talents, and has played a positive role in promoting the development of prefabricated technology.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Academician Yang Xiumin of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Xu Yongmo, Honorary President of China Concrete and Cement Products Association, delivered a speech, saying that the mainland is driving the development of new productive forces with high-tech innovation, and the "Jianhua Engineering Award" conforms to the development needs of the times, keeps pace with the times, and will continue to play a positive role in promoting the innovation and development of the precast concrete industry and engineering technology. It is hoped that in the future, with the joint efforts of everyone, we will vigorously promote and apply the award-winning achievements of the "Jianhua Engineering Award", so that the scientific and technological innovation achievements can be transformed into new quality productivity as soon as possible and to a greater extent.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Xu Yongmo, Honorary President of China Concrete and Cement Products Association

Wang Gang, chairman of Jianhua Building Materials Group, delivered a speech, he said that under the guidance of the National Award Office, with the support of academicians and experts of the Award Committee, and with the care, help and support of relevant industry societies and associations such as China Concrete and Cement Products Association, the "Jianhua Engineering Award" has gone through 10 years. As an award in the national precast concrete industry, the "Jianhua Engineering Award" is becoming more and more recognized by the industry and has more and more influence. These outstanding innovation achievements have contributed to the technological progress and innovative development of the industry, and injected new vitality into the transformation and upgrading of the industry and high-quality development. It is expected that more industry colleagues will actively apply for the "Jianhua Engineering Award" and devote themselves to the innovative practice of precast concrete technology.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Wang Gang, chairman of Jianhua Building Materials Group

Subsequently, Academician Gong Xiaonan read out the 2022, 2023 and 2024 award decisions of the "Jianhua Engineering Award".

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Academician Gong Xiaonan

Two academicians, Nie Jianguo and Miao Changwen, jointly presented awards to the winning projects of the three annual third prizes, Jiang Huancheng and Wang Jingquan jointly presented awards to the winning projects of the three annual second prizes, and Yang Xiumin and Gong Xiaonan jointly presented awards to the winning projects of the three annual first prizes.

The third prize of the 2022-2024 "Jianhua Engineering Award".

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

2022-2024 "Jianhua Engineering Award" Second Prize

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

The first prize of the 2022-2024 "Jianhua Engineering Award".

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing
The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

The award ceremony was preceded by a precast concrete technology exchange meeting. Three experts made presentations.

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Wu Zhigang's general work report on "R&D and Practice of Fully Assembled UHPC-RC Box-type Composite Bridge Technology".

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Master Gu Guorong made a report on "Research and Application of Key Technologies of Precast Piles in Soft Soil Areas".

The "Jianhua Engineering Award" award ceremony and industrial precast concrete technology exchange meeting was held in Beijing

Professor Zheng Gang gave a report on "Efficient Control Method of Geotechnical Engineering Deformation and Its Engineering Application".

Article source: Jianhua Building Materials Group

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