
The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

author:Bug University Hall
The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan
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The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

In early 2012, Chen Ling from Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, stood in a hospital corridor, clutching a medical certificate in her hands, her eyes full of despair. Her 14-year-old son, Chen Yanggang, was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome and his life was in danger.

The doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue: "The only hope is a bone marrow transplant."

A heart-wrenching thought flashed through Chen Ling's mind: Zhang Lina, her second daughter who was forced to be adopted 16 years ago.

She didn't expect that this decision would set off a fierce storm of affection, morality and humanity, and change the fate of both families forever.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

In 1996, in an ordinary rural family in Huai'an, Jiangsu, Chen Ling, a post-80s woman, was under unimaginable pressure. Her parents were deeply influenced by the patriarchal concept and were deeply disappointed in Chen Ling, who had already given birth to two daughters.

Chen Ling recalled those dark days, tears of pain flashing in her eyes. "Every day I wake up, I can feel the disappointed gaze of my parents." She said softly, "They kept hinting and even making it clear that they wanted to give away their newborn second daughter.

Under tremendous family pressure, Chen Ling and her husband struggled painfully and finally made a heartbreaking decision: to give their 96-year-old second daughter to Zhang Jianhong in Changshu, Jiangsu Province for adoption.

Zhang Jianhong, a middle-aged man who has experienced a failed marriage, accepts the child alone with the expectation of a new life.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

When Chen Ling handed over her daughter to Zhang Jianhong, she felt her heart being torn apart. She gently stroked her daughter's little face and prayed silently in her heart: "I'm sorry, baby."

Hope you can live a happy life.

In 1998, Chen Ling finally got her wish and gave birth to her son Chen Yang. The whole family was ecstatic, as if the gloom of the years had finally dissipated. However, fate seems to be laughing at her choice.

Chen Yang has been frail and sickly since he was a child, and he frequently suffers from various diseases.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

Although the whole family regarded Chen Yang as a treasure and cared for him with all their might, his health was always worrying. Chen Ling looked at Chen Yang who was sleeping, and her heart was full of complicated emotions.

She was relieved to finally have a son, but she felt guilty for giving up her second daughter.

Every time in the dead of night, Chen Ling would think of the daughter who was sent away. She doesn't know if her daughter is doing well now, whether she is healthy and happy. This decision has become an eternal pain in her heart, her biggest knot and the heaviest burden.

As time passed, Chen Ling gradually realized that it was not important to have a boy or a girl, but the health and happiness of the child was important. But this realization came too late, and she had already lost precious time with her second daughter.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

Little did she know that this forced choice would one day in the future become a key turning point that would change her life.

In the autumn of 2011, an ordinary afternoon suddenly turned into the worst nightmare in Chen Ling's life. She received an emergency call from the school that her 14-year-old son, Chen Yang, suddenly fainted during physical education class and was rushed to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Chen Ling's heart beat like a drum, and the picture of her son's illness as a child kept replaying in her mind.

When she rushed to the hospital, she saw her son lying on the hospital bed, his face as pale as paper, and her heart instantly sank to the bottom. The doctor's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: Chen Yang suffered from myelodysplastic syndrome, a disease that is extremely difficult to cure and has a high mortality rate.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

The only hope was a bone marrow transplant, but the bone marrow match for the eldest daughter did not meet the requirements.

Chen Ling held her son's thin hand and tried to control her emotions. "Don't worry, kid, you'll be fine." She comforted softly, but her heart was desperately thinking about countermeasures.

At this moment, a deeply buried memory suddenly surfaced in her mind: the second daughter who was given up for adoption. Chen Ling's heart raced, and she realized that this might be the only hope to save Chen Yang's life.

At the beginning of 2012, Chen Ling plucked up the courage to step on the bus to Changshu. Her mood was uneasy, both expecting and dreading what she was about to face. When she stood in front of Zhang Jianhong's house, her hands trembled uncontrollably.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

Taking a deep breath, she knocked softly on the door.

The moment Zhang Jianhong opened the door and saw Chen Ling, he immediately recognized her. His expression quickly shifted from surprise to wariness. "What are you doing here?" He asked coldly, his eyes full of defensiveness.

Chen Ling felt her throat tighten, tears rolling in her eyes. She struggled to stabilize her voice and said, "Brother Zhang, I know I'm not qualified to ask for your help, but I have no choice.

Complicated emotions flashed on Zhang Jianhong's face, and he was silent for a long time. In the end, he sighed deeply and reluctantly agreed to Chen Ling's request. However, he put forward one condition: Chen Ling must pay 500,000 yuan as a deposit.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

This request was like a basin of cold water poured on Chen Ling's head. She was grateful to Zhang Jianhong for agreeing, but she also felt desperate for this high deposit. Chen Ling knew that in order to treat her son, the family had gone bankrupt.

She couldn't come up with the money immediately, but she didn't dare to refuse, for fear of losing this last hope.

