
The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

author:One degree Pro
The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

ON JUNE 13, THE 2024 "CHAT ABOUT NEW THINGS" TENCENT VARIETY SHOW NEW APPRECIATION MEETING WAS SUCCESSFULLY HELD IN SHANGHAI, AND 27 VARIETY SHOW IPS IN THE THREE MAJOR SECTIONS OF "HAHA TIME", "MEET TIME" AND "SHOW TIME" WERE INTRODUCED. It covers highly anticipated comedy variety shows such as "Joyful Wonderful Night", "Talk Show and Ta's Friends", "Comedy Conference", "Laughing Club 3", as well as the seventh season of "Heartbeat Signal", the sixth season of "Heartwarming Offer" and other star "Variety N generation".

The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

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Among them, "Joyful and Wonderful Night" premiered on June 28, and the popularity value of Tencent Station exceeded 22,000 in the first broadcast. ”

In the past year, there has not been a comedy variety show in the variety show market that can successfully break the circle, and the appearance of "Joyful Night" has undoubtedly given great hope to the variety show market.

The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

Gratifying and wonderful night official micro

This is a microcosm of the recovery of the variety show market. Since the beginning of this year, there have been a number of new variety shows on various platforms, frequently creating "hot stalks". For example, Tencent has "Fifty Kilometers Taohuawu Season 4" and "Let's Start Reasoning Season 2", iQiyi has "Cute Detective 2024" and "Let's Farm Season 2", Youku has "Heartbeat Season 4" and "Island Boy", Mango has "Singer 2024" and "Riding the Wind 2024", in addition to "Let's Run Season 8" and "Hahahahaha Season 4" and so on.

In the past two years, the variety show market, especially the online variety market, has fallen into an embarrassing situation of high costs and difficult to evaluate the effect, and the enthusiasm of brands for it is also declining. Now that the variety show market is heating up again, it has once again ignited the enthusiasm of brand owners.

01 The value of variety shows is reappeared

So far, the hottest variety show in 2024 is "Singer 2024", with the return of "Singer 2024", it has achieved seven consecutive ratings, with 120.4 billion transmissions on the whole network, more than 10,000 hot searches on the whole network, and 482 hot words on the whole network topping the TOP1, setting a new record for the popularity of variety shows on Weibo on the whole network.

The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

Singer official Weibo

This not only ushered in the long-awaited national heated discussion in the variety show market, but also allowed brand owners to once again see the long-term value and communication power of variety shows. Especially the brand owners of "Singer 2024", they are simply making money!

For example, singer Shanti Mo will unscrew the cap of the drink bottle after the song "Saving All My Love For You" and start to "drink tea" heartily. At the same time, I did not forget to skillfully and professionally turn the logo of Oriental Leaves to the camera.

The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

Screenshot of Mango TV

And Na Ying, as the "traffic leader" of "Singer 2024", naturally can't escape the fate of being arranged by the program team to "bring goods". When she carried a bottle of Wuliangye and enthusiastically introduced it in a northeastern accent, and gave it to Shanti Mo, the picture of visiting relatives during the Spring Festival came to her face.

In addition to these, there are also ubiquitous Jane Melol and Pechoin commercials, circular brainwashing audiences. The popularity and exposure this brings to the brand is difficult to estimate.


As the popularity of the show continues to rise, more and more brands begin to pour in. So far, Pechoin has been upgraded from a "partner" to a "super partner", and in the product placement advertisement, there are more Haoshi bread and Shu Skinjia, and there are more than 10 brands such as Dongfeng Nissan, iPad Pro, Coca-Cola, Tmall, Dove, etc.

There is also news that 12 brands such as Tmall, Coca-Cola, Dongfeng Nissan, Lux, Qingyang, and Dove may add advertisements for "Singer 2024", and it is rumored on the Internet that the advertising fee of the show has skyrocketed to 90 million in 15 seconds.

