
Maying Township carried out the party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, undertaking the mission, and being a pioneer".

author:Shanxi Pictorial Shuozhou

On July 1, more than 60 party members and cadres, party organization secretaries, college students and grid members of the Maying Township Organ Branch, college students working in the village, and grid members went to the Shuangyong Base to pay respects to the martyrs' cemetery and carried out a far-reaching party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, undertaking the mission and being a pioneer".

In the early morning, the sun shone on the neat team of party members and cadres in Maying Township, who were dressed in formal clothes and wearing party emblems, and were in high spirits. Along the way, everyone looked forward to this profound party spirit education journey with a solemn and solemn mood.

Arriving at the Shuangyong Base Martyrs Cemetery, the atmosphere was solemn. In front of the Martyrs' Monument, all the comrades lined up in a neat line and stood silently.

Maying Township carried out the party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, undertaking the mission, and being a pioneer".

Comrade Liu Yingfei, Secretary of the Township Party Committee, delivered an affectionate speech, emphasizing the importance of learning party discipline and strengthening party spirit, and encouraging everyone to keep in mind the mission and be pioneers. Subsequently, the comrades presented flowers to the martyrs to express their deep remembrance and high respect for the martyrs.

Under the solemn party flag, all comrades raised their right hands to review the oath of joining the party. The sonorous and powerful oath echoed in the sky above the cemetery, as if to comfort the martyrs: we will inherit your legacy, never forget the original intention, and forge ahead.

Maying Township carried out the party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, undertaking the mission, and being a pioneer".

Then, everyone visited the memorial hall of the martyrs' cemetery in an orderly manner. The precious historical photos tell the story of those years of blood and fire, and let the comrades deeply feel the heroic and fearless spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who did not hesitate to throw their heads and shed their blood for the sake of national liberation and the happiness of the people.

Maying Township carried out the party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, undertaking the mission, and being a pioneer".

This theme party day activity is not only a review of history, but also a baptism of the soul. All the comrades of Maying Township will turn this respect and perception into a driving force for progress, and contribute their own strength to the development of Maying Township with firmer beliefs and more pragmatic style.

Photo: Zhang Qiang

Editor: Ma Shijie

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