
The two major tire projects were put into production on the same day! GM achieved a milestone breakthrough

author:Cars & Wheels Merchant State

On June 28, GM ushered in another important milestone in its development history: the second phase of the domestic semi-steel project and the second phase of the Thailand project were successfully put into operation in Wuxi base in Jiangsu Province and Thailand base respectively. Cheng Jinyuan, General Manager of GM, Gu Yahong, General Manager of Overseas Companies, Wang Zhongjiang, General Manager of Thailand Company, Wang Zhongwei, Deputy General Manager of Domestic Semi-Steel Production Center, and other leaders attended the commissioning ceremony to witness this exciting and important moment.

The two major tire projects were put into production on the same day! GM achieved a milestone breakthrough

The commissioning of these two projects is an important strategic measure for GM to actively respond to the development trend of the global tire industry, accelerate the release of advantageous production capacity, and deeply deploy the global market.

In recent years, the global demand for tires has continued to grow, and the production and sales of GM's semi-steel tire business have been booming, and the original production capacity has been difficult to meet the market demand. Seizing the development opportunities, GM took the opportunity of the completion and commissioning of two major projects at home and abroad to continuously increase production capacity, improve quality, enhance supply chain resilience, and accelerate towards a new stage of high-quality development.

Among them, the second phase of GM's Thailand project was officially launched in September last year, with a total investment of 1.976 billion yuan, a design capacity of 10 million semi-steel radial tires per year, and an estimated annual operating income of 2.466 billion yuan and an average annual net profit of 459 million yuan.

In the same year, in order to meet the growing demand for semi-steel tires, GM quickly launched the second phase of the technical transformation project of 6 million semi-steel tires in China, with a total investment of 880 million yuan. The two major projects lasted 9 months and 6 months respectively from start to production, and the production progress exceeded expectations, achieving high efficiency guarantee and refreshing the industry speed. After all production is completed, the production capacity of 16 million semi-steel tires will be increased, helping the company to grasp market development opportunities, optimize the industrial structure, and further enhance the market competitiveness and profitability of GM.

The two major tire projects were put into production on the same day! GM achieved a milestone breakthrough

At the commissioning ceremony, Wang Zhongjiang, general manager of GM Thailand, and Wang Zhongwei, deputy general manager of the semi-steel production center, gave a detailed introduction to the second phase of the project in Thailand and the second phase of the domestic semi-steel production center.

The two semi-steel tire projects will focus on "high quality and low carbon", focus on sustainable material design, and strive to create new energy green high-performance tires of their own brands. At the same time, inheriting GM's many years of manufacturing experience and strict manufacturing standards, on the basis of the successful operation of the first phase of the semi-steel tire "black light workshop", it integrates a number of intelligent manufacturing technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence to build an industry-leading digital intelligence and green benchmark factory, and is committed to improving the "human efficiency, energy efficiency, and quality efficiency" of the whole process, and providing customers with high-quality tire products.

Cheng Jinyuan, general manager of General Motors, said that the second phase of the General Semi-Steel project was fully put into operation in only 6 months, which once again refreshed the speed of the industry. In the face of a new starting point, GM will continuously improve the level of factory operation and management from scientific and technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, lean production and other collaborative innovations, strive to build an intelligent benchmark factory in the industry, provide consumers with safer and greener products and better quality and more thoughtful services, and build a national tire brand with international influence.

The two major tire projects were put into production on the same day! GM achieved a milestone breakthrough

Gu Yahong, general manager of GM Overseas Co., Ltd., said at the Thailand base that the smooth commissioning of the second phase of the Thailand project will accelerate the layout and development of GM in the global market and bring new growth points to the company. The factory will focus on the three core driving forces of scientific and technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing and lean production, transform new production capacity into new efficiency, and continue to promote the development of GM to a higher level and higher quality.

The two major tire projects were put into production on the same day! GM achieved a milestone breakthrough

Win a new game and move forward with your dreams! The two projects at home and abroad were put into operation on the same day, which is another important breakthrough in GM's "5X strategy" layout.

Standing on the new journey, GM will continue to be guided by innovation, continuously improve its own manufacturing and quality control levels, promote the accelerated implementation of new technologies and new products, gallop the global market with higher standards and services, and inject strong momentum into the development of China's national tire industry!

The two major tire projects were put into production on the same day! GM achieved a milestone breakthrough

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