
The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

author:Princess, please talk about entertainment

Photo/Princess, please talk about entertainment

Editor/Princess, please talk about entertainment

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!


The reason why the couple is hostile to their parents and their children is because of the word "fat". One person weighs 396 pounds, the other weighs 395 pounds, and the two of them add up to 800 pounds, which is an incredible weight.

You know, before they got married, the combined weight of the couple was only about 400 pounds, but in just two years, their weight soared to the current astonishing number. The root cause of this extreme obesity is their unrestrained lifestyle, which also leads to various physical complications, including problems with breathing, walking, and standing.

And "not being able to have children" has become their biggest pain at the moment, and in order to be able to have a healthy baby, they have to start a crazy weight loss plan. Now that 6 years have passed, has this "heavyweight couple" managed to lose weight? Will they be able to give birth to a healthy, non-obese child? Today we walk into the story of the "800 pounds" couple.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

Weight "Demon Cough"

Deng Yang remembers that since he was a child, his parents frequently said to him: "Don't eat, you can't eat anymore, you should almost stop." At that time, he could not understand why they restricted his appetite so much, and many times, he almost forgot the feeling of "fullness", as if for many years, he had only one feeling in his heart: hunger.

He has never experienced the feeling of being full, their family has tried many diets, running and various exercises, as well as various fire therapy and acupuncture to lose weight, but over the years, his weight has always hovered between 200 and 300 pounds, and his weight reached 120 pounds when he was 7 years old, increased to 200 pounds in junior high school, and even soared to 300 pounds when he was a little older. His parents were worried about his health and always severely restricted his diet and made countless weight loss plans.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

But Deng Yang fell into a "dead loop" of self-doubt and self-indulgence. Whether at school or out of school, the label on his body is always inseparable from the word "fat", his inferiority complex that is different from ordinary people, his complaints about his parents' restrictions, and the torture that his body has been experiencing are thin and fat, so that he often eats in retaliation when his parents are busy with work. Deng Yang's weight soared to 410 pounds and he was only 22 years old.

When he was suffocated and woke up due to breathlessness, when the body issued a danger warning, Deng Yang finally realized that he could no longer indulge himself, at that time someone died due to extreme obesity, which made Deng Yang deeply awaken and realized that he could not continue like this, this time, he took the initiative to show his parents that he was determined to lose weight, not only for his own health, but also did not want his parents to worry anymore.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

In the weight loss training camp in the hospital, he meets a girl who has a similar experience to himself, and the two meet and experience a love that belongs to each other together.

Falling in love: from motivation to indulgence

Deng Yang's body has a variety of diseases caused by obesity, and it is no longer enough to lose weight by fitness alone, and it needs to be combined with the hospital plan. So the family went to Jilin Hospital for weight loss treatment, where Deng Yang met Lin Yue, a Sichuan girl.

Lin Yue weighs about 396 pounds, and she is also obese for a long time, and her family genetics make her unable to control her weight gain, which makes her very distressed. In the hospital, they encourage each other to stop worrying about other people's eyes or ridicule. As his weight began to drop, Deng Yang began to learn to accept himself and became more confident.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

Two years later, Deng Yang was reduced from 410 jin to 170 jin, and Lin Yue was reduced from 396 jin to 180 jin. During this time, they developed from friends to lovers, and finally entered the palace of marriage. For them, successful weight loss is the best wedding gift. They took off the "fat" label that they had been labeled for many years, but two years later, they unconsciously regained the label again.

After they were newly married, they moved out of their parents' house, freeing themselves from hospital and family meal restrictions. At first, they supervised each other's diet, but over time, their willpower became less firm and restrictions relaxed. Years of dieting have left them tired, and "once in a while should be fine", these are the words they comfort each other. However, once you start to relax, you keep making mistakes one after another.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

As a result, they get stuck in a cycle until they can't wear their clothes and their beds collapse, and they have to face up to their weight problems. Standing on the scales and watching the numbers go up day by day, they feel anxious, are they going to start losing weight again? They never confessed to their parents, but they frequently sought medical attention due to health problems.

Work hard to lose weight for the sake of having a baby

Lin Yue and Deng Yang decided to lose weight together, and they realized that being overweight would affect their possibility of having children in the future. After hard work, they finally managed to reduce their weight by half, from 800 pounds to 400 pounds. Lin Yue realized that her obesity might be inherited to her children, which made her very worried.

Although she used to have a gambling attitude towards childbirth, the diagnosis of the hospital told her that her current obesity status is not suitable for pregnancy for the time being. The news made her completely panicked, and she began to reconsider whether to have a baby. Deng Yang and Lin Yue once overfed without restraint, resulting in a staggering weight of 800 catties.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

Faced with the doctor's warning, they realized that if they didn't change the status quo, they might never be able to have a child of their own. They decided to start over, and with a controlled diet and reasonable exercise, they managed to lose half of their body weight over the course of a year.

Lin Yue and Deng Yang decided to re-examine their lifestyle. They recognize that in addition to being healthy, they also want to be able to have a healthy baby. After training in the weight loss camp, their mindset has changed a lot. They began to cherish every meal, adhered to a reasonable exercise plan, and finally reaped the good news - Lin Yue could get pregnant safely, and her body would not pose a threat to the child.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!

Lin Yue and Deng Yang persevered throughout the weight loss process, and the final result made them feel very satisfied. They learned to control their appetite, embraced a variety of weight loss methods, and eventually improved their physical indicators gave them confidence that they finally had good news – they could have a healthy baby.

In the future, Lin Yue and Deng Yang hope to have a healthy baby and maintain a healthy lifestyle. They know it won't come easily, and they're determined to keep going and stop indulging in overeating.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!


The hardships in the process of losing weight are not only physical challenges, but also psychological tests. They need to overcome temptations, change their habits, and overcome various difficulties and challenges. However, they never gave up, persevered, and eventually won the victory that belonged to them.

Today, their lives are completely new. Not only did they regain a healthy weight, but they also regained the joy and vitality of life. Their stories have inspired not only themselves, but countless others. Their perseverance and hard work have taught us that with determination and perseverance, nothing is impossible.

The couple has 800 pounds! In order to lose weight like crazy to have a baby, I lost 400 pounds of fat a year!