
The highest level of a breakup is an open-ended ending, which can be attacked and defended

author:Clover Liu

Breakups are often seen as a tragic end, especially when two souls were once intimately intertwined. From different perspectives, a breakup can also be a beautiful turnaround, the beginning of an open-ended ending that preserves the infinite possibilities of the future. A wise woman knows that a truly wise breakup is not the end of a dead end, but the beginning of a new life for both parties.

The highest level of a breakup is an open-ended ending, which can be attacked and defended

The highest level of breaking up is to leave a trace of space in each other's hearts, and not to completely cut off the bond that connects each other. In this way, the advance can be attacked and retreated, leaving room for operation. Not to say everything, not to push the relationship to the point of no return, this is a respect for what you once had, and it is also a reservation for the infinite possibilities of the future.

The highest level of a breakup is an open-ended ending, which can be attacked and defended

When a relationship reaches the point where it has to be separated, the most graceful exit is quiet. This kind of parting does not need to wait for the other party to speak first, but actively chooses to leave when he realizes that the rift cannot be repaired. This is not an escape, but a brave choice, a maintenance of one's own dignity and happiness.

The highest level of a breakup is an open-ended ending, which can be attacked and defended

There is no need to find out who is right and who is wrong, because that no longer matters. There are no absolute axioms in love, only personal feelings that are suitable and unsuitable. When the relationship is no longer compatible, barely holding it is just unfair to both parties. Withdrawing quietly, not explaining, not responding, or even taking away a cloud, this is not only a relief for yourself, but also a space for the other person to think deeply.

He may reflect on the bits and pieces of the relationship to find an answer to the breakup, or he may find opportunities for self-growth in such contemplation. Such a breakup, although painful but full of dignity, allows each other's memories to stay in the most beautiful moments, not tainted by anger and accusations.

The highest level of a breakup is an open-ended ending, which can be attacked and defended

Breaking up does not mean the end of love, it is a transformation, a process. When two people no longer walk together, they don't have to fill their hearts with resentment, but they should be grateful for every scenery in that journey. Keep an open-ended ending, not leaving a blank for compounding, but leaving the door open for personal growth and future happiness.

The real art of breaking up is to let the other party discover in constant thinking: breaking up is not punishment, but another form of love. Let it be a gentle reminder to cherish every journey that is coming, every new beginning.

The highest level of a breakup is an open-ended ending, which can be attacked and defended

The breakup with the open-ended ending is like a clever chess move, which not only retains its own demeanor, but also gives the other party a chance to reflect and grow. It's a mature view of love, a transcendent philosophy of breakup.