
I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

author:Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again


Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

"Mansion Gate" was the overall champion of the ratings that year, accounting for 17.7%.

The top 10 TV series in the historical classics have a score of 9.3 on Douban.

Similarly, this TV series is also the first high-definition TV series in China.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

This drama is not only the development of the entire house and historical figures, but also shows the great changes in China's history in the past 100 years.

When you watch the TV series, you think it is extraordinary, but do you still remember the actors in the play after 23 years?

How are they doing now?

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

But when I dug deeper, I found that 9 of the people in this TV series had passed away quietly.

So now do you remember them?

Let's see if there are any familiar faces for you?

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

1 Du Yulu: Bai Mengtang

"No matter what you play, you must be careful. Only when you have an experience in your heart can you act well. ”

This is a portrayal of Du Yulu's life, because he knows that the role is not easy to come by.

In "The Gate of the Mansion", Du Yulu plays the role of "Bai Mengtang".

is an indispensable soul character in the play.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

He was a man who was good at calculations, but valued blood and family very much.

He is very powerful, otherwise the Bai family would not have such influence.

He has a backbone, but his iron bones have harmed the Bai family.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

is shrewd and calculates everything, but because of the despise of the emperor's relatives and relatives, he refuses to retreat.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

But now when I look at Bai Mengtang's "willfulness", I find that without such a farce, they will still be slaughtered and spurned by others in the future.

Outside the play, he is also known as the "first old student", and he is also a national first-class actor.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

He has played countless classic roles in his life.

"Zhang Tingyu" in "Yongzheng Dynasty".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

played the role of "Chiang Kai-shek" for the first time in "Red Sun", but because he acted too well at that time, he was photographed by the director of "Dongfang Hong" and played "Chiang Kai-shek" for the second time.

He was so successful in his career that he never forgot his family.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

He will deliberately squeeze out time to spend with his family and children.

In 2009, doctors diagnosed Du Yulu with lung cancer.

When he was sick, he endured the pain to comfort his family.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

His condition improved, and after a 2-year break, he even started to continue acting.

While battling the disease, he insisted on going to the last moment on the path of being an actor.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

In 2020, due to the deterioration of her condition, Du Yulu unfortunately passed away.

started acting at the age of 39, became famous at the age of 53, and 14 years of perseverance told everyone that it is never too late to start fighting.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

2 Zhang Qian: Mr. Hu

He played the left and right hand of the second young grandmother in "The Gate of the Mansion".

At first, he worked under "Bai Mengtang", but later the head changed and he also changed.

And the person who the second young grandmother and "Bai Jingqi" trust the most is him.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Later, after "Bai Jingqi" was swept away, it was "Manager Hu" who helped him all the time.

And the actor Zhang Qian, who plays "Manager Hu", is everyone's old acquaintance.

He played "Xia Chunsheng" in "Struggle".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

In the movie "Lover's Knot", he won the "Best Supporting Actor Award at the Changchun International Film Festival" for his outstanding performance.

played the father of "Xiao Feng" in "Dragon Babu" "Xiao Yuanshan".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

What is surprising is that Li Ping and Zhang Qian, the actors of "Bai Yaping" in "Mansion Gate", are husband and wife in real life.

They are all in works such as "Struggle" and "Charlotte's Troubles".

The two have always been very affectionate.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

At that time, Zhang Qian went to the United States but did not gain anything, and his career also developed to a bottleneck period.

It was his wife who had been comforting and encouraging her.

But unfortunately, in 2017, Zhang Qian passed away due to illness.

And his wife, who has always loved him deeply, can't accept this fact, and his dishes and chopsticks are always on the table during the meal.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

3 He Qun: Pawnshop buddy

"Insects eat rats, the bare board is hairless, and the face is torn."

A little pawnshop guy, because of a word, made many people remember him.

Wearing small sunglasses makes him even more extraordinary.

This little guy is He Qun, but he is not an actor but a big director.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

And he has a very good relationship with Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

The film "Yellow Earth" co-directed by them has been hailed as "one of the best Chinese films since 1949".

In real life he is a rather contradictory person.

He will be shy, but he will be irritable.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Ni Zhen, a teacher at Beijing Film Academy, also commented on him:

"He Qun is kind-hearted, but he has a violent temper. He is a strange mixture of shyness, low self-esteem, and cynicism. To be precise, when his road was uneven, he drew his sword to help. The Ranger habit of ridicule in the world is largely a mask of his weakness and compassion. ”
I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

His works also include films such as "Fire and Gold" and "Phoenix Qin".

In the style of film and television, it can be seen that he has always had a different concern for real life, and he expresses it with his own artistic language.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

In 2016, He Qun unfortunately passed away at the age of 61.

At his memorial service, his former good friends Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige appeared one after another.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

4 Huang Zongluo: Chang Gonggong

As a celebrity in the palace, "Grandpa Chang" is the backer that the "Second Young Grandmother" is looking for.

Although his play only appeared in the early stage, his move to turn the tide still impressed many people.

The "second young grandmother" gave him real estate and a house, which coaxed this "Chang father-in-law" to be excited.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

And such a deeply rooted role was played by Huang Zongluo.

When he was young, Huang Zongluo was a drama actor.

After entering the showbiz, he has made great achievements and has become a national first-class actor.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

The movie "Death" is one of his masterpieces.

The excellent works that followed are even more numerous.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

He also won the "Feitian Award for Best Supporting Actor" for "Optimus Prime" because of his superb acting skills.