Although this "sky-high advertising fee" has an exaggerated component, there is no doubt about the ability of "Singer 2024" to attract money, and the fanaticism of brand owners for "Singer 2024" also reflects the decline in the ability of variety shows to attract money in the past two years.

You must know that in the past few years, the short video industry has developed rapidly, and while distracting the audience, it is also competing for advertising brands that are not as generous as they once were. "Compared with TV dramas and variety shows that I don't know if they can be popular, short videos have a large traffic, short time, and quick results." An industry source said.

In contrast, long video has fallen into a bottleneck period, and even many long video platforms choose to open short video channels. In fact, the development of the long video platform mainly relies on dramas and variety shows to earn membership and advertising fees. Aside from the membership system, advertising fees are an important part of the long video platform to obtain profits.

And now, the value of variety shows has reappeared, bringing a mutually beneficial and win-win situation to brand owners and long video platforms.

For brand owners, the cycle of variety shows is relatively short, and the returns are fast. At the same time, the natural scene fit performance of variety shows subtly outputs brand value, and transforms users' attention to the program into attention to the brand. The reappearance of the value of variety shows will lead more brands to turn their attention back to the long video platform and drive the growth of platform revenue.

02 Where does quality content come from?

The value of variety shows has been revealed, but brand owners who have had enough of the "bitterness" will no longer pay casually. Therefore, the variety show market needs high-quality content, so where does high-quality content come from?

Taking Tencent variety shows as an example, there are two main ways to produce variety show production teams, one is to cooperate with the head team, for example, in the field of comedy variety shows, Tencent Video chooses to link up with domestic head comedy labels and top comedians, and according to the comedy forms and characteristics of different labels, launch innovative online comedy content.

For example, the latest comedy variety show "Joyful Wonderful Night" was led by comedian Ma Dong and the Mi Wei team, and well-known artists Qin Hao, Huang Bo, Jia Bing and Gao Yuanyuan served as audience representatives exclusively on Tencent.

In addition, in 2020, Tencent Variety Show also cooperated with Deyun Club to combine comedy competition and outdoor reality show "Deyun Douxiao Club", which led domestic comedy programs to enter a new stage of online students. In 2024, Tencent Variety Show will continue to cooperate with Deyun Club in "Douxiao Club 3", which has aroused high expectations from users. "Love-like Comedy" was jointly created by Tencent Video and Happy Twist, and invited twist actors such as Shen Teng, Ma Li, Chang Yuan, and Allen to join.

In addition to the comedy ecosystem, Tencent has also invited top production teams and top artists to create high-quality content. "Extreme Story King" is created by the original team of "Mars Intelligence Agency" and "Everyday Upward", which have been deeply involved in comedy and language for many years. Another "Sun Market", which has attracted much attention, is the famous host Xie Na's Internet customized variety show after many years, which has attracted a lot of attention.

In addition to directly cooperating with top teams, Tencent Video will also choose to cultivate professional teams, and at present, Tencent Video has cultivated Tianxiang Studio, Tianqin Studio, Seven Ounce Studio, Skyline Studio, Tianqing Studio, Coordinate System Studio, Weeds Studio, and many other excellent teams with "brand effect" in the industry.

The popular "Wonderful Night" is a project led by Tianqin Studio in cooperation with Mi Wei. In addition, Skyline Studio's "Peach Blossom Dock", Tianqing Studio's "Heartwarming OFFER5" and "Friends Please Eat", Wild Grass Studio's "Let's Go Now", and Coordinate System Studio's "Heartbeat Signal 6" and "The Battle of Love" are all market masterpieces that rank among the top of the year in terms of broadcast popularity this year.

With the "infrastructure" of the creative team, in terms of deeper content selection, Tencent Variety Show starts from the needs of the audience, and at the Tencent Variety Show New Award held on June 13, "Create a Gap time at your fingertips" is the key word released by Tencent Video.

