
I was 54 years old and discovered a secret that when menopausal palpitations occur, a trick can relieve symptoms

author:Demure and elegant orange WR3
I was 54 years old and discovered a secret that when menopausal palpitations occur, a trick can relieve symptoms

#头条首发大赛#我发现一个秘密, when I was flustered and palpitating during menopause, a small trick could relieve the symptoms at that time, and I tried many times, and I couldn't do it again and again.

I am 54 years old this year, from the age of 50 into menopause, to now I have four years of menopause experience, that is to survive the first stage of menopause, pre-menopause, and then through the second stage of menopause, menopause, and now come to menopause after menopause.

From the ignorance of menopause at that time, to the calm face of menopause now, I have also gone through torture, and after more than a thousand days and nights, I have survived step by step.

When I entered the first stage of menopause before menopause, it was when the whole country was locked up at home during the Spring Festival epidemic in 2020, and suddenly the eldest aunt was drenched and did not leave that month, and the great aunt who should have ended in a week did not leave for half a month.

Every day, I drenched and pulled a little bit of my aunt, how annoying, and I couldn't go to the hospital to check it out at that time, so I caught the dead mouse with a blind cat, and tried moxibustion, and the next day the aunt stopped.

At that time, there was a slight morning stiffness, my aunt was normal, and the morning stiffness disappeared, and at that time I didn't know about menopause anyway, and I didn't think much about anything else.

Since then, the great aunt has been normal, and it is not until the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 that the great aunt began to be completely disordered, and this officially entered the second stage of menopause, menopause.

With the chaos of the eldest aunt, due to the loss of estrogen, all kinds of inexplicable pain have been put on the body, first severe morning stiffness, numbness of hands, sleepiness of arms, and pain in shoulders.

When I got up in the morning, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and incense incense, my hands were numb and almost unconscious, and then my little arm sleepiness extended to my shoulders, and the right side was more serious than the left side, and I woke up every morning with such numbness and pain, and such symptoms tormented me for months.

I was 54 years old and discovered a secret that when menopausal palpitations occur, a trick can relieve symptoms

The longer it went on, the more scared I became, worried about what a serious illness it was, worried all day long, fearful and uneasy, and the key was that I still didn't know the menopausal symptoms at that time.

This is all ignorance to cause trouble, hurting others and yourself, scaring yourself half to death, and later found out that this is a menopausal syndrome on the Internet again.

Menopause is not a disease, it is a physiological reaction of female friends before and after menopause with the loss of estrogen, and the body will heal itself.

When I knew all this, I was not so scared in my heart, I no longer worried about what serious illness I was suffering from, none of this existed.

However, these menopausal pains and various problems of menopause are still bombarding.

All kinds of inexplicable pains, finger pain, neck pain, arm pain, leg pain, buttocks pain, hip pain, etc. There are also all kinds of inexplicable emotional problems, depression, lack of desire, self-doubt, grumpy and other symptoms, which have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, torturing you to the point of nerves.

There are also hot flashes and night sweats, lack of energy, palpitations and other symptoms, all of which occur from time to time.

These symptoms are like a time bomb, I don't know when it will explode, sometimes these symptoms come together and explode together; Sometimes, a single challenge.

Even if menopause is difficult, you have to be strong to survive. Can you still be afraid that it won't work?

Of course, I won't sit still, I will find a way to save myself, my body is my own decision, my body is my own love, I can't rely on anyone, only I know my body best, so I have to find a way to save myself.

Since entering menopause, I have always had palpitations and panic, I don't know when it suddenly came, panic palpitations are very uncomfortable, I have not taken care of it, just waiting for it to slowly get better.

Because I don't know what to do with it, when I panic and palpitate, I endure it, but some time ago, when I was flustered and palpitating, I went to eat some white pepper, scooped a little white pepper with a small spoon, put it in my mouth, swallowed it slowly, and I felt that soon the palpitations would pass.

Since I discovered this trick, as long as my heart palpitations come up, I will eat a little white pepper, and my heart will be flustered for a while.

I never like to take medicine, menopausal symptoms, can find a way to help myself, I help myself, cupping, moxibustion, foot soaking hot compress and other health care methods, as long as it is for myself.

This time, I stumbled upon the method, and when the menopause is palpitating in the upper body, eating a little white pepper is really useful.

I was 54 years old and discovered a secret that when menopausal palpitations occur, a trick can relieve symptoms