
Drink ice water in summer and want to cool off in summer, these 3 consequences should be known!

author:Said healthy Dr. Shee
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The temptation and potential hazards of ice water

On a hot summer day, a glass of ice water is a refreshing feeling.

Especially on hot days above 35 degrees, many people like to pour a few large sips of ice water when they are thirsty, which will cool down instantly.

However, while ice water can provide temporary comfort, its potential health hazards cannot be ignored.

Three health risks of ice water


Many people are accustomed to drinking a glass of ice water before or after meals to cool down. However, when ice water enters the stomach, it can quickly reduce the temperature in the stomach and affect the activity of many digestive enzymes.

Drink ice water in summer and want to cool off in summer, these 3 consequences should be known!

The activity of these enzymes decreases significantly at low temperatures, resulting in food that cannot be fully digested and absorbed.

Ice water also causes blood vessels in the gastric mucosa to constrict, reducing the secretion of gastric juice and further aggravating the symptoms of indigestion. Doing this for a long time may trigger problems such as stomach upset, flatulence, etc.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea

For those with weak gastrointestinal function, ice water is simply a "fatal temptation". When ice water enters the stomach and intestines, it can cause a strong reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating peristalsis, leading to abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The low temperature stimulation of ice water may also trigger gastrointestinal cramps, which can make people feel unbearable stomach pain. Especially for the elderly and children, the stomach is relatively fragile, and it is more important to avoid drinking ice water to avoid unnecessary health problems.

Causes stomach problems

If you are a lover of ice water, be careful if you drink ice water regularly. Frequent consumption of ice water will cause the internal organs to shrink abruptly under the stimulation of low temperatures, affecting the normal gastrointestinal peristalsis.

The gastric mucosa is easily damaged in this environment, and over time, it can cause chronic stomach diseases.

For example, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, etc., once these stomach diseases are formed, not only the treatment cycle is long, but also easy to recur, bringing a lot of inconvenience to life.

The effects of ice water on other systems of the body

Interference with the immune system

Drinking ice water often not only affects the digestive system, but also interferes with the body's thermoregulatory system. The stimulation of ice water will cause the local temperature of the body to plummet, and the body will consume more energy in order to maintain normal body temperature, resulting in a decrease in immunity.

At this time, you are more likely to catch colds and even contract other diseases. Especially in the summer, many people ignore this because they want to be cool, and they get sick frequently.

Effects on dental health

The impact of ice water on teeth should not be ignored, and frequent drinking of ice water will make the enamel of the teeth be stimulated by alternating heat and cold, gradually becoming fragile and increasing tooth sensitivity.

Drink ice water in summer and want to cool off in summer, these 3 consequences should be known!

As a result, you may find that your teeth start to sore after eating something icy. Cold drinks can also trigger gum problems, leading to red, swollen, bleeding, etc.

Effect on metabolism

Drinking ice water can also affect the body's metabolic function, which temporarily lowers the body's basal metabolic rate, resulting in a reduction in energy expenditure.

This can be bad news for people who want to maintain their weight or lose weight. Drinking ice water for a long time not only affects weight management, but also upsets the body's metabolic balance, which in turn affects overall health.

Who is not suitable for ice water

Ice water is cool, but it's not for everyone. Certain groups of people need to be especially careful to avoid health problems caused by drinking ice water.

senior citizen

The physical functions of the elderly are gradually deteriorating, especially the digestive system and the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems are more fragile. When ice water enters the body, it causes the blood vessels in the stomach to shrink rapidly, affecting digestion.

For the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the stimulation of ice water is more likely to cause cerebral vasospasm, which may lead to angina pectoris or other cardiovascular problems.

Older people should avoid drinking ice water as much as possible in summer, and it is safer to choose warm or cool water.


The digestive system of small children is not yet fully developed, and the resistance is relatively weak. The low temperature of ice water can irritate their stomach and intestines, which can easily lead to diarrhea and vomiting.

In order to protect your child's health, parents should avoid letting them drink ice water and choose mild beverages.

Women during menstruation

During menstruation, women's bodies are weaker and their uterus is susceptible to cold. Drinking ice water can cause the uterus to contract, causing abdominal pain and menstrual blood stasis.

Drink ice water in summer and want to cool off in summer, these 3 consequences should be known!

Drinking ice water during menstruation for a long time may also lead to irregular menstruation and even affect fertility. Women should avoid drinking ice water during menstruation and replace it with warm or hot water.

pregnant woman

During pregnancy, the body's resistance and gastrointestinal function will be weakened. The stimulation of ice water may cause uterine contractions, affect the healthy development of the fetus, and even increase the risk of miscarriage.

For the sake of the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, it is recommended that pregnant women choose to drink at room temperature or warm water in summer.

The right way to beat the heat in the summer

Now that we understand the risks of drinking ice water and who is not suitable for it, we also need to know how to beat the heat in a healthy way in the summer.

Cool boiled water is a healthier option than ice water. Cool boiled water is not only effective in quenching thirst, but also does not cause excessive irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels.

Drinking plenty of cool, boiled water every day can help the body maintain water balance, boost metabolism, and maintain a healthy state.

In addition to ice water, cold drinks should also be avoided in summer. Sugars and additives in cold drinks can not only adversely affect the body, but also further increase the burden on the stomach.

Choosing a light, easy-to-digest diet can help maintain gastrointestinal health and overall comfort.

During the hot summer months, the diet should be predominantly light. Eat plenty of water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and cucumbers, which can replenish water in the body and help cool down. Avoid foods high in fat and sugar to reduce the burden on the stomach.

Drink ice water in summer and want to cool off in summer, these 3 consequences should be known!

Although the summer temperatures are warmer, moderate exercise can still help maintain good health. Choose early morning or evening when the temperature is low to exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., to strengthen physical fitness and improve immune function.

Regular health check-ups can help detect potential health problems early and take preventive measures in time. Regular check-ups are especially important for people with a chronic history or at high risk.

Through scientific eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, we can effectively relieve the heat in the hot summer and avoid the health problems caused by drinking ice water.

Remember, the pursuit of momentary coolness should not come at the expense of health. Choosing drinks and food wisely, and maintaining good living habits, can you truly spend a healthy and refreshing summer.

The key to protecting your health in the summer

While the summer heat makes people crave a cold drink, ice water is not the best choice from a health point of view.

Understand the effects of ice water on the body, identify which groups of people are not suitable for drinking ice water, and adopt a healthy way to relieve the heat in order to maintain a healthy state of body while enjoying the summer.

Drink ice water in summer and want to cool off in summer, these 3 consequences should be known!

Maintaining a good diet, moderate exercise, and regular check-ups are all key measures to protect your health during the summer months.

I hope that everyone can enjoy the cool and stay healthy in the hot summer.

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