
Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!


In the long river of years, we are all passing by. Every day, we are looking for the meaning of life and the joy that belongs to us. And today, I want to tell you that the joy has been delivered, and it only takes 2 seconds to open to welcome this breath!

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

The chicken is a symbol of industriousness and a representative of bravery. When the dawn breaks, they wake up the earth with their passionate cries and bring us a new day. The rooster is also a symbol of auspiciousness, and in Chinese culture, the rooster represents auspiciousness, peace, and festivity. So, what I want to show you today is a breath from the chicken!

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

In life, we will always encounter various difficulties and setbacks. But as long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and work hard, we will definitely be able to overcome difficulties and usher in joy. Just like a chicken, it can keep crowing no matter what the wind and rain are, giving us hope.

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

Open your heart and welcome this breath! Let joy fill our lives, let our lives be full of sunshine. As long as we have joy in our hearts, every day will be wonderful.

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

In this vast land, everyone has their own mission and responsibility. We must be like chickens, brave to face life, be positive, and create a better future with our own hands. Only in this way can we truly feel the beauty of life and feel the joy from the bottom of our hearts.

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

Now, let us welcome this spirit together, let joy fill our family, work, study, and make our lives better. May everyone find their own joy, find that peace and satisfaction from their hearts.

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

The joy has been delivered, and it only takes 2 seconds to open it to welcome this breath! Let's work together to meet every day's sunshine and every joy with a positive and optimistic attitude and a diligent and hard-working spirit!

Chicken Cock Cock: Your "big shit" has been delivered! Open it in 2 seconds to welcome the breath! Don't pick it up!

May our lives be filled with joy, may our world be filled with peace, and may everyone find their own happiness. This is my blessing to you and my blessing to life.

Let's welcome this breath together, let joy fill our lives, and let our lives be full of sunshine!