
Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building

author:MSN shares daily

In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group Rolling Bell Mouth Scenic Area relied on the magnificent natural scenery and profound historical and cultural resources of Helan Mountain, and carefully planned and held a unique activity in the early morning of June 30 - "The sunrise reflects the original intention, the glow paints the dream, builds the Chinese dream together, and creates brilliance together - the sunrise appointment of the July 1st Party founding of Helan Mountain". At 5:30 a.m. on the same day, the night has not completely faded, thousands of young people and more than 10 enterprises and institutions gathered at the top of Helan Mountain, waiting for the arrival of the sunrise. As the sky gradually brightened, a red sun slowly rose, reflecting half of the sky. At this exciting moment, everyone spontaneously sang the red classic song. Under the leadership of Huang Ya, the inheritor of Ningxia flowers, all the staff sang in unison "My Motherland and Me" and "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" and other popular songs. The loud singing echoed in the valley, conveying everyone's deep feelings for the party and infinite love for the great motherland, through this activity, the enterprises and institutions have also strengthened exchanges and cooperation, and jointly contributed to the development of regional cultural tourism.

Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building
Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building

After the sunrise viewing, the scenic spot organized everyone to carry out the "Green Watchman" public welfare and environmental protection action, calling on participants to pick up garbage along the mountain road, practice the concept of environmental protection with practical actions, jointly protect Father Mountain, and contribute to the protection of the natural environment. The Sunrise Appointment of the July 1st Party Founding in the Rolling Bell Mouth Scenic Area of Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group not only enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, but also became an unforgettable patriotic education practice. Through the holding of the event, everyone has a deeper understanding of the great history and glorious achievements of the party, and also strengthens the belief and determination to follow the party and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building

Through this activity, we not only celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, but also stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm and sense of social responsibility of the majority of young people. Taking this event as an opportunity, the scenic spot will continue to inherit the red gene, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, work together to protect the natural environment, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China.

Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building
Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building

Zhang Shuai, chairman of Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group, said that the popularity of the "Sunrise Appointment" brand activity is not accidental, which is the result of Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group's strategic layout and careful planning for many years of deep cultivation in the market. Through scientific planning, meticulous preparation, and keen insight into market trends, Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group has laid a solid foundation for the "Sunrise Appointment" activity. From the site selection and layout to the determination of the theme of the event, every link has been carefully considered, through continuous cultivation and marketing, Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group has successfully built the "Sunrise Appointment" into a high-profile new tourism IP, we will carry out "sunrise dawn shows the edge, military songs are loud and strong" August 1st Army Day, "'long' Mu Shize, 'ten' painting light" Teacher's Day and other experiential theme activities. In the next step, Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group will continue to innovate the operation model, adhere to the development idea of strong alliance and win-win situation, seize every publicity opportunity to integrate the resources of Rolling Bell Mouth and Lanshan, and create sunrise and sunset products, so that tourists can continue to go to Helan Mountain to watch the most romantic sunrise after enjoying the most romantic sunset in Yinchuan, and strive to become the tourism project with the highest experience, praise and participation in Ningxia.

Thousands of red flags are floating all over the mountain, and thousands of young people sing classics -- rolling the bell to carry out the sunrise activity of the July 1st party building

Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group will actively respond to the deployment and call of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government on promoting consumption, drive consumption growth and industrial upgrading with the "holiday economy", focus on Yinchuan City's "58" strong capital strategy and "99 breakthroughs", and vigorously promote the construction of national leisure tourism destinations around the construction requirements of "three capitals and five bases" and "two places and five centers". Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group will be committed to building the IP activity of "coming to the bell to go to the sunrise and enjoying the sunset in Lanshan Park" into a well-known tourism brand in Yinchuan and even the whole country, injecting new impetus into the economic development and consumption of Yinchuan night tours. Yinchuan Cultural Tourism Group's scenic spots such as Rolling Bell Mouth, Lanshan Park and Xixia Mausoleum, Helan Mountain Rock Paintings, Mingcui Lake, Military Expo Park, and the Yellow River Bund will also continue to give full play to their own advantages, and take the hot momentum of a series of activities such as watching the sunrise at Rolling Bell Pass and enjoying the sunset on Lanshan Mountain, tasting food, and holding choral festivals as an opportunity to continue to build a good "Walking Landscape Wetland, Aishang Cultural Tourism Yinchuan", "Come to Rolling Bell Mouth to Go to the Sunrise Appointment, and Go to Lanshan Park to Enjoy the Sunset Star River", Helan Mountain Rock Painting Ice Peak Festival, Mingcui Lake Lotus Festival, Land Art Festival and other theme IPs. At the same time, we will further improve the basic supporting facilities of tourism, continue to optimize the business environment, and continuously improve the quality of tourism, so that tourists can be satisfied and operators can feel at ease, and help the cultural tourism industry of "Plugging the Lake City and Beautiful Yinchuan" to develop well and rapidly.

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