
Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

author:Eradicate all pests

On July 1, media reported that in Shanbian Village, Dongfu Street, Haicang District, Xiamen, the land handed over to farmers for recultivation was mixed with a large number of stones, and villagers said they could not grow crops.


Judging by the reported video, there are a large number of stones in the field, and the volume is very large.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

Many stones are difficult for an adult to pick up, and agricultural machinery and equipment cannot be used in the field at all.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

When ploughing, the stones can directly break the cutter head of the agricultural machinery, and you can clearly see the large and small stones all over the field on the surface.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

The local Haicang District street staff said that this is the construction soil garbage left behind, and the village committee does have some problems in this work, and maybe our supervision is not in place, because some of the stones were buried in the ground after picking up at that time, and the workers who picked them up were not so serious.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones
Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

The staff also said that the land wants to be used as a new type of agriculture, but now it is necessary to complete the recultivation work instructed by the superiors.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

The staff of the local street also used the words that the supervision may not be in place, this large area of stones is obvious to all in the field, and people are still saying that it is possible, please tell me what is true and what is impossible?

I don't know how the acceptance was successful at that time, and it was returned to the farmers to plant such land, what is the staff who pick up the stones are not so serious, what is the rain to wash out the stones, but if you staff can go to the field to check it, this situation will not occur, so that the acceptance can be successful, it must not even be under the ground once.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

There are not some problems in the village committee, but there are big problems, agriculture in the village is the lifeblood, don't the village committees even understand how to farm, so the problem is very big, they don't even understand land planting, how can you manage the village, you come to plant such land.

The higher authorities asked you to do a good job in recultivation work, what is called doing a good job, that is, let you recultivate the land without bricks and stones to the peasants to plant, at the moment it looks at this work is completely inadequate, what can be explained by this, this kind of farmland can not even do basic planting, and it is actually necessary to engage in a new type of agriculture, is it difficult to engage in "rice up the mountain" on flat land?

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

This kind of project is guaranteed by special funds and is also the foundation of our agriculture, so now the land has become like this, who has successfully accepted it, and where did the special funds go?

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

In particular, the saying that the rain washes out is absolutely absolute, you want to say that it is understandable to wash out one or two stones on the surface, and it is incomprehensible to wash out the stones of the entire field at once, unless there is only one statement, that is, in order to cope with the inspection, a layer of floating soil is sprinkled in the field, and when it rains, the floating soil is washed away, and these stones come out.

This kind of statement not to say fool the farmers, I'm afraid that even the people who don't farm can not fool it, the stones all over the ground means that mechanical operations can not be carried out, can only be manual operations, then the labor cost can be greatly increased, the most important thing is that the surface layer above is full of stones, so is there a layer of stones below, if there is a layer below then watering the ground is a problem.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones

The response of the street staff is really very ridiculous, and it is really impossible to make it up before admitting that the work may not be in place, how can such land be planted, deceive the upper and lower to fool the special funds, and dare to accept the acceptance of the peasants to plant before the completion of the project, and it is really necessary to strictly investigate this kind of restoration project, which is a very serious problem.

Fool the peasants again! The recultivated farmland was full of stones that could not be planted, and the village committee said that the rain washed out the stones