
The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

author:Fusion media in the cloud
The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".
The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

"Joyful Reading and Pleasant Listening" 193 The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love", media in the clouds, 28 minutes

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

The whole play is guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and takes Ting Battle, who was given the title of reform pioneer, winner of the "July 1st Medal", and the title of the most beautiful struggler, as the protagonist, telling the story of his nearly 50 years of rooting in the grassroots, uniting and leading his parents and villagers to restore the ecology, develop the industry, and achieve a well-off life, reflecting the many touching stories that have emerged in the battle against poverty, and showing the firm determination of the sons and daughters of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia to unite as one and explore the road of green development under the leadership of the party.

Episode plot introduction

Episode 1: August, is the golden season on the prairie. Taoglas took her boyfriend back to her hometown of Xilin Gol Grassland, Abaga Banner, Sajuratu Yagacha, to visit her father and mother. When the villagers heard that Taoglas had returned, they came to visit, some brought dairy food, meat food, and some brought milk wine......

In the plot of the first episode, through the dialogue between the mother and daughter of Muge and Taoglas, we look back on time, and feel the firm ideals of the young Ting Battle to take root in the pastoral area and serve the herdsmen, as well as the warm family affection, beautiful friendship, and hot love...... All kinds of simple emotions come to the face, which is immersive and moving.

Episode 2: He came from the "general's family", responded to the call of the party and the state, left the city, and went to the Xilin Gol League to become an ordinary herdsman in Sarulatu Yagacha, and worked for more than 40 years. He explored the "hoof and leg theory", guided herders to "reduce sheep and increase cattle", took the lead in carrying out "fence rotational grazing", changed the herdsmen's habit of "relying on the sky to raise livestock", and improved the grassland ecology by planting salix, poplar firewood, elm, etc.

He worked as a "lecturer" at the training base for farmers and herdsmen, preaching to herdsmen in easy-to-understand language about the party's policy of benefiting herdsmen, ecological protection, scientific animal husbandry and financial management, and imparting to them the experience he had developed over decades......

In the plot of the second episode, through the memories of his Muge, we see the determination and ideal of the young man Ting Battle to be the first to lead the local people to get rid of poverty and become rich and build a beautiful hometown. As his wife, Qimuge silently accompanied and supported him, witnessing his life journey of taking root in the pastoral area and serving the herdsmen.

Episode 3: In summer, the grassland is green and grassy, and all kinds of wildflowers are blooming. In the early morning, Tim Battle strolls along his meadow as usual, with small animals jumping out of the grass from time to time. At this point, he would stop and take out his phone to take a snapshot, his wrinkled face showing comfort...

Ting Batel, the son of the founding general Ting Mao, came to Sarulatu Yagacha from Hohhot City, stayed for nearly 50 years, and devoted most of his life to changing the backward appearance of pastoral areas and building and protecting grasslands.

Today, although Ting Battle is no longer the secretary of the Gacha Party branch, he is still busy. In recent years, Tim Battle has conducted extensive research on the construction of pastoral roads, information networks, power grids and other infrastructure, and has made suggestions to relevant departments. He has also won the titles of "National Outstanding Communist Party Member", "National Model Worker", "National Model Individual for National Unity and Progress" and "Reform Pioneer".

At the "July 1st Medal" awarding ceremony to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally awarded him the medal.

The main creative team

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

Screenwriter - Lu Yuan

Screenwriter: Lu Yuan, a famous writer, playwright, advanced worker of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, winner of Inner Mongolia Outstanding Talent Award, expert with special allowance from the State Council, representative works include "Wang Zhaojun", "Ordos Storm", "Jinghua Smoke Cloud", "Shanghai Fengyun", "Kuaikou Li Cuilian", "Chef as an Official", etc., the screenwriter's radio drama "Mother Tablet" has won the national five one project award.

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

Music Direction – Jewadi

Composer and arranger, senior choreographer and director of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station, national first-class composer, music producer. The music of the movie "Little Sisters of the Prairie Heroes" won the Best Music Award at the 2014 Hollywood International Film Festival, and the songs "Hometown of White Clouds" and "The Prairie Calls You" won the gold and silver awards at the 2015 Asian International Arts Festival.

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

Director - Lu Xiaomin

Lu Xiaomin, director and editor of the Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station Audio Variety Show Production and Communication Center, with the deputy senior title. A number of works have won the Autonomous Region Five One Project Award and the Autonomous Region Radio, Film and Television Award. Representative works: "Dream Back to Gaorihan", "The Love of Ulan Shepherd", "Nine Days of Dragon Roar", "Wine Song", "Nowhere to Run", "Eternal Song", etc.

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

Recording Synthesis – Sissen

Xi Sen, chief editor and director of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station, and literary and artistic innovation talent of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station. His works include 11 radio dramas, including "The Road to the City", "The Cradle of Love" and "The Distant Desert", and his novels won the first prize of the National Radio Literature and Art Award. Six works, including "The Quiet Valley", "The Love of the Ulan Herdsman" and "Eternal Singing", won the "Five Ones" Project Award of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The story behind the sound

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

"Forever Love" cast

Ting Batel is a hero of the era of peace, an advanced and exemplary figure in our Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and it is of far-reaching significance to publicize his story and discover the spiritual wealth behind it.

With the strong support of the Propaganda Department of the Xilin Gol League Committee, the creative team of the Audio Variety Show Production and Communication Center of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station has produced an actor team composed of 20 professional actors after two rounds of casting in line with the concept of creating high-quality products, innovation and excellence. There are senior "old drama bones", young actors who have graduated from the play, and "resident guests" of radio dramas, everyone studies the script together, rehearses carefully, and goes deep into the plot and interprets the role with heart.

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

Group photo of the main creative team of "Eternal Love".

In order to create the three-episode radio series "Forever Love", the team went deep into the grassroots to collect wind and interviews, and collected a large number of original sound materials and story materials to provide sufficient information for script creation. At the same time, the senior music choreographer of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station was invited to create an original theme song and plot music for the play. and hired Lu Yuan, a writer shortlisted for the 9th Mao Dun Literature Award, as the screenwriter of the play to ensure that the script has a high level of thought and a guaranteed artistic standard.

Let's listen to and feel the true feelings of Ting Battle who took root in the pastoral area, served the herders, and did not change his original intention.

(Source: China Radio Drama Research Association)

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The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".
The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".

The second episode of the radio drama "Eternal Love".