
"Executive Judge": Seeing Yan Di self-harm in front of the judge, I realized why she was deceived by men twice!

author:Wu Yue watched the drama

In the latest plot of "Executive Judge", Chu Yun led people to continue to follow up on Yan Di's case. In the process of law enforcement, in the face of Chu Yun's persecution, Yan Di picked up the hammer in anger and smashed it down on his right hand, saying that he would rather abolish his right hand than exchange the painting for money and return it to the bastard's ex-husband Shi Jianxing.

"Executive Judge": Seeing Yan Di self-harm in front of the judge, I realized why she was deceived by men twice!

After Yan Di's right hand was diagnosed, the doctor clearly told Simon that even if he was cured, it would not be possible to return to the extent that she could continue to paint, and suggested that she could try painting with her left hand.

The right hand is crippled, which is a huge blow to Yan Di. However, what is even more unacceptable is still to come.

Chu Yun took Yan Anyang and others to find Simon's wife and a painting "Sunset" she posted on social platforms. The painting, which was supposed to have been burned down in Yan Di's video of "Rebirth," has now gone overseas and is soon being auctioned online.

Chu Yun and others also found out that in addition to "Sunset", the remaining 17 paintings were all left by Simon stealing beams and changing pillars privately, and the 18 paintings burned by Yan Di were all fakes that Simon spent money on the Internet to find someone to copy.

"Executive Judge": Seeing Yan Di self-harm in front of the judge, I realized why she was deceived by men twice!

When Chu Yun found Yan Di with these evidences and explained the situation, Yan Di was stunned, she couldn't help laughing at herself and said that she came out of the hands of one liar and went to the hands of another liar.

It is said that anyone with a slightly more online IQ will not be deceived by a liar like Simon, at least, whether he is married or not, it is easy to show his stuff after getting along for a long time. Not to mention the fact that Yan Di transferred his paintings and set up a foundation to make a lot of money, as long as he caught a little clue, he could be sent to the police station.

However, Yan Di is obviously not an ordinary person. As a painter, she lived a sensual and willful life, she was obsessed with creation, she had no time to take care of mundane affairs, she had a rich imagination, and she loved and hated as she pleased, which gave a man like Simon an opportunity.

"Executive Judge": Seeing Yan Di self-harm in front of the judge, I realized why she was deceived by men twice!

Whether it is the predecessor Shi Health or the current Simon, the men that Yan Di likes have one thing in common, that is, his ability is not outstanding, and he ranks first in sophistry. In Yan Di's emotional outlook, the concept of harmony is the most important, and only two people with a high degree of spiritual compatibility and soul connection can find heart-warming love in each other.

Yan Di attaches too much importance to his own feelings, but ignores the character of his partner, which is precisely the important foundation for the continuity and stability of an intimate relationship.

Therefore, it is difficult for people who are too pure and emotional to gain a relatively stable relationship, and their concern for emotional cleanliness is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Executive Judge": Seeing Yan Di self-harm in front of the judge, I realized why she was deceived by men twice!

Seeing this, it is not difficult to understand why Yan Di was deceived by men twice. Because the love of ordinary people is from the outside to the inside, the judgment of the appearance is correct will enter the link of spiritual communication; But Yan Di's order is reversed, she is from the inside to the surface, first resonates with the other party, and then puts her feelings into it, so she will be blinded and unable to see Mount Tai.

From beginning to end, Yan Di is a pure, painter born for art, she has no mundane things and grievances in her mind, her spiritual world is extremely full, but she has been used by people with intentions again and again, which is why she has the experience of being deceived twice in a row.

"Executive Judge": Seeing Yan Di self-harm in front of the judge, I realized why she was deceived by men twice!

Because it is pure and beautiful, and because it is pure and sad.

When Yan Di smashed her right hand angrily, she had no scruples, just to vent her anger, what she relied on was never rich paintings and family background, but the courage to start over again without fear of the future.

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