
The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

author:Gubei's private chef food diary

When it comes to spicy dishes, the first thing that comes to mind is Sichuan cuisine. Sichuan cuisine has a spicy and fragrant flavor that makes people obsessed.

Among them, the most popular classic dishes are boiled beef, pickled pepper field chicken, Mao Xuewang, etc., and about meat slices, boiled meat slices also come to mind.

I once ate a spicy pork slice, and at first I thought it was just a boiled pork slice without soup, but when the dish was served, I realized that I was very wrong, it tasted more enjoyable than boiled pork slices......

【Spicy pork slices】

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

Spicy pork slices, there are no large slices of red oil like boiled dishes, the meat slices taste very tender, spicy and fragrant, even if you eat sweaty, but always feel unpleasant......

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The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant


1 tablespoon of chili oil, an appropriate amount of salt, half a spoon of Sichuan peppercorns, and an appropriate amount of sweet potato powder

1 egg white, 2 tablespoons of Pixian bean paste, half a tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce


1. Wash the tenderloin and cut it into thin slices for later use.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

2. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, egg whites and sweet potato powder to the meat slices.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

3. Stir well and marinate for 10 minutes.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

4. Wash it, put it in a pot of boiling water, blanch it until it is broken, then remove it and put it on a plate for later use.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

5. Cut the ginger into minced ginger.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

6. After the pot is hot, add an appropriate amount of oil, add minced ginger and peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant, then add bean paste, and stir-fry until the red oil comes out.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

7. Pour in the marinated meat slices and stir-fry over high heat until the meat slices are cooked through.

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

8. Add salt and chili oil and stir-fry evenly, then you can put it on a plate covered with Shanghai greens, and you're done!

The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant
The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant
The spicy meat slices are more enjoyable than the boiled meat slices, the meat slices are tender, spicy and fragrant

It is numb, spicy, and particularly delicious, so that the mouth and stomach are enjoyable, and it is no problem to eat two bowls of rice in one bite......


1. The tenderloin is the most suitable for this dish, the tenderloin is tender and glutenless, and it is basically lean meat, which needs to be cut diagonally.

2. Don't cut the meat slices too thick, not too thin, and the thickness of the coin is about the same, if it is not easy to cut, you can freeze the meat for a while before cutting.

3. If you want to make the flavor of this dish more intense, you can chop the bean paste and then put it into the pot.