
Welcome the "July 1st" to practice the original intention Jinhua Road Street in Jinjiang District carried out a series of theme activities

author:Community release

On the eve of "July 1st", in order to celebrate the party's birthday and encourage all grassroots party organizations and party members to forge ahead and make contributions in helping to build a high-quality "Jinjiang Happy Urban Area", Jinhua Road Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu City organized a theme activity with rich content and various forms.

The special party class is "positive" the original intention

Honest and solid, firm to sail away. The secretaries of the party organizations in the jurisdiction carefully prepare lessons and teach special party courses on discipline for all party members, not only in-depth study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", but also analyze the cases, analyze the reasons, and find the right measures in combination with the actual situation, so as to run the party discipline learning and education into daily work and life, and promote party members to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline. The leading cadres of the sub-districts also went to the front line of the community to extensively teach the "July 1st" special party class.

Welcome the "July 1st" to practice the original intention Jinhua Road Street in Jinjiang District carried out a series of theme activities

Medal of Honor "Recall" the original intention

Forge ahead for 50 years, and set sail again with the original intention. The street door-to-door for 16 old party members awarded the "50 years of glory in the party" medal, to convey the party's care and warmth, and further enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of party members, and at the same time call on the majority of party members and cadres in the jurisdiction to actively learn from the old party members, practice their own Zheng Zheng oath with practical actions, and better complete the historical mission given by the party and the people.

Welcome the "July 1st" to practice the original intention Jinhua Road Street in Jinjiang District carried out a series of theme activities

Continue the bloodline to "find" the original intention

Find the footprints of our ancestors and realize the original mission. The party members of the street organization area walked into the red education base and carried out immersive red education through "walking, listening, watching, learning, and discussing". In front of the heroic souls, the probationary party members raised their right fists in front of the bright red party flag and solemnly swore an oath: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution...... Party members reviewed the oath of joining the party with a sonorous and powerful voice, and educated and guided themselves to be vigilant and restrain themselves at all times.

Welcome the "July 1st" to practice the original intention Jinhua Road Street in Jinjiang District carried out a series of theme activities

The art show "celebrates" the original intention

The original heart reflects the red heart, and the new chapter is sailed. Focusing on the theme of "Celebrating July 1st and Striving for the Party", relying on the "Secretary Studio" of Chenhui Community, the street linked more than 10 co-construction units and self-organizations to carry out the mass art evening performance of "Cohesion and Strength to the Party, Unity and Struggle for a New Journey", and warmly celebrated the 103rd birthday of the party with more than 400 audiences. The event first awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members, and commended the outstanding microgrid members. Subsequently, wonderful programs such as face changing, songs, recitations, instrumental music, dances, and choruses were performed, interspersed with questions and answers on party history, fully expressing the infinite love of the cadres and the masses for the party, and their enthusiastic eulogies and good wishes for the great motherland.

Welcome the "July 1st" to practice the original intention Jinhua Road Street in Jinjiang District carried out a series of theme activities

Pair up to build the original intention of "Yang".

Jinhua Road Street linked Liujiang Street and Donghu Street to Juyuan Town, Dujiangyan City to carry out pairing and co-construction activities. Through the visit and inspection of the West Road Station and the United States Village Demonstration Film in Juyuan Town and the Daoxiang Park in the 1115 Irrigation District, the "One Town and Three Streets" embodies the cooperation consensus of "resource sharing, complementary advantages, common development, mutual benefit and win-win". Through discussions and exchanges, the three parties explore the grafting of resources such as industrial development and grassroots governance in terms of organization, industry, talent, governance and culture, and plan and implement a number of key tasks with strong demonstration, high visibility and feeling of the masses.

The relevant person in charge of Jinhua Road Street said that the street has carried out various forms of "July 1st" theme activities to educate and guide the majority of party members to cohesion, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role, and contribute more "Jinhua power" to the Chengdu chapter of Chinese-style modernization.

Welcome the "July 1st" to practice the original intention Jinhua Road Street in Jinjiang District carried out a series of theme activities

Photo courtesy of West China Community Daily reporter Feng Xun Street

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