After that, he successively participated in film and television dramas such as "It's Hard for Men" and "Alive".

Because of Iriki's acting skills and sincere attitude, he won the "Lifetime Contribution Award" issued by the State Council.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

It can be personally awarded by the State Council, and there are very few people who have this kind of honor.

But in 2012, he died of pneumonia at the age of 86.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

5 Li Xinmin: Zhan Yu

Li Xinmin played "Zhan Yu" in "Mansion Gate".

Because he was admitted to the Xinjiang Art Troupe, he has since embarked on the road of interpretation.

After entering the showbiz, we have created a lot of classic roles.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

played "Yuan Longping" in the TV series "Yuan Longping", and he was also rated as the most similar one.

representative roles also include "Lao He" in "Mind Fighting";

The secretary of the county party committee in "Eighteen Handprints".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

And he is known as the "national father" because of his role as the father he played in "Time is Golden", which many people empathize with.

Li Xinmin has participated in and created nearly 1,000 plays in his life.

Every drama in this is carefully created and interpreted by him.

In 2018, teacher Li Xinmin passed away in Beijing.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

6 Zhang Shaohua: Xiang Xiuniang

Zhang Shaohua only has two shots in "The Gate of the Mansion".

Her daughter "Crow Becomes Phoenix" became the second wife of "Bai Jingqi".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

And although Zhang Shaohua has appeared for a short time, how can the audience forget such a familiar face.

Of course, not only because of "Mansion Gate", more people found out that she was the starring role in "My Ugly Girl".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

This drama was a big hit back then, and the "ugly girl" directly became her representative role.

Zhang Shaohua, who has been running for more than 10 years, finally won the "Magnolia Best Actress Award" for a role in the TV series "Secret".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

And Zhang Shaohua has been playing the role of a mother for half his life.

Some of the roles she is famous for are "bitter mothers".

Now the so-called "mother professional household" is far worse than her.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

According to statistics, she has played more than 100 mom roles in her life.

She loves this industry, even if she is sick and on a drip, and her voice can't speak, she still insists on working.

In 2021, Zhang Shaohua, who failed to treat the disease, passed away at the age of 75.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

7 Yu Liwen: Lv shopkeeper

"Shopkeeper Lu" in "Mansion Gate", he provided a lot of help to the protagonist in the play.

is also a soul character in the play.

Without him, "Bai Jingqi" would have to take many detours.

And Yu Liwen, who plays "Lu Shopkeeper", is a teacher at Beijing Film Academy.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

There is very little information about him on the Internet, but every work he has participated in is very classic.

Movies include "Listening to Politics with a Curtain", "A Generation of Demon Queens" and the TV series "Qianlong Dynasty".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

In fact, Yu Liwen only started filming in his 40s, which is very late compared to others.

His most impressive thing is the eight-government patrol "Yu Shilong" in "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview".

In the play, he has been relieving the emperor's difficulties.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

This intelligent and responsible role has impressed many people.

Yu Liwen unfortunately passed away in 2011, but there were only very few media reports, which is inseparable from his previous low profile.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

8 Ma Zengshou: Master of Dali Temple

This "master" is a man of God.

After the matter of rescuing "Bai Da Shao" was exposed, he was among the people who went to confess.

And this "master" is played by Ma Zengshou, a famous "ugly" in the capital.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

can't be idle, he once played "Shuide Xingjun" in "Journey to the West Sequel";

"Ni Er" in "Dream of Red Mansions".

He was also rated as a national first-class actor.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

But his other identity is that of a Chinese Peking Opera artist.

Among them, "Famen Temple" is his most important masterpiece.

On the stage of Peking Opera, he is even more dazzling, with smooth movements, a wide range of performances and a positive style.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Under the stage, he is modest and studious, not only in the study of "ugly", but also in Huamian, Lao Dan and other genres.

But in 2017, the great artist left everyone forever at the age of 77.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

9 Zhang Xinyong: Second Master Tu

"If you don't work from the east, you can't work to death."

This sentence is given to people who have no scrutiny in part-time jobs.

And Tu Erye is full of routines.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Therefore, "Bai Jingqi" learned all the skills of doing business from him.

Zhang Xinyong played the role of "Second Master Tu" in "The Gate of the Mansion".

But there is very little news about him on the Internet.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Even the news of his death was told by people who had filmed with him.

At the age of 74, he died of illness in Beijing.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again


This drama set off a craze more than 20 years ago, and the plot in the play is unforgettable.

The time-honored brand of the Bai family in the TV series is adapted from the real name.

The prototype is the well-known name "Tong Ren Tang".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Some of the actors in the play, many people think that they are just too old to act.

But unfortunately they are long gone.

The death of so many old drama bones makes people feel very sorry.

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again
"A lot of tempering in life, the man is self-rampant, standing is a person, affectionate, responsible, helpless, self-reliant, this proud bone knocks loudly."

is the most impressive sentence in this one.

But now it is difficult to produce a good drama with excellent broadcast volume and reputation like "Mansion Gate".

I thought they were retired, but I didn't expect them to pass away, and the 9 actors of "Mansion Gate" will never see each other again

Some references:

Guangming Daily|Reminiscing about the famous director He Qun: The soul returns to the loess and the phoenix throats

iQIYI|TV series "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview 3"

Xi'an Evening News | The ugly lady is gone...... The old drama bone Zhang Shaohua died of illness