
My boyfriend is 6 years younger than me and says he doesn't want to get married, should I break up?

author:Wen Ji said love

Biyun is 30 years old and wants to get married, but her boyfriend doesn't agree.

Biyun said to me: "He thinks that he is only 24 years old, and it is too early to get married." And then I've made a lot of concessions in order to marry him. I don't need him to buy a wedding house, I don't need him to buy a car, I need him to buy me a wedding ring, and then he can move in with his bag. And I also told him that after getting married, his family pressure is very small, he wants to go to work, and if he doesn't want to go to work, I can open a store for him. If it really doesn't work, let him go to my dad's company and give him a job. But when I told him this, he was still a little hesitant, after all, his own family background was not bad. I had a feeling he might have other ideas, but I was really in a hurry. My mom called yesterday and said that as long as my boyfriend is willing to get married, my mom will double the dowry. I don't know why our family is like this, but he still doesn't want to nod. ”

Listening to Biyun's words, I sighed. Whether it's in my previous classes or in live classes, I've said to all the girls: don't just live together before marriage, especially if the girl is older than the boy.

For a young man in his 20s, he also needs a woman who can meet his sexual needs steadily. And when you live with him, he can meet his needs without paying a high cost. At this time, of course, he would not want to get married. He even thinks that his current life is almost the same as after marriage, and this kind of life is at a glance, so why should he look forward to marriage?

Secondly, if a girl can find a boyfriend who is five or six years younger than herself, it means that your own sense of worth is quite strong, and you can attract him in itself, then you should use this attraction to make him a little uneasy about you, so that he wants to stabilize you, and this state is the best.

My boyfriend is 6 years younger than me and says he doesn't want to get married, should I break up?

If you feel that you have found a little boyfriend, you are very happy, you can't help but want to pamper him, please him, and want him to stay with you, then its uncontrollability will increase, and you have to make him need you, not you to satisfy him.

If a guy finds that you are on the verge of having to get married, and you only have one option, then the price you have to pay is high, and there are many ways that the other party can manipulate you.

So I often tell my female fans that if your own love level is not particularly high, if you want to marry a good family sincerely, you should not easily play this kind of sister-brother relationship with a particularly large age gap.

If you want to have a romantic sibling relationship and marry each other, you need to pay attention to the following things.

NUMBER 1 Don't let him think you're in a hurry.

is like Biyun in the case, now almost the whole family is upside down, wanting him to marry his little boyfriend as soon as possible.

This state of asking for marriage on the pole will make the boy think crankily, and the boy will think, since my sister is going to marry me, it means that I am very attractive, and if I am very attractive, then can I find a younger and better woman?

If a man has such thoughts, he must be so distracted that he will not marry or give up the benefits you have given him.

But at this time, the sunk cost you pay is already very large, in addition to being pinched by him, you can only choose to retreat as advance, force too tight and have no results, take the initiative to let go, the man has been used to you extremely confident, maybe he will leave without looking back.

So, as an older sister, no matter how anxious you are to get married. Don't even go up to the chase. You can paint him a flatbread, but don't make him feel like you're in a hurry.

My boyfriend is 6 years younger than me and says he doesn't want to get married, should I break up?

Thing 2 If you really want to get married, then when you talk about sibling love, you should first screen out the partners. You should look for men who are already eager to have a warm family. Young boys love to play, but even so, there is a gap in their own personalities. If you want to get married, you have to give priority to those men who are more well-behaved and more attached to you.

The third thing. Sister and brother love can't stand the delay, Biyun and her boyfriend in the case dragged on for 5 years to talk about marriage, for a girl who is particularly eager for marriage, this time line is too long. The longer it drags on, the less young guys want to get married after the first period of your life, which is obvious.

So you have to grasp the man's state of mind and you have to understand the reasons why he doesn't want to get married. Then set up a suitable negotiation strategy, only then can you take him out completely.

My boyfriend is 6 years younger than me and says he doesn't want to get married, should I break up?