Chen Ling stood at the door of Zhang Jianhong's house, feeling that fate was playing tricks on her. A daughter who once gave up to have a son may now be the only hope to save her son's life.

Little did she know that this decision would trigger a series of heartbreaking events that would test everyone's conscience and bottom line. The gears of fate have begun to turn, and a storm of affection, morality, and humanity is coming.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

After some difficult negotiations, Zhang Jianhong finally agreed to let Zhang Lina have a bone marrow match, but insisted on not telling his daughter her true identity. With apprehension, Chen Ling saw her long-lost daughter for the first time.

Lina Zhang is a sunny and cheerful 16-year-old girl who is unaware of what is about to happen. When she learns that she might be helping to save the life of a strange teenager, she doesn't hesitate to say yes.

Chen Ling looked at her daughter's kind smile, feeling both relieved and guilty, tears rolling in her eyes.

Fate played tricks on Chen Ling again. When the bone marrow matching results showed success, Zhang Jianhong suddenly changed his mind. He said solemnly: "Chen Ling, I need you to pay a deposit of 500,000 yuan before you can have follow-up surgery."

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

This request is tantamount to an astronomical amount for Chen Ling, who has already lost her family.

Chen Ling felt angry and hopeless. She clenched her fists and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Zhang, you know that I can't take out so much money.

Zhang Jianhong responded calmly: "I have to think about Lina's safety. She is still a minor, and the surgery is risky. This money is a guarantee of her future. "

The argument between the two became more and more intense, and Chen Ling felt that she was about to collapse. In a fierce quarrel, she loses her mind and impulsively reveals the truth to Zhang Lina.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

This sudden truth was like a bomb, destroying Zhang Lina's world in an instant. She looked at Chen Ling in disbelief, and then turned to Zhang Jianhong, who had always regarded her father, for confirmation.

The room was suddenly terrifyingly quiet, and only Zhang Lina's rapid breathing could be heard.

Zhang Jianhong closed his eyes in pain, nodded slowly, and admitted this fact. Zhang Lina felt that the whole world was collapsing, her legs trembled, and she could barely stand on her feet.

Chen Ling tried to explain, but every word seemed to tear Zhang Lina's heart apart. "Lina, I know it's hard to accept. But we really didn't have a choice at the time.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

Zhang Lina shook her head and took a few steps back, her eyes full of pain and betrayal. "No, don't call me Lina. I don't know you.

You have abandoned me, and now you want to use me.

This decision was like a sharp sword that pierced Chen Ling's heart. She knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Lina, please, forgive Mom."

Zhang Jianhong stood aside, speechless as he watched the tragedy. He not only felt sorry for his daughter who had raised him for 16 years, but also felt sympathy for Chen Ling's situation.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

Chen Ling realized that her impulsiveness not only did not save her son's life, but instead lost her daughter's trust and affection forever. She sat on the ground in despair, feeling like she was losing everything.

This dramatic recognition not only did not bring the expected reunion, but pushed everyone deeper into suffering. Family affection, morality, and humanity are all being severely tested at this moment.

In desperation, Chen Ling made a decision that changed everyone's fate. She quietly posted an "open letter" around Zhang Jianhong's village and Zhang Lina's school, accusing Zhang Jianhong of "extortion" and obstructing her daughter from saving her brother.

The open letter was like a bombshell that caused an uproar in the local area. The villagers gathered in twos and threes and talked about it. Some people sympathize with Chen Ling and think that she is a poor mother who will do everything to save her son; Some people also condemned her selfishness, believing that she hurt the innocent Zhang Lina.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

Zhang Jianhong and Zhang Lina instantly became the focus of public opinion and were under huge social pressure. Zhang Lina had to leave the school temporarily to avoid the strange eyes of her classmates.

Every night, Zhang Jianhong can hear his daughter's suppressed sobs in the room, and his heart is like a knife.

However, this storm of public opinion did not change Zhang Lina's decision as Chen Ling wished. On the contrary, it deepened Zhang Lina's resentment towards Chen Ling and strengthened her determination to refuse to donate bone marrow.

Zhang Lina wrote in her diary: "I will never forgive the woman who abandoned me and wanted to take advantage of me.

The woman's son suffers from leukemia and wants to abandon his adopted daughter to donate bone marrow, and the adoptive father directly asks for a deposit of 500,000 yuan

The turmoil sparked a profound discussion about family affection, morality, and humanity.

Just when the situation is at an impasse, fate once again shows its magic. The doctors of the Hematology Center searched day and night, and finally found a bone marrow source that matched Chen Yang in the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank.

Chen Yang successfully underwent a bone marrow transplant and his life was extended. However, this ending does not lead to a perfect reunion. Chen Ling lost the opportunity to recognize her daughter, and Zhang Lina was also traumatized because of this turmoil.

Perhaps, true salvation lies not in the outward outward results, but in the reflection and growth of each person's heart. This tragedy may make us re-examine the value of life and the meaning of family affection.

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