
Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

author:Happy Wheat said

On the eve of the July 1st Party Day, some netizens accidentally took a video of two children kneeling down to worship the martyrs in the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery in Yunnan.

For a while, thousands of netizens were moved, and some netizens said that this was sand in the eyes, but bricks, and the tears couldn't be stopped at all.

In the video, two children are kneeling in front of the martyr's tomb, one of them has his hands folded, and the other child is "dancing".

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

Although I can't understand what they are talking about, judging from their facial expressions and body movements, they seem to be reminiscing with the martyrs about the past eventful years and telling about this prosperous era.

After they bowed to one and bowed to the next, they did not have a trace of hesitation in their eyes, all revealing sincerity and faith.

Compared to the National Memorial Day, a woman shopping in a kimono, a man wearing a sunburst flag, and two children kneeling are much more sensible than adults standing.

Deng Xiaoping said that education should start with children.

Knowing history, knowing awe, and being grateful, such children have faith, such a nation has strength, and such a future is not the prosperous era we look forward to.

If the "Taiwan independence" elements could have the slightest understanding of this, there would not have been such great resistance to the reunification of the motherland.

The video warms thousands of netizens, and the comments of netizens are also warming every one of us.

Bow down one by one, you kneel, why did you kneel me and cry, remembering our martyrs.

Every time I visit the martyrs' cemetery, especially when I hear the stories of the martyrs, I can't stop crying, and I can't bear it at all.

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

Martyrs: Lao Litou, look at that baby, it doesn't look like Lao Zhang just joined the army when he first joined the army.

Completely break the defense! Perhaps at this moment, they feel that the desperate battle of the year is deserved, and it is worth it.

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

Their actions are not taught by adults, but they are here to thank their comrades-in-arms, a kind of gratitude and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

It's really good, look at how upright they kneel, and their expressions and movements are by no means pretentious.

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

The two little children chatted with the martyrs.

From the eyes of the children, there is no trace of cowardice and fear, and they are comforting the martyrs with their actions: We have not forgotten you!

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

The cemeteries are all gloomy, and the martyrs' cemeteries are completely different, full of masculinity and a sense of security.

The martyrs' cemetery buries the bones of the faithful, buries the body, hides the faith, and penetrates the strength.

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

I swiped a video in which a pregnant woman went to the martyrs' cemetery with a big belly and said, "Which hero is willing to go home with me."

I was so impressed! With such a mother, how can it not educate the children of a hero.

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten

Heroes should not be forgotten! The admiration of heroes should be written into laws and textbooks.

Heroes should not be forgotten! Heroes will never be forgotten! Because, each of us is a descendant of a hero.

Tears! The two children in the martyrs' cemetery knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, netizens: Heroes should not be forgotten
