
"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

author:Open-minded clouds kO1

  Zhengding County belongs to Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, located in the middle of Shijiazhuang, is a national historical and cultural city, has a history of more than 1,600 years, rich in tourism and ancient building resources, built with "nine floors, four towers, eight temples, twenty-four gold medal squares", known as the "treasure house of ancient art". Relying on the profound Hutuo River culture, this small city with a long history and splendid culture everywhere continues to make efforts in cultural tourism and continuously enrich the tourist experience from multiple dimensions. Climb the city wall, visit the ancient temple and ancient tower, taste special food, and enjoy the night view of the ancient city...... With its unique cultural charm, the ancient city of Zhengding is shining in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cultural tourism market.

"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

  Rich and brilliant culture is the basis for Hebei in Hebei Cultural Development Co., Ltd. to continuously develop a series of high-quality products, "in Hebei Zhengding Cultural Creativity" series is based on the profound cultural heritage of Zhengding ancient city, the traditional craftsmanship and modern design ingenuity integration, to create both aesthetic and practical value of cultural and creative products, giving Zhengding history and culture a modern way of expression.

  In Ji Zhengding cultural and creative series

  1. Medicine pillow gift box (lion ruyi pillow)

"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

  The stone lion is a kind of stone carving artwork that implies auspiciousness and courage in traditional Chinese culture. The stone lions in the Longxing Temple, Tianning Temple, Zhengding Rongguo Mansion and other scenic spots in the ancient city of Zhengding are varied, witnessing the long history and splendid culture of the ancient city. With the stone lion of the ancient city of Zhengding as the core element, the medicine pillow gift box is made of the intangible cultural heritage of Hebei Province - the original village cloth, which is carefully developed from high-quality medicinal materials, which can help people relieve fatigue, reduce stress and improve sleep quality. Just like a stone lion, it guards people's auspiciousness and peace. And because of the homonym between "lion" and "thing", it also means "everything goes well" and "everything is safe", and it carries people's good wishes for good luck.

  2. Incense gift box

"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

  The four incense sticks of the incense gift box are carefully configured by Hebei Gucheng Incense Industry Group Co., Ltd., a leading enterprise in the incense industry in Hebei, using the traditional incense-making skills of Qingyuan, a national intangible cultural heritage, with ancient charm, mellow and elegant. The design of the gift box is inspired by the stele of Longzang Temple in Zhengding Longxing Temple and the remnant stele base of Kaiyuan Temple, which is presented in a vibrant and fashionable national tide style, and the color of the incense stick packaging is taken from the colorful hanging mountain "Inverted Guanyin" of Zhengding Longxing Temple. It conveys the moral concept of "being virtuous" and conveys people's good wishes for longevity and auspiciousness.

  3. U-shaped pillow gift box

"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

  "The ancient charm of the ancient city, free and positive". The design inspiration of the U-shaped pillow is taken from the "freedom and righteousness". In the ancient city of Zhengding, Lingxiao, Sumeru, Chengling, Duobao four ancient Buddhist pagodas stand majestically, Buddhism's interpretation of "free" is that the heart is free from the shackles of troubles, and there is no hindrance. The U-shaped pillow packaging takes the four towers as the main design elements, reflecting the concept of free and stable life, free lifestyle, and freedom is the temperament of the city. Let people live freely and relax in various life scenarios such as work breaks, home breaks, and travel. At the same time, the shape of the gift box is creatively designed to open the door, and the opening of the gift box symbolizes "opening the door". The overall new Chinese style design shows the temperament of the ancient city of Zhengding to the fullest, showing the oriental aesthetics.

  4. Tea ceremony gift box

"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

  Dream of Red Mansions is one of the cultural connotations of Zhengding Ancient City. The design of the tea ceremony gift box is inspired by the four stories of "Daiyu Funeral Flower", "Baochai Fluttering Butterfly", "Xifeng Setting Up" and "Xiangyun Shilin" of the classic characters of "Dream of Red Mansions" Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Wang Xifeng and Shi Xiangyun. With four styles of tea cups and coasters, it is presented to consumers in a unique, rich and oriental aesthetic way.

  From the Zilong culture to the four towers and eight temples on the ninth floor, from the culture of the Red Mansion to the twenty-four gold medal arches, every brick and tile and every sculpture in Zhengding tells the glory of the ancient city. Through careful design and creative transformation, the "Zhengding Cultural and Creative" series shows the unique charm of Zhengding and gives new vitality to Zhengding culture.

"In Ji Zhengding Cultural and Creative" Treasure Cultural and Creative in the Ancient City

  "In Hebei" selects the advantageous products of 269 county-level characteristic industrial clusters in Hebei Province, integrates the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Hebei, and uses its own design advantages and resource advantages to revitalize culture and industries, and create a series of new brands and new products. While satisfying the pursuit of a better life by modern consumers, it also provides a new platform and new channel for the promotion of Hebei culture. The ingenious combination of culture and industry, inheritance and innovation has injected impetus into the development of Hebei's cultural and creative industries, and has also contributed more energy to the innovation and development of the cultural and tourism industry.