
Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?

author:The memory paper is left for you

Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?

Recently, Hu Xijin's remarks have aroused widespread doubts and dissatisfaction among the public. It is incomprehensible that he would call for the inclusion of "advocating the legalization of marijuana", and it makes one wonder what he thinks.

Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?

As a drug, the harm of marijuana to the human body is obvious. The painful marks brought by drugs to the Chinese nation are unforgettable. The Chinese will not forget the Opium War of 1840, let alone the bitter years of what was later called the "sick man of East Asia". After the founding of the People's Republic of China, through the long-term efforts of the party and state at all levels and departments, as well as the efforts of countless anti-narcotics educators and anti-narcotics police, Chinese society gradually bid farewell to the situation of drug epidemic. Countless anti-narcotics police officers have built a strong security line with their youth and lives, and created a living environment for the Chinese people.

And now, some people are advocating the legalization of marijuana, which is undoubtedly a disregard for the Chinese people's anti-drug achievements, and also a disrespect for the sacrifice and dedication of the anti-narcotics police. No matter how you look at it, the legalization of marijuana in China is absolutely not allowed, and there should not even be discussion.

The German blogger Helena, no matter what she has done before, whether she has criticized and refuted the smear against China by Western public opinion, cannot be a reason for her to advocate the legalization of marijuana. Merit is merit, and transgression is transgression, and the two cannot be confused. Just because she has behaved positively in some way does not mean that her erroneous remarks cannot be tolerated.

Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?

Hu Xijin's attempt to justify this rhetoric advocating the legalization of marijuana under the pretext of "tolerance" is really doubtful. Doesn't he know what serious consequences marijuana legalization will have? This kind of rhetoric can mislead some people into a false perception of the dangers of marijuana.

On this issue, we must keep a clear head and a firm stand. The legalization of marijuana is a serious harm to society and people, and we cannot waver or back down in the slightest. Any attempt to promote the legalization of marijuana in China should be severely condemned and stopped.

At the same time, we should also deeply reflect on Hu Xijin's remarks. As an influential public figure, his remarks should be socially responsible, rather than casually making some opinions that may cause confusion and misleading.

Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?

We must resolutely oppose drugs and safeguard the health and tranquility of society. There must be no room for rhetoric advocating the legalization of marijuana. At the same time, I also hope that Hu Xijin will seriously reflect on his remarks and stop making similar irresponsible views.

China's anti-narcotics work has achieved hard-won results, which we must doubly cherish and protect. This is not only for ourselves, but also for the happiness of future generations. Let us unite to resist any form of drug legalization and work towards a drug-free society.

Internationally, although some Western countries are going further and further down the road to cannabis legalization, this does not mean that we should follow in their footsteps as well. China has its own national conditions and values, and we cannot be influenced by certain bad trends of thought in the West. We must stand firm and firmly safeguard the interests of the country and the people.

We need to be very vigilant against those who try to promote the legalization of marijuana in China, no matter where they come from or what their background is. At the same time, we should also strengthen anti-drug education for the public, so that everyone can clearly understand the dangers of marijuana, enhance their awareness of self-protection, and not be deceived by erroneous remarks.

Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?

In short, the legalization of marijuana is absolutely not feasible in China, and we must resolutely defend the achievements of drug control, and no one will be allowed to undermine it for any reason. As for Hu Xijin's remarks, we should also seriously criticize and correct them in order to set the record straight. Only in this way can we maintain social harmony and stability and ensure the health and happiness of the people.

Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?
Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?
Tolerate "advocating the legalization of marijuana", what is Hu Xijin going to do?