
I happened to meet Bai Yueguang, who had a crush on college for four years, and I didn't regret returning to my young dreams, but I hated youth too quickly......

author:Social observer

Memories are a wonderful and fascinating thing. It allows us to travel through the tunnel of time and return to those moments that once made our hearts flutter. And I, in this story, traveled with you through time and space, to the years that once made me emotional.

The four years of college were the best years of my life. I have a vision for the future, a vision of love, and a whole new world. And in this new world, I came across a white moonlight that made my heart flutter.

She was so beautiful and refined, shining like a white veil. Her smile can make everything around her ripple. Every time she appeared in my sight, my heart beat because of her, as if it was all predestined.

I happened to meet Bai Yueguang, who had a crush on college for four years, and I didn't regret returning to my young dreams, but I hated youth too quickly......

On the university campus, there are countless beautiful moments, but also countless regrets. And most of my heart is occupied by her. We bumped into each other in class, we met in the library, we rubbed shoulders while playing basketball on the playground. Every encounter makes me think a lot of things and my heart is churning.

However, time always passes in a hurry, and the good times of youth are fleeting. In the four years of college, she and I didn't have the courage to take more steps. Maybe it's because they're both afraid of losing, or maybe they're afraid of hurting. Perhaps, we are just young and frivolous landscapes, and we dare not touch each other easily.

Now, many years have passed. Looking back on those youthful years, I still have a little sigh and regret in my heart. I don't regret my crush on her when I was young, because I really paid for it at that time. However, what I regret is that my youth was too hurried and I didn't have the courage to come together with her.

I happened to meet Bai Yueguang, who had a crush on college for four years, and I didn't regret returning to my young dreams, but I hated youth too quickly......

And she may have become the white moonlight in other people's lives. Perhaps, she is living happily and securely somewhere. I used to think about whether to look for her, whether to confess my feelings to her. But time has changed many things, and our fate has long since passed with the passage of time.

Memories are beautiful and painful. It is a kind of recollection of the past, a kind of nostalgia for a period of time. In my memory, she was so beautiful and radiant. Although we didn't get together and didn't spend that special four years together, she will always be the white moonlight in my heart.

Looking back, I can only hold an emotional heart and silently wish her happiness. Perhaps, we are destined to be just passers-by in each other's lives, destined to be just the secret love of each other's youth. However, this wonderful memory will always be engraved in my heart.

I happened to meet Bai Yueguang, who had a crush on college for four years, and I didn't regret returning to my young dreams, but I hated youth too quickly......

Life is a journey, some things are destined not to come together, and some people are destined to become only the role of memory. I used to love her deeply, and she gave me many wonderful memories. Although we are not together, I am grateful and cherished.

I don't regret the dream of being young, I just hate youth being too hurried. In this beautiful and short four years of college, she is a pure land of my soul. I will cherish this memory and will continue to move forward and welcome more good times.

May her future, like her name, be as bright and full of infinite light. And I will continue to walk on my own path and find more beauty and happiness.

I happened to meet Bai Yueguang, who had a crush on college for four years, and I didn't regret returning to my young dreams, but I hated youth too quickly......

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