
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

author:Colorful Jiangan

On June 30, sponsored by the Jiang'an County Customs Working Committee, the County Party Committee Veteran Cadres Bureau, the County Education and Sports Bureau and other departments, the two-day "Old and Young Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" Youth Student Summer Camp ended, and 50 young students, retired cadres and volunteers from various schools in Xijiashan Town participated in the activity.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

On the first day of the event, the students visited the Yibin Museum, Yibin University, and Zhao Yiman Martyrs Memorial Hall.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

Under the guidance of the docent, the students entered the Yibin City Museum to visit, and more than ten murals, rich historical documents and precious cultural relics fully presented the long history of Yibin City. During the visit, the students explained the customs of Yibin through the narrator, and experienced the wisdom and wisdom of the Yibin people and the indomitable and tenacious fighting spirit.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

In the Zhao Yiman Martyrs Memorial Hall, everyone watched carefully. All kinds of photos in the memorial hall, every item, every manuscript, and every document in the display cabinet show in detail the revolutionary story of Zhao Yiman's growth from a beautiful lady to the political commissar of the Second Regiment of the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, as well as the life process of tenacious resistance against Japan and heroic martyrdom. Everyone deeply felt that the revolutionary martyr Zhao Yiman never bowed his head in the face of the severe torture of the Japanese invaders, and always adhered to the party's secrets and the revolutionary spirit of selflessness and fearlessness for the communist cause.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

"The narrator introduced the Four Seasons Nostalgia Museum in great detail, allowing us to understand the simplicity of the life of the older generation, which made me have a deeper understanding of my hometown, and I am proud to be a Yibin person when I see the various reputations enjoyed by Yibin. What impressed me even more was the Zhao Yiman Memorial Hall, which I admired for the courage and sacrifice of this great woman. As a new generation, we should study hard, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, and continue to advance for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Student Huang Shuojie said excitedly.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

On the second day of the activity, the students came to Qidonggou in Changning County and embarked on the road of the Red Army's Long March.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

The students said that they had received a baptism of mind and body, which not only gained precious friendships, but also left a good memory for their own growth.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded
The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

"The two-day summer camp is our precious memory, we learn from each other, help each other, grow together, I understand that tenacious struggle and not afraid of difficulties are the qualities that everyone should have. In the future study and life, I will work harder and repay the society with practical actions. Student Bai Ge said.

The youth summer camp of "Praise the Party's Grace and Forge Ahead on a New Journey Together" was successfully concluded

Source丨Jiang'an County Financial Media Center

Reporter | Zheng Jie

Editor丨Zhou Mei

Editor丨Zhang Jun and Huang Simin

Producer丨Liao Quan