At the meeting, Han Zhijie, vice president of Tencent Online Video, said, "In 2024, we will find a word called 'short escape', which is a trendy lifestyle that briefly leaves the current living environment. A short escape allows everyone to easily heal in their daily lives and provide an endless source of energy for life to continue. Based on the awareness of this life value and the constant pursuit of emotional value, Tencent Variety Shows hopes to create a gap time for users in 2024. ”

The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

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He believes that variety shows reflect the characteristics of the moment, and the very flexible creation cycle can just provide users with a gap time to breathe and heal. And this is also an important core of Tencent Video's production of high-quality variety shows.

03 Homogenization is serious, where is the anchor point of breaking the game

Platforms are making high-quality content, but when zoomed into the entire industry, they can't escape the serious phenomenon of "homogenization". "When you turn on your phone, you will find that whether it is a talk show, a comedy, a music variety, or a love drama, there will be some similarities, and it will be boring to watch too many of them." Madoka Xiao, a variety show enthusiast, said.

For example, the variety show "Let's Farm the Land", which exploded on the farming track last year, has become a dark horse in the variety show market in 2023, and its emergence has broken the homogenization of the industry led by comedy variety shows, music variety, and love variety. But just after "Let's Farm the Land" was successfully out of the circle, Youku launched a pastoral variety show "Island Boy" with a very similar model. Although the model is similar, the various "horse catching" incidents after the broadcast of "Island Boy" have caused it to receive a very different response from the well-received "Let's Farm the Land".

The variety show market restarts, how can Tencent variety show seize the C position?

iQIYI WeChat public account

This kind of phenomenon is very common in the variety show market, one platform launches a popular variety show, and other platforms will immediately launch a variety show that is very similar, which also leads to the homogenization of the variety show market is very serious. The consequence is that the audience's aesthetics are becoming increasingly fatigued, and the response of variety shows is not good, and in the long run, the development of the overall variety show industry will be limited, which will naturally lead to a decline in the overall enthusiasm of brand owners for the variety show market.

In this case, all long video platforms urgently need to find a breakthrough anchor. Starting this year, Mango Supermedia's "Singer 2024" has provided a good case for the industry. With the competition mode of "live broadcast + barrage", it successfully broke through from the homogeneous music program and became the first music competition variety show to explode out of the circle this year.

At the same time, Tencent variety shows are also seeking a way to break the game. In the list of variety shows released by Tencent Variety Show New Awards in the second half of the year, it can be seen that Tencent Variety Show quickly completed its strategic position and prepared to break through strongly by virtue of its diversified content strategy and unique emotional experience design.

On the one hand, the N-generation IP of the variety show is still the solid cornerstone of Tencent's variety shows, such as the "Wuha series" and "Taohuawu series", and Tencent has also achieved innovative breakthroughs in themes and gameplay, thus attracting a more diversified audience. In the process of seeking differentiated breakthroughs, Goose Comprehensive has also laid out subdivisions such as workplace and sports.

On the other hand, Tencent is also creating new IP for variety shows, such as the already launched "Joyful Wonderful Night", "Easy Comedy Festival" and the upcoming "Running to the Scene of Ten Thousand People", "Rejuvenating the Tour" and so on.

Of course, the key to Tencent's differentiation lies in its deep insight into the emotional needs of users. Jeff Han Zhijie, vice president of Tencent Online Video, said that Tencent Variety Show has always paid attention to user needs and insights, and has provided users with diversified programs oriented by emotional value in the past year.

In this context, the three matrices of "Haha time", "Meet time" and "Show time" launched by Tencent Variety Show Appreciation Association, as well as 27 variety show IPs with different themes, all strive to bring the audience a multi-emotional experience of joy and relaxation, warmth and healing, and inspirational emotion. The launch of the Gap time trilogy also means that the Goose Variety Summer Season is the first time that the Gap time concept has been implemented in the variety show industry, and it also shows its determination to break the differentiation.

The picture comes from the official website of the, invaded and deleted.