
The top laner Mondo becomes G2's secret weapon, and the team members want to see Shurima's animation


G2 Esports coach Dylan Falco was interviewed by foreign media after the fourth week of the LEC on July 1, when his team had just won its sixth straight game and locked up the third place in the regular season. After a slump week at the start of the season, G2 Esports bounced back and went unbeaten for three straight weeks to end the season with a strong 6-2 record, which also included TH with defeats over former G2 members Jankos and Wunder.

In this interview, Dylan talks about the unpopular hero they used in the game, Dr. Mondo, the current gaming environment, and his and his team's love for the animated series Two Cities.

The top laner Mondo becomes G2's secret weapon, and the team members want to see Shurima's animation

Q: After the series against TH, you have already decided on the third place spot, how do you feel about the series and the standings for the season as a whole?

Q: Of course I want us to be the best in every race, so it's a bit of a disappointment to finish third. But given our last six games in a row and knowing exactly why we didn't have a good first week, I'm happy with the result.

Q: What made the team turn things around so quickly after the first week?

A: We just needed more time to adjust, and we took a break after MSI. Although there weren't many breaks, only a few days, I think we were a little bit behind in terms of adaptation and practice. In addition, we had to re-rank the solo accounts, as the players dropped during the MSI in China. I think the most important thing is the lack of time to prepare. ”

Q: We've seen some pretty intense play-offs these days, why do you think the LEC bottom teams have been so volatile this year?

A: Some teams may not perform well because of a lack of talent or lack of squad strength, but some of the teams at the bottom of the table could have done better. This season's version is very unstable, from the crazy AP jungler selection, to the big core development and aggressive hero confrontation in the bottom lane, to the choice between AD and AP in the middle lane, which are all major strategic points in the draft stage.

There are a lot of ways to solve the problem, but it also makes the game very unstable. You can't play training matches for all eventualities, so preparation is crucial, and sometimes the results are random. I think this season's version has been very inconsistent and some teams have performed less than expected. ”

The top laner Mondo becomes G2's secret weapon, and the team members want to see Shurima's animation

Q: What are your thoughts on the mid-season update and the environment that comes with it? We spoke to Brokenblade at MSI and he wasn't happy with the state of the lane change, how do you feel right now?

A: I'm still inconclusive. I like that there are tons of strategy options in BP, especially when you're winning, and when you win, it feels like you're taking your opponent back, which is fun. For example, today we played Hammerstone and Mondo against a three-tank line-up and I think it's hard for them to win, which is a good feeling. But when you enter a tournament, you don't know what style of play you're going to face, and it's scary, so I think it's a double-edged sword. As for the line-changing tactics, although weakened but not completely gone, there are definitely some teams playing in Europe, and the actual effect is also mixed. I still like it when there are multiple possibilities for changing lanes.

For our part, we used the line change tactics very well, one of the tactics we used most frequently at MSI. I'm not a big fan of the patterned and boring line change tactics, which should either have a lot of room to maneuver or I'd rather they be removed entirely. Actually, I didn't think much about it, I just focused on what we were doing. ”

Q: It's true that you need to deal with lane change tactics according to the existing conditions

A: Yes, we are always ready.

Q: Speaking of versions, Brokenblade's top laner Mondo in this series is definitely a bold choice. When did you start thinking about Mondo, and why do you think he is feasible now?

A: Mondo has been on our radar for a few weeks now, but we haven't really adopted it in training until the last week. We're always on the lookout for new tank hero options, as Riot is always nerfing them. Mondo is the one we think might work, relying on the current OP's equipment 'Zealot Armor' and acting especially well when the enemy Ueno combo doesn't have enough damage to kill you. Many of the AP Junglers and Tank Junglers that are used, such as Sejuani, are not good at dealing with Mondo. If they have an output jungler that is better at killing tanks, it will be different. Combining these reasons, although I'm not sure of its actual strength yet, because we haven't delved into it. ”

The top laner Mondo becomes G2's secret weapon, and the team members want to see Shurima's animation

Q: Why did heroes like Scarna, Sejuani, and Mondo who focused on health stacking become so powerful after the mid-season update?

A: The reason why these HP stacked heroes are so powerful is that the designers have nerfed many of the means of percentage health damage, such as the 'Ruined King's Blade' being nerfed and the 'Zealot Armor' being enhanced in the same patch. The combination of these changes has led us to see a lot of health stacking heroes get a lot more powerful as a result of the changes, so we've embraced them. ”

Q: If you could decide which region of the universe Fortiche would bring to Season 3 of Two Cities, which region would you choose, and which heroes from that region would you like to be featured?

A: Ah, good question. In fact, we often discuss this topic at the G2. We also want them to not just stay in Piltover and Zaun, but to explore other regions. I can't speak for everyone in G2, but I personally encourage and support Riot to do so. As a team, what we're most looking forward to is Shurima, meeting heroes like Azir and Taliyah. We thought it would be really cool, it was a fun world. I also like Freljord, it would be great. No matter where I go, I want to see Nunu, my hero. ”

Q: Is there anything you would like to say to G2 fans heading into the offseason and playoffs?

A: Thank you fans for their support, we will participate in EWC this week and hope to play against South Korea and China again. Cheer us on!