
Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

author:Colorful Jiangan

On July 1, Zhang Lin, secretary of the county party committee, went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town to investigate the pilot construction of urban-rural integration demonstration in Liangjiang Village, the income analysis of marginal households, the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, the employment guarantee of low-income groups, and the ecological restoration of mines.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to the Liangjiang Temple settlement in Liangjiang Village to investigate

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to Liangjiang Village Yilin Center for investigation

Zhang Lin and his entourage successively came to Liangjiang Temple Settlement, Yilin Center, Panda Tuan Fan Factory, Rice and Shrimp Breeding Base and Zhujiajia Furniture Products Processing Factory in Liangjiang Village, Hongqiao Town, etc., to have a detailed understanding of the progress of the project through on-site inspection, listening to reports, inquiries and exchanges, etc., and coordinating and solving the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of promoting the project on the spot.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to Liangjiang Village Zhujiajia Furniture Products Processing Factory for investigation

Zhang Lin pointed out

The integrated development of urban and rural areas is the key to breaking the dual structure of urban and rural areas, expanding the space for high-quality development, and achieving common prosperity for all people. As a demonstration site of "urban-rural integration" in the suburbs of the city, Liangjiang Village should strengthen the overall planning, based on the advantages of regional characteristics, adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions, leading by party building, linkage between the upper and lower levels, and joint construction and sharing, give full play to the role of rural construction, revitalize the rural resource endowment, and promote the transformation of rural resource value; Relevant enterprises should implement overall development and safety in all fields and links of production, improve the added value of products, adhere to the brand strategy, promote the quality and efficiency of forest and bamboo, build a platform space in line with the characteristics of new quality productivity, and build a new pattern of urban-rural integration on a high-quality track; The construction of Yilin Center should be based on the principle of "maximizing service functions", using the existing infrastructure to adapt measures to local conditions, promoting the extension of urban infrastructure to rural areas, the coverage of public services to rural areas, and the spread of modern civilization to rural areas, so as to truly build Yilin Center into a happy living circle for the people and contribute to a better rural life.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to the home of Li Jiajin, a villager in Liangjiang Village, to offer condolences

Zhang Lin also went to the home of Li Jiajin, a villager from the Xiaolongtou Group in Liangjiang Village, to analyze the income of marginal households. Zhang Lin learned in detail about the health status, employment, economic income, and living expenses of Li Jiajin's family, and listened to the current difficulties and problems existing in his family. Zhang Lin encouraged them to take care of their health, strengthen their confidence, and live a positive and optimistic life; The town and village cadres are instructed to summarize the problems found in the household investigation in a timely manner, accurately implement assistance measures, resolutely prevent the return to poverty due to illness and disasters, ensure that the problems found are dynamically cleared, and improve the quality of industrial development of the masses.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin gave a lecture at the Liangjiang Village Party and Mass Service Center

In the Liangjiang Village Party and Mass Service Center, Zhang Lin lectured on the theme of "learning and using the party's innovative theory to lead the construction of discipline" to the town and village cadres, and discussed and exchanged views with party members and cadres on why to carry out party discipline learning and education, the goals and requirements of party discipline learning and education, and how to promote the transformation of learning and education achievements into the construction of Hemei rural power. He hopes that while doing a good job, the majority of party members and cadres will always hang the sword of discipline high, consciously keep the "bottom line", do not cross the "red line", do not touch the "high-voltage line", and be the "leading goose" and "main force" of the grassroots party organizations that are loyal, clean and responsible, and show greater achievements in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to Youlong Village to investigate the 1,000-mu "Two Shrimp and One Rice" Agricultural Industrial Park

At the project site of the 1,000-mu "Two Shrimp and One Rice" Agricultural Industrial Park in Youlong Village, Minmetals Town, Zhang Lin walked and watched to learn more about the construction content of the Rural Revitalization Bridging Fund Project, the increase in income of the masses driven by the project, and the future development plan.

Zhang Lin pointed out

Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization is a major decision and deployment made by the CPC Central Committee. It is necessary to improve the political position, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, resolutely adhere to the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale, and continuously promote the consolidation and expansion of the achievements of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization to achieve new results. It is necessary to make good use of the bridging funds to ensure that the bridging fund projects continue to play a role. Minmetals Town should rely on its own advantages in the rice and shrimp industry, deeply implement the rural revitalization strategy, increase the construction of rural infrastructure, accelerate the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, drive the masses to increase their income and get rich, realize the high-quality and efficient development of agriculture, and build a livable, workable and beautiful village.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to the employment base of low-income groups in Wedge Rock Village to investigate

The employment base for low-income groups in Wedge Rock Village, Minmetals Town, is a demonstration site for employment services for low-income groups built by Minmetals Town, and has attracted more than 30 low-income groups and special groups to work nearby. Zhang Lin walked into the base to visit the site and learned in detail about their employment and income.

Zhang Lin pointed out

It is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, closely focus on promoting employment, consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, and prevent low-income groups from returning to poverty. It is necessary to ensure the equal employment rights of groups with special difficulties, improve people's livelihood and well-being, and strengthen the bottom line of people's livelihood. It is necessary to pay close attention to the urgency, hardship and longing of the groups with special difficulties, unite forces to solve problems for them, and strive to let the groups with special difficulties live and work in peace and contentment, and gradually live a happy and beautiful life.

Zhang Lin went to Hongqiao Town and Minmetals Town for investigation

Zhang Lin went to Jinluo Village Hengfei Building Materials Co., Ltd. for investigation

Zhang Lin also went to Hengfei Building Materials Co., Ltd., Jinluo Village, Minmetals Town, to investigate the ecological restoration of the mine.

Zhang Lin pointed out

Carrying out mine ecological restoration work is an important part of the ecological protection of land and space, and it is also an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the feedback and rectification work of the seventh inspection group of the provincial party committee. All departments at all levels should improve their political positions, adhere to the priority of conservation and protection, adapt measures to local conditions and consider the long-term, strictly control the ecological restoration standards of mines, protect the original topography and landform characteristics to the greatest extent, and properly solve the problems left over from history. It is necessary to firmly establish the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", increase the intensity of greening, continuously improve the vegetation coverage, continue to improve the quality of the ecological environment, and strive to achieve a win-win situation of ecological, economic and social benefits.

Bai Jing, the county leader, participated in the investigation.

Source丨Jiang'an County Financial Media Center

Reporter | Hu Min Liao Tingdi

Editor丨Zhou Mei

Editor丨Zhang Jun and Huang Simin

Producer丨Liao Quan

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